You may have the chance to help plan, build and govern tomorrow’s cities!
What would your city be like?

Today we are surrounded by nightmare cities – huge cities with even huger problems.

Many people, if offered the job of being mayor of one of the world’s largest cities, probably wouldn’t take it. The problems seem too big to solve.

Even in smaller cities and towns, problems are growing.

What would you change?

If you could change one thing about your city or town, what would you change?

Would you add more beautiful parks, bicycle paths, tree-lined streets?

Or would you rebuild the run-down neighborhoods and slum areas with attractive houses, making sure the poor and the street people had a comfortable place to call home?

Would you remove the crime, immorality and fear from the streets so that everyone from young children to the elderly could be safe and secure?

Or would you make sure there was good schooling available to everyone, and enough desirable jobs to go around?

Would you clean up the litter, smog, water pollution, traffic jams and noise pollution?

Perhaps you would want to do all these things, and many more. Many cities today seem little more than open sores on the face of the earth. But the good news is that soon beautiful, livable cities will be built. And you have a chance to help plan and build them!

The cities of tomorrow

The perplexing problems of today’s world -including its cities – have proven to be too big for humans to solve on their own. But the solutions are coming.

God shows in the Bible that after a time of great violence soon to come, Jesus Christ will return to prevent human annihilation and to set up God’s government.

(Why not take a few minutes to read eight sentences from God’s Instruction Book that tell about this? Matthew 24:21-22, 29-30, Zechariah 14:3-4 and Daniel 2:44.)

If you could change one thing about your city or town, what would you change?

God won’t let humanity totally destroy itself, but instead will bring peace and happiness to the world under His rule. His plan includes building cities like the world has not seen before!

To understand more about this, send ‘ The Wonderful World Tomorrow- What It Will Be Like’ on pages 1 and 4 of the Library.

Under God’s government, there will be a change in the way people treat other people -a change in human nature.

The way of giving and helping will spread everywhere, and the way of selfishness and taking will gradually be eliminated. This change will make it possible to solve all of today’s unsolvable city problems.

Read a little of what God says about the cities of tomorrow:

“My cities shall again spread out through prosperity'” (Zechariah 1:17).

“Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, neither wasting nor destruction within your borders” (Isaiah 60:18).

Poverty and violence, two of today’s greatest problems, will be solved! And overcrowding won’t be a problem in the cities that will be rebuilt: “They shall build the waste cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink wine from them; they shall also make gardens and eat fruit from them” (Amos 9:14). Imagine lush gardens in a city’

We don’t know every detail of what these cities will be like. But God will perhaps use you – to help plan and build them.

Plan a City!

Why not get some practice in now? Why not learn more about city planning and practice drawing up some city plans?

Do some research about city planning and city services at your library or even at city hall. Take a map of your city and mark trouble areas – things that you would do differently.

Then start fresh with a clean sheet of paper and draw a map of your imaginary city. Ask yourself questions like these:

How many people would live in this town? Would it be prepared for growth or would the city size be restricted?

How many parks shouId there be, and where?

What kind of jobs will the people have? Will there be enough jobs to go around?

Will there be a central business district or smaller town centers scattered around?

Will there be an airport and, if so, how will noise be kept to a minimum over places where people live?

How will traffic be controlled to prevent snarl-ups? Will there be mass transit – buses, trains, subways?

Would there be apartment buildings or only single-family homes? How would the school system be laid out?

What would you do to prevent pollution? What would you do with garbage and sewage? What about water purification?

There is a lot to consider, and maybe your first attempt will never make it off the drawing boards, but it is worthwhile to think about it.

After all, soon you may be helping to build happy, beautiful and livable cities in the wonderful world tomorrow!

Mike Bennett ‘Youth’

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