Drought, Flood, Famine!

Seven billion people now inhabit the earth, yet almost one third of the earth’s surface is desert and that desert is increasing by hundreds of square miles each year. World leaders are just beginning to wake up to the threat of mass starvation! One quarter of earth’s inhabitants are directly suffering from droughts, floods, famines and other natural catastrophes and in the wake will come an unparalleled spread of diseases.
The tragedy is the world has waited too long, it is too late to turn back and undo the events that have pushed humanity to the brink of mass starvation. What most people do not realize is that the crisis is NOW, the world has not always been this way. Only a few centuries ago the population was only a fraction of what it now is. The rich soils of China, India, and the Russian Ukraine were providing the needed food supplies, minor periodic catastrophes were easily weathered.
Today the world is different, the land in underdeveloped countries is no longer capable of supplying the needs of its mounting inhabitants. The surplus food supplies of Europe, North America and Australia would vanish in a few months if evenly distributed to the billions in need. Now we have the return of drought to the United States and Australia. Our own supplies of food are precariously small, America’s surplus would last the nation only months, that is how close the whole world is to catastrophe!
Chapter 1: Don’t Be Fooled
Despite the admissions of weather reporters and scientists, most news articles on the weather are soft-pedaling the truth. There is real significance behind the momentous changes in weather patterns. Many scientists are frankly frightened, but too scared to admit it. They are afraid to face realities, they are afraid to recognize that the worst is yet to come!
All these freaks in the weather are merely forerunners, advance warnings of a horrifying period of drought which has never occurred since recorded history began! This is a bold statement but it is true and it is time we faced realities and stopped fooling ourselves.
For years we have been warning this nation and the world of the devastating weather changes which are occurring before your very eyes! Science has no real solution, no guaranteed way to protect your home from flood, drought or famine. It’s time we wake up.
It’s time we learn WHY weather changes are occurring and what God expects us to do about it. These weather changes are only the fulfillment of prophecy, believe it or not! Jesus Christ warned of this revolution in nature. Study it in Luke 21:11 and 25; then compare it with Revelation 6:5-8.
Fulfillment of Prophecy
First, came the great conspiracy in Christianity by Simon Magus, he plotted to destroy the true Church of God which Jesus Christ founded. He had his priests secretly pose as Christian, profess the name of Christ, then introduce their ancient Babylonian mystery religion in the guise of Christianity in Rome, it has deceived millions. That is the little understood origin of today’s competing sects and denominations all calling themselves Christian, but none teaching what Christ taught or believing what He said would occur!
Second, Jesus Christ said there would come the wars that would eventually destroy the Roman Empire. They began in 256 A.D. This was followed, beginning around A.D. 300, by centuries of drought and famine and floods, climaxing 600 years ago in Europe. From A.D. 1300 to 1400, Europe suffered such climatic storms as had never been equaled since the so-called "Ice Ages"! Frightening disease epidemics immediately followed. Then came the great religious persecution of the Middle Ages.
But this prophecy is DUAL, it is being repeated once again. First came the second spread of false teachers, beginning 1517 in the Protestant Reformation. Then World Wars, beginning in 1914, and then Cold War. Read the prophetic warning in Luke 21. As a result of present-day drought, famines will rage. Tropical storms at sea now sweep onto the land with devastating force, obliterating entire communities, causing untold hundreds and even thousands to perish. These events are just beginning to happen NOW!
The climax of this prophesied revolution in the weather ends not in the Middle Ages, but with this present age when God is about to intervene in world affairs by sending Jesus Christ with power to rule the nations and to bring WORLD PEACE at last! History always repeats itself, those past events were only forerunners of more devastating weather changes now beginning to take place. DUALITY is found in almost every prophecy. The former fulfillment is only a type of the destructive forces set in motion by man and nature. Specialists who study weather understand this principle.
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Chapter 2: Today’s REVOLUTION in WEATHER
But how did the world come to face this present tragedy? Here, in simple form is the scientific answer. Forests are a major factor in altering the weather. They provide natural watersheds, prevent floods, modify the extremes of climate and temperature, increase humidity, decrease evaporation and hold and conserve soil moisture. In America over half of the original forest area is gone-destroyed by man! In a lust for quick wealth, much of this area has been unwisely turned into farmland.
Forests reflect the heat. Farmed lands absorb heat. This absorption of heat raises the temperature of the countryside. Little wonder that hot winds destroy our forests at a record rate. And the trees that are not droughted out are burned in constantly increasing forest fires-many set deliberately by man!
Without forests, rain waters become floods. They are no longer absorbed into the soil. The water level naturally drops. Many farming communities find that deep wells must be bored deeper! The nation today is not only preventing waters from being stored in the soil, but we are borrowing the water of future generations by removing what little remains in the soil!
Why don’t we wake up to the disaster we are bringing on ourselves! Deserts are fast expanding in the United States, Africa and Asia. Severe droughts are occurring in the virgin lands of Siberia-in the highlands near the equator all because the climate is changing. The great Sahara is in some areas, expanding at 30 miles per year! Vast areas are drying up-at the same time other regions are having their worst floods in 600 years! Even wildlife is on the march!
The revolution in the weather is witnessing the mass migration of trees, grains, vegetables, bugs, fish, birds and animals to more northern zones. England’s supply of fish is greatly diminished by migration to warming northern waters. The hardwood trees of the northern United States and southern Canada are becoming sick because they can’t stand the rise in temperature. Insects and diseases are increasing in areas where the established plant life can’t accommodate itself to a warmer climate.
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Chapter 3: What’s Ahead in the Next Few Years?
But it is the coming dry cycle that frightens weather experts, and it ought to frighten us all! By this time rural, city and industrial demands will have depleted our remaining underground water resources. With the final drought coming unexpectedly, as most droughts do, we will have no reserve. So terrible will it become that ONE THIRD of the entire population WILL DIE OF FAMINE AND DISEASE, Joel 1: l0; Ezekiel 5:l2. Remember prophecy is DUEL, but with increasing intensity.
It can’t happen here? BUT IT WILL! History and prophecy prove it! Human civilization has always brought disaster to the land and death to its inhabitants. There has been no exception! Do we think that we will escape any more than others did?
We have forgotten that the forefathers of our English speaking peoples, the lost Nations of Israel, the birthright holders possessing most of the world’s farmland and material wealth, the direct descendants of ancient Israel. Ephraim and Manasseh, America and Britain today, brought ruin upon the land of Palestine? In Abraham’s day the Jordan Valley was well watered. But by the time God drove our forefathers out of the land in a national captivity, Palestine had become desolate! All of this is coming to our nations!
Notice what happened to Babylon. Ancient Babylonia was watered by the Tigris River. The inhabitants denuded the mountains of forests; the river beds were filled with silt; fields were flooded, sweeping away irrigation works. The remainder were destroyed over the centuries by invading armies. A decaying, pleasure loving nation looked to the government for help, just as we are doing today! But what the people could not do for themselves, the government could not do! Have we forgotten that vast portions of the Sahara were once forested and inhabited? Look at it today! Persia, Syria, Israel were all civilizations based upon irrigation. And it was the exploitation of this system that made the land a desert!
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Chapter 4: America Going the Way of Rome
At one time the hills surrounding the Mediterranean were heavily forested, today not a trace remains! The Romans began the destruction of the forests. The Slav inhabitants continued to denude the hill slopes. The Venetians consumed the remaining trees for timber for their fleets. The hillsides can’t be reforested today. They are too badly eroded.
The same process is occurring in the United States today. We seem to be unaware that soil exhaustion and erosion have progressed more rapidly in the United States than in any other country in the world, except perhaps South Africa. Apparently we have also forgotten that the Romans knew the value of contouring, the value of grasses and legumes, the rotation of crops and organic manuring! Simkhovitch, a historian who wrote about the fall of Rome, said that Roman knowledge of agriculture was "fairly startling." Yet Rome fell!
Why? Listen to the answer! Taxation to support an ever increasing bureaucracy and a huge army, wiped out the farmers who couldn’t make sufficient profit. Most Roman farmers then borrowed money. Taxes increased. The farmer, in turn, had to exploit the soil to pay his debts. Within a few generations of the height of the Roman Empire, the soil of the entire Mediterranean (except Egypt) became sterile by overwork and ruthless exploitation.
TODAY taxes for a huge bureaucracy and great military machine eat away more than one third to half of all income. Poor farmers are being forced off their lands. Drought covers most of the United States. The land is constantly becoming more exhausted. History is repeating itself! We are going the way of Rome.
Most farmers know many of the better agricultural methods but for economic reasons they do not practice them. Better farming methods are not always immediately profitable. The initial cost is often high. Many farmers are victims of circumstance, sometimes victims of their own poor judgment or faulty management. As we have said before, periodic droughts and floods are here to stay. They are going to become worse and worse until this nation is brought to its knees and destroyed! There is only one hope that could change the Outcome.
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Chapter 5: Only One Way of Escape
Learning better farming methods, applying sound principles of forest conservation, the building of many small dams, these and Other practices need to be done, but they will NOT solve the problem. At most they can only forestall the outcome! Let’s understand why.
First, the world situation is such that the average farmer feels he must exploit his land in order to make a living. Taxes, both direct and hidden, are consuming half of the entire earnings of the average American. No country can stand such a burden for long.
Second, even if we practice better methods of conservation, our neighbors may not do so. We often have to suffer with them for their mistakes. That is why drought will strike even the best farm lands. This generation will literally reap what it sows! There is no stopping it, humanity will not change its course. That leaves us only one solution. What we need is protection, God’s protection in the times ahead.
God has not deserted the world. He can still intervene in nature. God is not only the Creator, He is also the Controller and Preserver of the universe. HE CONTROLS THE WEATHER! And He can intervene for you, if you do what he tells you. This is your only chance of protection. God nowhere promises you won’t have problems, but He has promised to bring you out of them, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Eternal delivers him out of them all." Psalm 34:19.
Droughts and floods have always plagued mankind. They are scheduled to become progressively worse UNTIL ONE THIRD OF OUR PEOPLE DIE OF FAMINE AND OF RESULTING DISEASES! Unless our nation’s stop breaking God’s laws!
In the days of the early Church, when the world brought punishments upon itself for its law breaking, a drought struck the Mediterranean area and Palestine. God’s people needed to be saved from the famine. They earnestly sought God’s intervention and He sent them relief. Acts 11:28-29. You may suffer from the sins of the world, but God will always deliver you if you remain faithful to Him, trust Him, and obey His laws.
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Chapter 6: Why Droughts and Floods
Do you know why God is permitting these terrible problems to come upon our people? Read in Amos 4:7-9: "… I HAVE WITHHELD THE RAIN FROM YOU, when there were yet three months to the harvest, and I caused it to rain upon one city and caused it not to rain upon another city," droughts! "one place was rained upon, and the place where it rained had not withered. So two or three cities wandered unto one city, to drink water, but they were not satisfied, YET YOU HAVE NOT RETURNED TO ME!"
Drought, floods, famines are the result of man’s having turned from the laws of God. We have brought these sufferings upon ourselves. We are about to suffer one final catastrophe AS A RESULT OF OUR LAW BREAKIN! The only way of survival is through sorrow for having broken God’s laws and be determine to do what is right from now on. Note: See the practical information on the ‘Ten commandments’ found on Page 2 of the America And Britain’s Future Free Library.
We have forgotten the lesson of Joseph in Egypt? He warned the Pharaoh, in time of prosperity and abundance to lay up for a time of food shortages. Perhaps we thought this was a meaningless Bible story? It was not, it is a prophecy for us today! If it had no meaning for us, God would have left it out of the Bible! But it is there as a final warning today of impending famine in the US and Britain, Canada and Australia. This warning was given years ago by ‘The World Tomorrow’ but where are our leaders who paid attention?
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Chapter 7: The Right Way
God created the world, He owns it. Maybe we have not thought of it in that way before, but it is true. And what have we done with His property? First, we have ruined it by overwork and exploitation. Wherever man has been he has finally turned a beautiful earth into a desolate wilderness or an arid desert. We have not learned to care for God’s property. We have taken from the soil and given little to the soil in return. We have never allowed good farmland to rest, until it becomes too late to restore its fertility. What fools we are!
Second, we have not paid our rent to our Landlord. Yes, we owe God rent, whether you are a farmer, laborer or businessman. You are using His soil, dwelling on His land, spending His time for your own livelihood. For permitting you the use of everything He created on this earth, He demands only a fraction of the amount which human landlords demand. God gives you 90% of what you acquire and He asks only 10% in return. That 10% He calls a tithe.
Our people have been robbing God of His rent: "You are cursed with a curse for you have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring you all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house, and prove me now says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Malachi 3:9-10. This is God’s promise.
God promises to bless any nation that trusts Him and faithfully obeys Him. Our nations have not done that, and for that reason we face a national catastrophe! God promises to bless the individual who pays the tithe. Don’t think that God does not notice when you pay Him what is His. He is very conscious of it especially because so few are honest enough to pay Him His tenth.
A Two-fold Reward
Tithing brings a two-fold reward. God will not only return you added blessings during times of prosperity which you would not otherwise have received, but He also promises you deliverance during times of economic adversity! As we read in Psalm 34:19.
You may encounter trouble, but God has promised to deliver you out of every drought, flood, tornado or famine. There is no other way of protection. If you value your life, if you value the lives of your family, if you value your property, you had better turn to God and repent of your law breaking. Your past mistakes God overlooks, if you repent. These are strong words, but they are true.
God has spoken through the prophets that He will punish our people for their sins. He will let our own greed cause such droughts, floods, disease and famines. Then we will be totally DEFEATED MILITARILY and be carried away to other nations as slave labor! These prophecies cannot be understood without the key to prophecy, it makes prophecy plain. See ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy’ and related information on Page 1 of the America And Britain’s Future Free Library.
None of the dozens of prophecies relating to these catastrophic occurrences already commencing have been understood because we have been unwilling to admit our national identity. The English speaking peoples, also Western and North Western Europe are the lost ten nations of Israel. These prophecies apply especially to The United States and British peoples today!
Note: For further information on Bible prophecies relating to America And Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the nations of Western and North Western Europe, see Page 1 of the America And Britain’s Future Free Library. Find this at us-britishfuture.com
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Summary, Herman Hoeh. Free Library Copy
In accordance with Sec 107 of Chapter 1 of Title 17 of US Copyright Law, this material is distributed without charge or other commercial interest for the purposes of comment, teaching, scholarship and review.
U.S. British Future, P.O. Box 4877, Oceanside, CA. 92052. U.S.A.
AmericaAndBritainsFuture.com also US-BritishFuture.com