Most nations have been given new and different names as their languages have changed. This has concealed the identity of most nations. Yet consider this surprising fact, such a short lapse of time has occurred that it is not at all difficult to pick up Encyclopedias and ancient history books, and find the ancestral name, the Bible name of each modern nation and family group.

Let us understand where the nations and the races are mentioned in the Bible. You will be shocked at the story about to be unraveled. No story is packed with such prophetic meaning, such significance for today as in this story of the migrations of nations to their present locations and inheritances!


Let us first turn to Genesis 10 and 1 Chronicles 1. Here is the place to start, yet to begin here is looked upon as "unscientific." All human beings alive today sprang from the family of Noah (Genesis 7:23). The whole human family sprang from the three sons of Noah. But their descendants turn up today in the least expected places! Now read Genesis 10:32: "These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations and OF THESE were the nations divided in the earth after the flood."

The nations today are descendants of these family names. All nations and races sprang from Japheth, Ham and Shem, the three sons of Noah. From the three sons sprang 16 grandsons of Noah. These 16 family names illustrate all the general types of people extant today. All these sons had children, but their names are not recorded in Scripture. We do not need to know their names in order to understand the Bible.

The nearer the family settled to Palestine the greater are the number of children and grandchildren listed. In the family of Arphaxad the children are listed for nearly 70 generations up to Jesus Christ. But for the purpose of prophecy we need usually go no further than the grandchildren of Noah’s sons. Most of these names in Genesis 10 and I Chronicles 1 are simple to trace. Some are more difficult. Let us begin the most thrilling story of adventure ever written, a story with real meaning for today!

Not All Hebrews Are Jews!

Notice Arphaxad first. He is a son of Shem. He is mentioned in Genesis 10:22 and I Chronicles 1:24. Arphaxad had a grandson named Eber. The name Erber mens a "migrant," one who comes from the "region beyond." The sons of Eber are properly known as "Hebrews" and there are about 400 million of them on earth today! Yet almost no one really knows who the sons of Eberthe Hebrews are at this time!

Eber had two sons reckoned to him. It was in their day, about 100 years after the flood, that God "divided the earth" as an inheritance for the different family groups (Gen. 10:25 and Deut. 32:8). From Peleg, one of these two sons, came Abraham. God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the dust of the ground. The Jews are certainly not as numerous as the dust. Only a tiny fraction of Abraham’s descendants are known as Jews today! Where are the others?

Abraham’s firstborn son was Ishmael (Gen.16:15). His descendants are called Arabs today. They still remember that they are descended from Abram’s son Ishmael. Ask any Arab. He’ll tell you so! Whenever you see the name "Ishmael," or any name of Ishmael’s sons (Gen.25:12-18), you will know that the prophecy is referring to the Arabs today. The Arabs have spread from Arabia throughout North Africa and eastward into the Far East. There is trouble in the Near East between Jordan and the Jews.


Abraham also had a nephew named Lot. Lot had two sons, Moab and Ammon. They were born to him after the calamity that hit Sodom (Gen.19;37-38). They lived by the Arabs east of the Dead Sea next to Palestine. They are still in the same region today! Their nation today is called Jordan, after the Jordan River. Amman is the capital of Jordan now.

Isaiah 11:14 points out that these two sons of Lot live near Palestine today. Since the days of Isaiah, the children of Moab have been "very small and without strength" (Isa.16:13-14). They have not been taken "into captivity" to another nation (Jer.48:11), In these latter days boastful Moab lives "together with the children of Ammon" (Ezek.25:9-10). The Jews cannot dwell in Old Jerusalem. Jeremiah 49:1-2 prophesied this over 2500 years ago!


Abraham had another son, Isaac. Isaac had two sons, twins, named Esau and Jacob. Jacob was the younger and the stronger. These two brothers gave rise to two different nationalities. "And the Lord said unto Rebeka: ‘Two nations are in thy womb and two peoples shall be separated from you; and the one people shall be stronger than the other; and the elder shall serve the younger.’ And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, there were twins in her womb. And the first came out ruddy, all over like a hairy mantle"(Gen.25:23-25).

Esau was weaker. His children, of course did NOT inherit this peculiar characteristic. Esau did not give rise to a different race, but to a different nationality. Esau’s children are white, as history proves. Esau’s descendants play a vital part in world affairs today! Where are his descendants?

Notice some of the sons of Esau: Teman, Omar, Amalek (Gen.25:11). These are not Jewish names. Yet some claim that the Jews are the children of Esau. Nothing could be further from the truth as we shall presently see. Esau, or Edom, as he is also called, lived southeast of Palestine near Petra. Arab Bedouins live there now. Then where have Esau’s children gone?

From the days of Nebuchadnezzar, who carried them captive, they disappear for 1000 years from history. Then suddenly we find Amalek the name of a city in Turkestan in Central Asia (from Paul Herrmann’s SIEBEN VORBEI UND ACHT VERWEHT, p.451). The Egyptians used to call the Amalekites Amu. In Turkestan is the River Amu today! In Bible times the Edomites inhabited Mt. Seir (Gen.32:4). In Turkestan is the Syr Darya – the River of Syr or Seir. The leading Turkish tribe is the Ottoman.

The prophecies referring to Edom or Esau mention Teman as the leading tribe in these latter days (Obadiah 9). The conclusion is inescapable. The Ottoman Turks are the sons of Teman. Merely the vowels in spelling have been changed over these past millenniums. From Central Asia the Turks or Edomites moved into Asia Minor. That is where Esau’s children live today! Turkey controls the "crossway" of the nations the Dardanelles (Obadiah 14). How clear, ESAU OR EDOM IS TURKEY today! Esau married Ishmael’s daughter!

There is not room in this article to explain where Jacob’s children journeyed. If you want to know see ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.

Who Are the Chaldean’s Today?

Abraham lived among the Chaldean’s. One whole book of the Bible, Habakkuk is entirely devoted to a prophecy concerning the Chaldean’s in these latter days! But where are the Chaldean’s today? Certainly they are not at ancient Babylon. No one lives there! Notice first where the Chaldean’s were. Abraham came from "Ur of the Chaldees". Ancient Ur was in Mesopotamia. Ur is a shortened name for Urfa. There were once two cities by that name. Stephen, in his inspired sermon, makes plain that it was the northern Ur in Mesopotamia from which Abram came (Acts 7:2-3). That is where the Chaldean’s first dwelt-over 400 miles northwest of ancient Babylon.

Who are these Chaldean’s so frequently mentioned in Bible prophecy? Here is the plain, simple explanation recognized by most Hebrew scholars. The word "Chaldean" comes from the Greek. The original Hebrew word is Chasdim, meaning "the people of Chesed". Notice that Chesed was a common name in the family of Abraham (Gen.22:22).

Next, consider the original Hebrew word translated in our Bibles as "Arphaxad". Most biblical encyclopedias will clearly show that the Hebrew form is Arfachesed MEANING ARFA OR URFA THE CHALDEAN! The Chaldeans come from Arphaxad. They are his children. Abraham was a branch of this stock! The city of Ur was named after Arfa or Urfa, the Chaldean. Chaldean probably means "capturer", just as Jacob means "supplanter". The reason that some Chaldean’s were later associated with Babylon in Daniel’s time is that a small part of them was later settled by the Assyrians near Babylon. The original inspired Hebrew of Isaiah 23:13 explains this: "Behold, the land of the Chaldeans, this is the people that was not, when Asshur founded it for shipmen". How clear.

The Chaldean’s were divided, not an organized nation. A part of them was transplanted to Babylon. At Babylon they became the ruling class. But the remainder settled farther north around Lake Van, about halfway between the Caspian Sea and the Mediterranean. Here they were called Chaldean’s or, more often, the people of VAN. Sometimes they were referred to as HURRI or Hurrians, after Haran (Gen.11:29; 22:20-24). Sometimes they bore the name GUTI, probably meaning "people of God". Remember these names! They are a KEY to what happened to them.

Now what befell these people? History records that they were driven northward out of the Near east by the Assyrians and Medes somewhat prior to 610 B.C. (Langer’s ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD HISTORY, p.38). Where did they go? Where are they today?

Josephus tells us they settled along the River Cophen (ANTIQUITIES I, VI, 4). Here are his words: "These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it." The modern name of Cophen is Kabul. It is located in Afghanistan! The sons of Joktan, Yoktan, in Hebrew were the founders of the recently discovered great Indus Valley civilization in India. India, where Ophir first settled, is the only land where peacocks are native. In fact, the Hebrew words for "peacock" and "ape" are Tamal or Indian, not Hebrew. (See SMITHS BIBLE DICTIONARY.)

This is the land to which Solomon’s fleet often journeyed. From this Indian valley the people of Joktan ascended the mountains to the land of Kashmir in northern India, to Afghanistan and to the region of the Tajik (Tadzhik) Republic in South-central Russia. The ancient capital of this land was Yotkan! (ENCY. BRIT, art. "Turkestan").

A tribe among the Afghans are today called the Afridi, possibly signifying the people of Afri or Ophir. Some among them claim to be descendants of the children of Israel, another indication that Solomon’s traders sometimes intermarried with the people of that land. (See articles on "Afghanistan" and "Afridi" in ENCY. BRIT.) The sons of Joktan play no great part in prophecy.


But to return to the story of Abraham, Abraham had a concubine, Keturah, who was his wife after Sarah died. She bore him a number of children whose wanderings are often lost sight of. They are enumerated in Genesis 25:1-6. Abraham sent them northeast toward Mesopotamia. There they formed the powerful Kingdom of Mitanni, named after Midian or Medan. They lived mainly along the Euphrates River. The Assyrian destroyed their kingdom, sending some east and others north. In the east, evidence is that they became known as the Persians or Parthians (two names for the same people) and, in India, as the Brahmins, the sons of Abram!

The word "Persian" or "Parthian" is derived from the word "Euphrates". Along this river these sons of Abraham first lived. The Hebrews called the Euphrates the Perath or Peres River, the River of the Persians! The Persians named several small rivers in their new land after the Euphrates in Mesopotamia. Cyrus the King, so famous in Bible history, was a Persian. "Travellers still speak of the fair-complexioned, blue eyed populations met with in the Persian highlands", writes Sayce in RACES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. "Chestnut hair is very common in Persia, as it is among the West European Alpines", says Griffith Taylor in ENVIRONMENT AND RACE, p.186.

The Persians are distinct from Arabs. Many Persians are leading businessmen in the Middle East. They are among the wealthiest class in India, where they are called "Parsees". Many non-Persians of Arabic and Negroid stock, however, live in Persia today.

In India one branch of Keturah’s children form the highest caste and call themselves Brahmins after their father’s original name, Abram. Among the sons of Keturah who later went north were the "Letushim" (Gen.25:3). And where are the Letushim today? Along the shores of the Baltic Sea in Russia. We call them the "Lettish" people today. Many Letts have fled to this country from Russian oppression. The Letts are closely related to the other peoples living along the southeastern shores of the Baltic Sea. Here, then, is where a number of Keturah’s sons are found.

But what about the Asshurim who were brothers of the Letts? (Gen.25:3). Where are these sons of Abraham?


The children of Abraham called Asshurim received that name as a result of migrating to the land of Assyria or Asshur. We shall know where the Asshurim are if we first locate the modern day descendants of Assyria or Asshur.

Asshur means "strong" or "powerful". Asshur was a brother of Arphaxad (Gen.10:422). The Assyrians who came from Asshur, settled along the Tigris River around the city of Nineveh (Gen.10:11). None of the sons of Asshur are mentioned in the Bible, but history gives us several of their names. Some of the sons of Asshur are these: Kharmen, or Germanni, meaning men of war; Khatti; Akkadians; Almani, or Halmani; and Kassites, or Cossaei. (For these names see any article on "Assyria", or these separate names, in Biblical encyclopedias).

Where are these tribes today? They are no longer in ancient Assyria! Where did they go? The entire tenth chapter of Isaiah pictures the power that Asshur- the Assyrians- shall wield in these latter days. But where shall we look for them? First of all the Assyrians were driven from their land shortly after their fall in 610 B.C. Pliny, the Roman historian of the time of Christ, says the "Assyrians were north of the Crimea in Russia (NATURAL HISTORY, book IV, sec. xii). About 300 years later Jerome writes that "Asshur is also joined with the tribes invading Western Europe ALONG THE RHINE" (Letter CXXIII, sec.16, from NICENE AND POST-NICENE FATHERS).

So the Assyrians migrated to Central Europe! Notice the tribes coming into Central Europe into Germany and Austria: the Khatti (the ancient name for Hessians. See ENCY.BRIT., article "Germany"): the Quadians (Latin for the Akkadians); the Germanni from which the word German" comes today; the Chauci (the Cossaei of ancient Assyria); and the Allemani (the Latin name for the ancient Alman tribe of Assyria). CERTAINLY HERE ARE THE TRIBES OF ASSYRIA! Germany in prophecy!

The North Germans, basically, are therefore the sons of Asshurim of Keturah. The remainder of the Germans and Austrians are the descendants of the ancient Assyrians or Asshur.

The ancient Assyrians deified their ancestor Asshur. In the Indo-Germanic language the name Asshur was spelled Athur (ENCY.BRIT.,art. "Mesopotamia", sec. Persians). And when the Assyrians are next found in Central Europe they are still worshiping Athur as Thur or Thor! And we still commemorate Asshur by the name Thursday- Asshur’s day! The name Asshur or Athur is still preserved among the Thuringian Germans.


Now that we have located the German, where are the Greeks, South Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese mentioned in prophecy? Turn to Genesis 10:2, 4. Here is the answer. You find Javan, a son of Japheth, listed. Javan had four sons, Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim. In I Chronicles 1:7 the last name is spelled Rodanim. The Bible itself proves how often names were changing in ancient times.

Where are the sons of Javan today? The Bible makes the answer very plain. No need to look for any evidence outside of the Bible this time. Look in either STRONG’S or YOUNG’S CONCORDANCE. There you will find that in the Old Testament, wherever the words "Greece" or "Grecia" are used in English, the word "Javan" is used in Hebrew! Javan is the father of the Greeks, and of the other Latins. His son Elishah spread into "Hellas" the Greek Isles in the Aegean Sea and to Cyprus, anciently called "Alisha". His son Dodanim or Rodanim spread through the Dodecanes, and the Isle of Rhodes and parts of the French Mediterranean coast along the Rhone. From here they migrated eastward again and were known as the "Galatians" in Bible times.

Tarshish first settled in Asia Minor. The city of Tarsus was named after him. Here the apostle Paul was born. From Tarsus the tribe spread into Spain and northern Portugal, founding the famous port of Tarshish of the Old Testament history of Solomon’s time (II Chronicles 9:21).

The descendants of Kittim first settled on the island of Cyprus and then migrated into Southern Italy. This is simply proved by checking the historical fulfillment of Daniel 11:30. The "ships of Kittim" were Roman fleets sailing from Cyprus. In modern times many Spanish and Portuguese people (as well as Italians and a few Greeks) have migrated to the New World. These are the lands of Javan today.


Where are such countries as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia mentioned in Bible prophecy? Could the Bible neglect these vitally important nations which are the center of struggle between East and West in Europe?

Assuredly not- nor are they neglected! These people of Eastern Europe are usually called "Slavs", a word derived from "slaves". (Many of these people were once sold as slaves into Western Europe by the Germans.) But what were their true original names? The Germans often called them "Wends". The Latins called them "Eneti" or "Veneti". Other tribes among them were called "Pol", and "Elimaei", or "Elymaei", and "Kashub". (See SMITHS GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSICAL DICTIONARY)

Where, in ancient Bible lands, were these tribes located? In the land of Elam! Elam was a son of Shem (Gen.10:22). Elam settled east of the ancient city of Babylon. Daniel the prophet spent some time in Elam (Dan.8:2). The Elamites named the most famous mountain in their land Elwend (Rawlinson’s SEVEN GREAT MONARCHIES, chapt 1. Media). No wonder the Elamites were called the "Wends" in Europe.

Elam early invaded the Palestinian Coast of the Mediterranian (Gen.14:1). There they named a river Elwend, the Greeks called it the Orontes. Some of them migrated into Asia Minor where they were named the people of Pul(Isaiah 66:19). From the word "Pul" comes Po-land, the land of Pol or Pul! From Asia Minor they migrated into South Russia, then into Eastern Europe. Another tribe in ancient Elam was called KASHU (ENCYCLOPAEDIA BIBLICA,map. p.4845) In Poland we find the Kashub living today! (ENCY.BRIT., "Kashubes.") The Greeks in ancient times said that the Elimaei dwelled northwest of them-in what is Southern Yugoslavia today (SMITH’S CLASS.DICT., "Elimea"). The word Elimaei was also used by the Greeks to refer to the ancient land of "Elam" near Babylon.

The Latins called the Elamites or Wends "Eneti". Strabo, the Roman geographer wrote about the migration "of Enetians from Paphlagonia in Asia Minor TO THE ADRIATIC"- ern Yugoslavia! (GEOGRAPHY OF STRABO, p.227). Surely there is no mistaking where Elam is today.

In Bible times Elam was divided between East and West, that is, between Media and Babylon. The same is true today! The Elamites are divided between East and West, between Western Europe and the Russian Iron Curtain. Some of these Iron Curtain countries will stay behind the Iron Curtain and ultimately attack the coming United States of Europe, modern "Babylon"(Isaiah 21:2). Now let us discover who the Russians are.


Russia is mentioned almost by name in some versions of the Bible! Turn to Ezekiel 38:2. Here you will find that a certain power called "Gog" is "the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal". The proper translation is "the prince of Rosh. Meshech and Tubal!" In Hebrew, the word for chief is "Rosh". That is also the ancient name for "Russia".

Over half of all Russia is occupied by a people called "Great Russians" today. The Great Russians are divided into two distinctive people who have remained constantly together since the beginning of history. We shall now prove from history that the Great Russians are the descendants of Meshech and Tubal (Gen.10:2).

Here is what the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANICA says about the Great Russians: "Notwithstanding the unity of language, it is easy to detect among the Great Russians themselves two separate branches differing from one another by slight divergences of language and type and DEEP DIVERSITIES OF NATIONAL CHARACTER… (article "Russia"). One branch settled around Moscow. The word Moscow is but an English spelling of the Russian "Moskva", a word almost identical to the one used by the Assyrians to refer to the the people of Meshech! The other branch constitutes the people of Tubal. This branch of the Great Russians founded the city of Tobolsk in Siberia and named the Tobol River.

Professor Sayce says of these people: "in the Assyrian inscriptions the names appear as Tubla’ and Muska’, and they were known to classical geographers (Greeks) as Tiberani and Moskhi". He continues by saying that, after the days of Nebuchadnezzar, the Greeks found Meshech and Tubal "farther to the north than they had been in the age of the Assyrian monuments, they were forced to retreat northward towards the Black Sea, and it was in this region of Asia Minor that Xenophon and his Greek troups found their scanty remains" (RACES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, p.48). Meshech and Tubal migrated into Russia ! Surely there is no mistaking who Meshech and Tubal are today.

Russia is north of Palestine. Ezekiel 38-2 points out that they come from the north where Russia is today! But here is even more proof that it is Russia mentioned in Ezekiel 38:2. Do you know where the word "Sibieria" comes from? In Asia Minor, where the people of Tubal first settled, a vast tract of land was called Subaria, sometimes spelled less correctly "Subartu". This word has puzzled historians no end! Here is the original of "Siberia!" The same word was used to refer to a part of ancient Elam, and today we have the Serbians in Yugoslavia, part of the land of Elam today! (ENCY.BRIT., art., "Mesopotamia.")

Origin of Word "Russia"

What is the origin of the word "Russian "the "Rosh" of Ezekiel 38:2 (when properly translated)? The INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BIBLE ENCYCLOPEDIA gives the answer. Here, under the article "Rosh", we find that a vast area of the Mesopotamian Valley was called "the land of Rashu!" The word "Russ" or "Rosh" means blonde. And in ancient Mesopotamia lived the blonde children of Keturah and Abraham mentioned in Genesis 25:1-6. They founded the Kingdom of Mitanni, named after Midian and Medan.

In modern times the name "Russ" was first applied to Russia because of the blond people of White Russia who live next to the people of Meshech and Tubal. (See ENCY.BRIT., art. "Russia".) These blonds are quite different from the Great Russians. The White Russians are related to the Asshurim of North Germany and to the Letushim and other Abrahamic tribes along the Baltic. They are the main body of the people of Medan and Midian who proceeded north into Russia centuries ago! Herodotus mentions that the "Matienians" from the land of Rosh were associated with the people of Meshech and Tubal! (Thalia, 94.) And Pliny the Roman natural historian speaks of the "Matiani" as moving into Russia through the Caucasus (BK. VI, sec. xviii of NATURAL HISTORY). That is the true origin of the word "Russian."

And Little Russians, too!

Not all Russians are Great Russians and White Russians. Some are called "Little Russians." They live in the Ukraine and the eastern parts of Romania and Poland. They are often called Ukrainians or Ruthenians. There are about 50 million of them! Who are these people? The MEDES! The sons of Madai! Here is the proof!

In Genesis 10:2 we have Madai, the son of Japheth listed. Now check in an exhaustive concordance. You will find the original Hebrew word translated into English as "Mede" or "Median" is always Madai. Madai is the father of the Medes. The Medes used to be associated with the Persians. You will read about them especially in the book of Daniel. But by the time of Nehemiah the Persians were much more prominent. Today there are no Medes left in Persia. The Medes are gone. Certainly a great branch of the human family could not suddenly vanish from the earth!

Indeed they did not. Throughout South Russia in the Ukraine four centuries before Christ the Medes were beginning to settle. Here is what the historian Herodotus wrote of these people: "They say that they are a colony of the Medes. How they can have been a colony of the Medes I cannot comprehend; but anything may happen in course of time" (Terpsichore, 9).

Herodotus, like many moderns, was prone to believe that the people who inhabited Mesopotamia and the "Bible lands" must be living there today. But they are not. The Arabs have taken their place ! The fact that the Medes are the Little Russians today is further amplified by Pliny in his NATURAL HISTORY, bk. VI, sec. xi. He mentions "the river Don, where the inhabitants are said to be descended from the Medes"!

Media is pictured along with Elam in Eastern Europe as attacking Western Europe in World War III (Isaiah 21:2).

Who Are Gog And Magog In Prophecy?

Turn again to the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39. Notice the identity of Gog and Magog. Who are the people called "Gog" and "Magog" ? Magog, rather than Gog, is mentioned in Genesis 10:2. Gog is apparently a tribal subdivision of Magog. In prophecy, Magog comes to great prominence in the West only in the latter days.

Here is what the JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA says about Gog and Mogog: "[a] wall [was] built by (Alexander the Great) to shut them off from the rest of the world Geographically they represent the extreme northeast, and are placed on the borders of the sea that encircles the earth."

Notice what the unrivaled McCLINTOCK & STRONG ENCYCLOPEDIA says about Gog and Magog: "According to Reinegge (DESCRIPT.OF THE CAUCASUS, ii, 79), some of the Caucasian people call their mountains Gog, and the highest northern points Magog" because the people of Magog once lived in these regions in Bible times ! "The Arabians are of the opinion that the descendants of God and Magog inhabit the northern parts of Asia, beyond the Tartars and Sclavonians (or Russians), and they put Yajuj and Majuj always in conjunction, thereby indicating the extreme points in north and north-east of Asia" (from art. "Gog").

Some writers spell these Arabic words Yagog and Magog. Now to what people are these names referring? They dwell in the northern part of Asia, bordering on the ocean, and rise to prominence with the Russians of Europe "in the latter days" (Ezek.38:8).

The Mongols and their Asiatic kinsmen! In fact, the proper spelling of "Mongol" is ‘Mogol", obviously a slightly changed form of "Magog"! And in Asiatic Russia live the Yakuts- the Yagog of the Arab historians.

Mongolia today is in the Russian sphere of influence. The people of Mongolia, together with China, Manchuria, Korea and Japan, are all of this one great branch of mankind. A remnant of the people of Magog appear, with pigtails and yellow skin, on the Egyptian monuments. They were called Kheta by the Egyptians and Ketei by the Greeks. (See article "Hittites" in INTER.STAND.BIB.ENCY.)

When the Russians first met the Mongolians and Chinese they called them Khitai! Western Europeans used a similar word for China in the Middle Ages: Cathay (ENCY.BRIT., art. "China"). Here indeed is "Gog, of the land of Magog".

Both Russia and China are Communist partners. And they will remain so until the end of this age! Since we are dealing with Communist nations, it is time we located the sons of Gomer (Gen.10:2).

Gomer Not In Europe

Look in your Bible for a map if you have one in your Bible. There you will probably have pictured the descendants of Gomer migrating into Europe! Nothing could be further from the truth. They migrated in exactly the opposite direction! But do you know why many have assumed that Gomer may be in modern Europe today? Because the people of Northwest Europe journeyed through the land of Gomer before coming to Europe and were therefore called Kymmri! Prophecy says this very fact would occur!

Notice what Israel is called while in captivity: "Gomer" (Hosea 1:3). The woman "Gomer" mentioned by the prophet had the same name which the children of Israel bore when coming into Europe! The Israelites were called Khumri or Cymmri, or Khmeri, or Cimmerians upon reaching northwest Europe. But where are the descendants of Gomer today?

Gomer originally settled northeast of Elam. From here they were driven to the Caucasus, between the Black and the Caspian Sea. Then they journeyed to Southeast Asia! Notice! The native name for Cambodia in Indo-China is Khmer the land of Gomer! Read the BRITANNICA article on Cambodia. Associated with Gomer are the Chams and Annamese. Could this be only a coincidence?

The Cambodians are related to the Siamese, Burmese and other brown Mongoloids of the Indonesian Isles and the Philippines. In the ancient land of Gomer dwelled a small tribe called the Lullu (ENCY.BIBLICA, map opposite Syria). In extreme South China today dwell the Lulu, a non-Chinese race related to the people of Southeast Asia! One branch of the family of Gomer, however, did not journey to Southeast Asia. Ezekiel 38:6 explains it: "The house of Togarmah in the uttermost parts of the north, and all his bands" (Jewish translation). The far, far north means Russian Siberia today!

That is where the descendants of Togarmah (Gen.10:3) live. These Asiatics are still a wild nomadic people, much as they were 2500 years ago, trading "with horses and horsemen and mules" (Ezek.27:14). Ezekiel 38, then, contains a prophecy that Southeast Asia will fall to the Communists!


Communist-inspired trouble is boiling up in the Middle East. Syria is now the focal point of intrigue. Where is Syria mentioned in the Bible? Who are the Syrians? The Syrians are the descendants of Aram, a son of Shem. Everywhere in the Old Testament where the word "Syria" or "Syrian" appears in English, the word in Hebrew is Aram or Aramean. The Arameans were called Syrians by the Greeks because they once formed part of the Assyrian Empire dominated by Asshur, the Germanic people.

Now we are about to find an unusual characteristic of the children of Aram. Aram had four sons listed in Genesis 10:23: Uz, Hul, Gether and Mash. Compare this with I Chronicles 1:17. Here the sons of Shem include "Aram, AND Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Meshech." First, notice that the sons of Aram are raised to the level of brothers in I Chronicles 1, they are on an equal footing with their uncles ! Further, the name Mash is changed into Meshech, because Mash became associated with Meshech, the son of Japheth!

Why should these sons be elevated to the position of fathers of distinct peoples? Because the sons of Aram must have possessed extremely divergent characteristics. Here is the proof! Where are the sons of Meshech or Mash today? We ought to find them in Russia, since that is where Meshech the son of Japheth is! And indeed we do find them there! In the far north of European Russia dwell the little-known Zyrians or Sirians or Syryenians- the name is spelled in half a dozen different ways (ENCY.BRIT.,art. "Syryenians").

They are related to numerous small tribes scattered throughout European Russia. And where are the sons of Hul? According to the Jewish historian Josephus, Hul, the brother of Mash, founded Armenia, a land in the Caucasus between the Black and Caspian Sea (BK. I, chap. vi, sec. 4). The Armenians are a very business-like people. Many have migrated to America. The name "Armenian", like the word "Syryenian" (applied to Mash or Meshech) means a son of Aram, or son of Syria. The ending "-ian" means "son of" in the Armenian tongue!

Present-day Syria, on the Mediterranean, was founded by Uz, according to Josephus. Communists are seeking to gain control of the land of Uz today. As the descendants of Gether are nowhere mentioned in prophecy, their movements do not need to be included here. See Josephus’ ANTIQUITIES and the article on "Afghanistan" in the BRITANNICA for their present location.

No wonder the sons of Aram were raised to the rank of distinct people. They are extremely divergent in national characteristics. Who would ever guess today that all these people had the same father, Aram? Now let us turn to Palestine and the Canaanites.

Where Are the Canaanites Today?

Originally the sons of Canaan settled in Palestine. Canaan, remember, was the first born of Ham. Canaan’s descendants and this includes the other sons of Ham were to be "servant of servants" (Gen.9:25). Their children are to serve both Shem and Japheth (verses 26,27). There is nothing wrong with serving, we all have to learn to serve. Shem and Japheth must become God’s servants, too. That is why Canaan is called a "servant of servants." Many have quoted this in direct reference to the Negro. As brothers of Canaan, the Negroes have shared the same position in life, but Negroes are not Canaanites.

The Canaanites were great traffickers of old. The word Canaanite in Zech.14:21 is, in fact, translated as "trafficker" in the Jewish translation. The Sidonians, descendants of Canaan, were famous seamen in the days of Solomon. The Greeks called them "Phoenicians". But the Phoenicians called themselves "Kna" or "Knana", meaning Canaanite. (See Smiths Bible Dictionary.)

When Israel entered the land of Palestine under Joshua, whole tribes of the Canaanites were destroyed or driven out of central Palestine (Judges 3:1-4) because some of the Canaanites were extremely degenerate in their morals. Now turn to Gen. 10:18, "Afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad". Where did they journey?

The Canaanites settled the island of Malta and parts of Sicily, Southern Italy, Sardinia, North Africa and even Southern Spain and Portugal, where the sons of Javan were already living. (See ENCY.BRIT., articles, "Malta", "Sicily", Carthage", etc. Most people are familiar with the Phoenicians from grade and high school days. In North Africa the Canaanites are called Moors, a name probably derived from Amors, the Hebrew form of "Amorites".

From these lands they have spread into North and South America since the days of Columbus. The Portuguese of mixed Canaanite and Tarshish stock have settled much of Brazil. And the Sicilians are thick in big cities in America. The underworld "Mafia" organization which springs from Canaanitish Sicily, is but a modern version of their ancient tendency to traffic among the nations of the world.

Canaanites have also intermarried into Esau, Turkey today (Gen.26:34), and Judah (Gen.38:2), and Israel (Judges 3:5-7). Only a few Canaanites remain in North Palestine and Lebanon. The Canaanites are seldom included in the prophecies which pertain to this twentieth century. They exert no great position or influence in the world. The main body of non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine today are not Canaanites, but Philistines!

Who Are the Philistines?

The Philistines are first mentioned in Genesis 10:14. They are a branch of the Mizraim, from Ham. Mizraim is commonly applied to Egypt. In fact, "Mizr" is the name which the natives still apply to Egypt today. The Greeks called the land Aegyptus -hence our Egypt. Josephus said that not all the people from Mizraim inhabited Africa. But not all of Mizraim live in Egypt today! Where did the children of Mizraim settle?

First, notice that the Mizraim first settled on the northeast corner of the Mediterranean Sea. From there they spread through the Eastern Mediterranean isles and into Africa (ENCYCLOPEDIA BIBLICA, "Mizraim"). The Philistines, who came from Mizraim, inhabited Southern Palestine even in the days of Abraham (Gen.21:34). They are still there today in the Gaza strip in Palestine causing no end of trouble (Zech.9:6-7). The Philistines (a branch of the family of Casluhim) settled originally on the Island of Crete in the Mediterranean. Crete is called, in the Bible, Caphtor (Jer.47:4 and Amos 9:7). The Island of Caphtor was originally settled by the Caphtorim, a tribe of Mizraim (Gen.10:14). Both the Philistines and the Caphtorim destroyed the Canaanites in South Palestine and lived in their place (Deut.2:23). No wonder there are so few Canaanites left!

The Pathrusim of Genesis 10:14 migrated from Asia Minor to central Egypt. Every prophecy shows Pathros to be a part of Egypt along the Nile (Jer.44:1,5 and Ezek.29:14). The Naphtuhim probably settled in the extreme south of Egypt, founding the capital city of Napata among the black people of Africa.

The Lehabim- the word "Lehabim" means a people of reddish color settled Libya originally. Libya is in North Africa. Today they are found scattered throughout the savannas of the Western Sudan in Africa. In this region today we find a people "of reddish brown or light chestnut color … with smooth hair, never woolly, straight and even aquiline noses . . .differentiating them from the Negro type" (ENCY.BRIT. art. "fula"). The original word "Lehabim" was shortened in Bible times to "Lubim" (II Chron.12:3; 16:8). The Negroes call these people "fulbe", meaning, probably, Lubim dwelling in the ancient land of Phut.

In the central reaches of the Sahara (the great desert in North Africa) live the Ludim (Gen.10:14) the lightest of the Egyptians. Since we are on Africa, let’s find where the Negro came from.


A most intriguing question is the origin of the Negro. As a result of the first article on The RACE QUESTION, a few letters came from members contending that the Negro is the only animal who by evolution has risen to the level of created man! What FOLLY! It is almost unbelievable that supposedly sane and rational human beings can conceive of such nonsense. All races and that includes the Negroes- are descendants of Adam through Noah. The black race is not composed of supposed "Pre-Adamites", but of the descendants of Ham.

Part of the black race stems from Cush (Gen.10:6). Cush means black in Hebrew (YOUNG’S CONCORDANCE). The word "Cush" is often translated into English by the word "Ethiopia", but not all Cushites live in Ethiopia (an independent nation in East Africa). The Greeks called the children of Cush "Ethiopians". That’s why we use the word in English.

Cush first settled around ancient Babylon (Genesis10:8-10). The children of Cush were the original Babylonians, not the Chaldeans who are in Southern Europe today. From Babylon, Cush spread far and wide. Most of the black children of Cush migrated across central Arabia and around the southern coast of Arabia to East Africa. The Egyptians called East Africa, south of Syene, "Kosh". The Chaldeans and the Assyrians called it "Kushu", (See INTERNATIONAL STAND.BIBLE ENCY., articles "Cush", and "Ethiopia". Not all Scriptures refer to the Cushite who settled in East Africa.

Cush also had sons who went east into Asia rather than Africa. Here is what Herodotus wrote: The Ethiopians from the sun-rise (for [there are] two kinds) were Marshalled with the Indians, and did not at all differ from [them] in appearance but only in their language, and their hair. For the eastern Ethiopians are straight-haired; but those of (Africa) have hair more curly than that of any other people. These Ethiopians from Asia were accounted (almost the same as the Indian [of India] )"(Polymnia, sec.20).

The Brown people of South India and Ceylon are the descendants of Cush! Historians call them Dravidian’s today. The ancients called them SIBAE (SMITH’S CLASSICAL DICT.). Their Bible name was Segba (Genesis10:7). Josephus, the Jewish historian, recognized an eastern and a western Cush- one in Asia, the other in Africa (ANTIQUITIES. VI, 2). Herodotus calls them "Asiatic Ethiopians" (Thalia, sec.94). The word translated "Ethiopia", in Ezekiel 38:5 should be properly translated "Cush". It refers primarily to the Asiatic Cush, India today, which will finally go Communist!

The Origin of the Negro

Ham had another son, Phut or Put- is spelled both ways in the Bible. Here is what Josephus writes about the people of Phut. "Phut also was the founder of Libya (by which he means Africa), and called the inhabitants Phutites, from himself: there is also a river in the country of the Moors which bears that name; whence it is that the Grecian historiographers mention (Africa) by the appellation of Phut" (See ANTIQUITIES, VI, 2).

Put, then, is the father of the west and central Africans, where the true Negroes live today. The Egyptians called the region of the Sudan (which was south of Egypt) by the name of Pet. The Babylonians and Persians called a similar region "Putu" (from SMITH’S BIBLE DICTIONARY and INTER.STAN.BIB.ENCY.).

Notice, however, that Put is named before Canaan in the tenth chapter of Genesis and in I Chronicles 1. Put was originally settled just south of Asia Minor, between Mizrtaim and the city of Hamath of the Canaanites. From this region Phut spread west and south to Africa, and also east! Numerous sons of Put early settled into the western region of Mesopotamia, a few hundred miles from ancient Babylon. This is the original center of Hindi, the language of northern and central India (ENCY. OF WORLD HISTORY, by Langer, p.28). This is the same region that some of the sons of Abraham and Keturah settled.

The people who were settled in this region were uprooted by the Assyrians and driven east into India. In India the highest castes were not only called Brahmins, but also Rajputs. The word "Rajput" means "king or chief of Put: (ENCY.BRIT., art., "Raja"). The Indians of Central and North India being slightly mixed with white stock vary from light to dark brown. The Rajputs are the most noted warriors of India. The word "Phut" or "Put" means a warrior in Hebrew. The word Phut is not properly translated "Libya" in Ezekiel 38:5. It should be translated Put or Phut, as given in the margin. The people of Phut are those of India- ultimately to go Communist.

Of the four sons of Ham, only Cush bears a name which means "black". Just as some of the sons of Cush are brown, so some of the children of Phut mutated racially into black. But this is not all of the story. What is the origin of all the black people of the Isles of Southeast Asia and Australia? How is it that there are Negroid pygmies in Asia and Africa?

Negroes In the Pacific!

This puzzle is easily solved! Bordering on the Black Sea in the Colchis (near eastern Turkey today) lived in ancient times "dark-skinned people", according to historians. This circumstance puzzled even the ancients who thought all black people ought to live in Africa! Black people living in what today is the Caucasus of Russia is merely a confirmation of the fact that civilization commenced with Nimrod, a black man, in Babylon (Genesis 10:8-10). His kingdom spread northward from Babel to this very region!

When the Assyrians carried Egyptians and Ethiopians captive (Isaiah 20), many were undoubtedly planted in this very region where the remnants of Nimrod’s empire had long remained. (see article "Colchis" in ENCY.BRIT.) These people practiced circumcision- just as the black Aborigines of Australia do today! From this region a few hundred miles northwest of Babylon comes the black race of Southeast Asia.

In II Chronicles 12:3 we read of the Sukkiim who came out of Africa into Palestine. We hear no more of them in Africa. But Herodotus tells us that they journeyed to Colchis by the Black Sea (Euterpe, sec.103). In this region we find the mention of Sukhum (ENCY.BRIT., art. "Colchis"), and of the dark-skinned Sakai. They gave their name to the Caspian Sea, which the ancients called "Sikim", (ENCY.BRIT., art. "Caspian Sea") A large province in India also is named Sikkim after them (ENCY.BRIT., art. "Sikkim").

The Sakai are scattered throughout Southeast Asia. They journeyed with the sons of Gomer. One of the proofs that Gomer is in Asia, but not in Europe, is this fact that the Blacks who lived in the land of Gomer near Babylon now live in Southeast Asia! In ancient Colchis also lived the Aeetas. (See Aea in SMITH’S CLASS.DICT.) Where are the Aeetas today? In the Philippines where some of the sons of Gomer also are! (See the article "Negritoes" in ENCY.BRIT.) The really important reason for knowing where these black people journeyed is that they help us solve the riddle where the sons of Gomer are today!


Only two more remain. Let us now find them.

"Lud" a Small People

Shem had a son named Lud (Gen.10:22). Lud early migrated from the Mesopotamian Valley. We read of Lud only as a trading people in the Old Testament. They play no important part in prophecy, but we ought to know where Lud’s descendants are today.

From the region of Western Mesopotamia, the sons of Lud spread into Western Asia Minor and founded the ancient Kingdom of Lydia. "The Assyrians called Lydia Ludu", says the INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BIBLE ENCYCLOPEDIA. From Lydia they spread into Europe. Enroute they gave the name Ludias to a river in Macedonia, north of Greece. Nearby, in Thrace, we find the town of Cabyle. A people of the white race called Cabyle or Kabyle are found in North Africa today!

The Romans found the Lydians spread over much of Italy and along the shores of the Adriatic in early times. They called the Lydians Etruscans and Tuscans. In the little communist-controlled country of Albania (next to Greece) the Tosks live today. The BRITANNICA states that these Albanians are probably "identical with Tuscus and Etruscans" of Roman times, who were of Lud (art. "Albania"). The Greeks call Albania Arberia, a word akin to Berber or Barbar. Associated with them are the Berbers, or Barbars. The Greeks probably derived the word Barbarian, meaning non-Greek, from the Berbers of Lud whom they met.

Ezekiel 30:5 gives the definite implication that part of Lud is to be found today in North Africa. Various forms of the name "Albania" are common even today in Italy. From Italy we can trace many Lydians to the East, around the Black Sea, where they founded another Kingdom of Albania in the Caucasus. According to many historians, "the name [Albania] arose from the alleged fact that the people were the descendants of emigrants from Alba in Italy", the BRITANNICA states. In the region of the Causasus today dwell many small tribes, related to one another racially, but distinct linguistically. They are not related to any other people in Russia. They are known by a dozen different names. Among these are the Georgians from whom Joseph Stalin came.

The sons of Lud have not become a great people in the world due to the backward geographic areas in which they settled. Isaiah 66:19 describes them today as dwelling among the Latin and Slavic peoples of Europe. Now comes a surprise!


Mystery of mysteries! Nearly everyone has puzzled over the origin of the American Indian. Did he come from Mongolia? from Egypt ? from the South Pacific ? Certainly if the Bible has God as its Author, this Book of books could not have overlooked the New World. The Indians must have come from Noah, but from which of his sons?

Look at the table of nations once again. There is one son whom we have not yet located. It is TIRAS! Tiras is mentioned only twice in the entire Bible, in Genesis 10:2 and in I Chronicles 1:6. The word "Tyrus" used for the city of Tyre in Palestine has no relationship with Tiras, the son of Japheth. Tiras journeyed to Asia Minor (present-day Turkey). We can pick up an abundance of historical evidence about the sons of Tiras. In fact there is more historical evidence concerning the migrations of Tiras than of any other son of Japheth. yet the world has never guessed to what land the descendants of Tiras finally migrated!

The river Dniester, which flows into the Black Sea near the border of Romania and the black Sea, was anciently called Tiras. That was the main seat of the people of Tiras for many centuries. These people migrated along the shores of the Black Sea, the Aegaean and the Mediterranean Seas- before the coming of the Greeks. The Greeks finally displaced them. Where were the people of Tiras driven to?

Before we can answer these questions we must first learn the tribal names into which the family of Tiras subdivided. Here are some of their names: Dyras, Teres, Tauri, Carians, Calybes, Thyni, Amazons, Maias, Milyaes, Mauri, Gasgars. The names of Tosk, Ketei, Moskas were also applied to them because they passed through lands belonging to other nations. (See SMITH’S CLASSICAL GREEK AND ROMAN DICTIONARY for most of these names.) Where, today, do we find these same people located among the nations? In the NEW WORLD: where the American Indians are!

The Amazons are Indians in South America who gave their names to the Amazon River. The Mayas live in Mexico and Guatemala. The Tinne’ Indians- the Greeks called them Thyni- live basically in Canada. The Chahta-Muskoki Indians- the Greeks called them Ketei- Moskas- live in the United States. The Tarascan Indians of Mexico are called after "Taras, the name of a tribal god", wrote Daniel G. Brinton in THE AMERICAN RACE. Taras obviously means Tiras. In South America live the Dures Indians, the Doraqsques, and the Turas, the Tauri and the Dauri; the Trios and Atures. In the Caribbean live Calybes- the same tribe that once lived by the Black Sea. Could anything be plainer?

The Mauri, Milyaes and Gasgars migrated from the Mediterranean via Asia Minor into the Indian Ocean. The Gasgars live on the Island of Madagasgar. The word "Madagasgar" means "Gasgars of the land of Madai!" The Milyaes are the Malayas of Southeast Asia; the Mauri are the Maori of the South Pacific, The Maori claim to have come from the West by ship from the land of "Raiatea" (AN INTRODUCTION TO POLYNESIAN ANTROPOLOGY, by Peter Buck, p.14). Where was Raiatea? Some lost continent? NO! Raiatea was a land familiar to the Romans. They called it Raetia. It was located south of the Danube River, near the ancient homeland of Tiras (SMITH’S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY).

The people of Tiras are painted on the earliest monuments of the Mediterranean. The color of their skin?" of reddish-brown complexion with their long black hair done up into a crest!" (quoted from THE SEA-KINGS OF CRETE, by James Baikie, p.74). From page 212 we read: "Judging from the surviving pictures, the Minoan men [the Island of Crete where the people of Tiras early settled] were bronzed, with dark hair and beardless faces."

An analysis of the ancient Indian traditions points universally to "an eastern origin"-across the Atlantic, not the Pacific. (See THE AMERICAN RACE, p.98-99.) In fact, the word Atlantic was used 2000 years before Columbus discovered America even though it is an American Indian word. Its root is atlan meaning "water".

The Mexicans called their temple Teocallis. This word is directly related to the Greek, meaning "place of worship of God". The Greeks called the sons of Tiras, "sea people". The native Indian name Anahuac. which the Indians of Mexico apply to the Valley of Mexico, means "around the water".

Only a slight migration may have taken place across the Pacific from Asia to America. The overwhelming movement has been out of the Mediterranean to the new world! That ought not be surprising. The ancient Phoenicians from Palestine left relics on the Azores Island in mid-Atlantic! The Indians have numerous traditions of being ruled over by whites and of expecting whites to come from the East- across the Atlantic.

A Race War Coming?

We have now located the various nationalities and the races. What does prophecy say will happen next? is the coming war to be a struggle between Whites and the colored population of the world? Not at all! The next war is to be fought once again between whites- between Israel of Western Europe and America on one side and a combination of the sons of Asshur, Javan and the Chaldeans on the other! Read isaiah 10 and Habakkuk 1, together with Isaiah 48. Notice that the children of Israel are delivered into the hands of the Whites of Europe!

Only after the initial phase of World War III is over will the former Communists have mobilized the yellow and brown hordes of Asia, with a sprinkling of black people. Then the real Race War will commence! This is foretold in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Christ Himself will have to put a stop to that attempt of Satan to crush Israel. Then the White, English-speaking world, with the other tribes of Israel will really begin to shoulder the "White Man’s Burden" and bless the world with peace instead of cursing it. In the meantime we are going to have mounting racial strife as feelings are already stirred up by the forced program of desegregation.

Moses warned our people millenniums ago that this very condition now developing would take place. Listen to his warning! "The stranger [Gentiles in our midst] shall mount up above thee higher and higher; and thou shalt come down lower and lower". Why? "Because thou didst not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, TO KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS AND HIS STATUTES which He commanded thee" (Deut. 28:43-45). Unless we stop breaking God’s laws, He will send the White Gentiles from Europe" as the vulture swoops down; a nation whose tongue you shall not understand; a nation of fierce countenance, that shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favor to the young" (verses 49-50).

Read this entire chapter in Deuteronomy. IT IS A STARTING PROPHECY FOR TODAY FOR OUR PEOPLE. It is time we heed God’s warning and turn from our sinful ways.

Herman Hoeh. Free Library Copy.

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