Just when you would agree the creation was complete, with the many islands of the Pacific and the vastness of the Australian continent, God decided to give the world one more small paradise containing every climate zone.

He placed it in the care of those who would sail to the ends of the earth to find it and help preserve its beauty, nestled there beneath the Southern Cross.

There must have been an early migration of Ulster-Scots to the North Island to have it originally named New Ulster.

We were fortunate to have someone visit from the South Island a few years ago. So far I have not been to New Zealand but would love to visit as would many others, the economy is stable and has been attracting new businesses from around the world.

My elder sister was a school teacher in New Zealand moving from Australia. She loved it there.


Our concerns were raised during the tragic earthquakes in the City of Christ Church, my sympathies to those who suffered that tremendous upheaval, and continued danger of more earthquakes.

Living close to fault lines, we had cracks in the plaster of our home in San Diego, California from regular tremors.

The Long Haul

My wife’s English great grandfather Sutton, was a crew member aboard the old sailing ships carrying passengers and supplies to South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, and told me of his experiences.

He had watched men keel hauled in a ruthless attempt to maintain discipline on those very long voyages. He was 98 years old when relating this to me.

Her grandfather Say, carried shrapnel in his chest from the trenches of World War One.

The Company Of Nations

These were the men who helped claim and defend the lands given to fulfill the promises God had made to Abraham and his descendants, making us the wealthiest nations on earth!

These promises are fulfilled in YOU New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and in the old colonial families, forgotten in India, and China, and in Africa, so in danger there today, and in other nation’s around the world.

A time is coming, after a world wide time of great tragedy, when all of Britain’s descendants will be united once more and will live in peace and security in the land of Israel.

Heading Down Under

My family spent seven weeks traveling to Australia from Great Britain by ship during Nineteen Fifty Six, which provided me with eye opening visits to countries which are still living in abject poverty today.

We made the voyage in comparative luxury aboard the P&O, H.M.S. Himalaya and the S.S. Orsova on our 26,000 mile round trip. I can’t imagine what months of hard labor at sea on a small heavily laden sailing ship would have been like 150 years ago!

Be sure to read of your nation’s future as God humbles our peoples in order to begin an even greater work in us, in even greater service to the entire world!

See the ‘United States And Britain In Prophecy’ and the extensive ‘America And Britain In Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.


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