Australia,Britain,Canada,China,Europe,G20,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,Vatican,World.
It is not often that someone comes on the world scene whose name describes what they are doing. Donald J Trump was America’s 45th President and is now President-Elect to become the 47th American President. Something In Common With America’s First Presidents He has something in common with Presidents George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,China,Europe,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,World.
Each day we have something to appreciate no matter how little, it’s still more than the billions of people have in the rest of the world. Always look on the bright side, it could be a lot worse… ONE BILLION BILLION people are starving on earth today, could that come to us? We Were Given […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,China,Europe,G20,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,New Zealand,United States,World.
I wish to play my small part in informing the Australian, American, Canadian, British, New Zealand people, and the rest of the world, of the threatened destruction of one of the few remaining Rainforests on earth. We can no longer allow what remains of our Rainforests to be turned into WOOD CHIPS to feed China’s […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,Europe,G20,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,World.
The American and British people have enjoyed tremendous prosperity and success throughout the last two centuries, this appears to have been handed directly to them in comparison to all other nations. A Small Island Nation And Thirteen Colonies A small island nation suddenly finds itself ruling over the largest Empire the world has ever known! […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,China,Europe,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,Vatican,World.
Dressed in a robe down to His feet, with a golden sash around His chest. His head and hair are white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes look like blazing fire. His feet are like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice is like the sound of rushing water…. His face […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,Europe,G20,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,Vatican,World.
‘Corpus separatum’ Latin for ‘separate body’ was the term used in the 1947 U.N. partition plan for Jerusalem. According to this, the City would be placed under ‘an international regime’ due to its shared religious importance. ‘Corpus Separatum’ was the main talking point of the Lausanne Conference of 1949, the intent was to make Jerusalem […]
Australia,Britain,Europe,G20,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,Vatican,World.
The Middle-East and North Africa have become a European problem, with MILLIONS invading Europe as refugees. Many are displaced from the prolonged Syrian war and from the continuing civil war in Libya, as well as those fleeing the ongoing wars and hunger in North African nations. A reception center was to be built on the […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,China,Europe,G20,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,Vatican,World.
Soon Temple Building will begin in Jerusalem, where we are told in prophecy at the very least some form of altar or a fully constructed temple WILL BE BUILT. References to “the daily sacrifice” whether in the form of prayers or actual animal sacrifice will be performed, and will then “be taken away.” This will […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,Europe,G20,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,World.
The spiritual descendants of the Church of God founded by Jesus Christ in Jerusalem do not enter into politics. But we do give warnings to the many descendant nations of ancient Israel, now in the United States and Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western and North-Western Europe, Ireland, and Israel, as we are commanded to […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,China,Europe,G20,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,Vatican,World.
Read of the startling events about to take place in the Arab Oil States, and of the future of Jerusalem and Israel! Since the cut off of Russian oil, the Twenty-Six E.U. Nations have depended mainly on Middle-East oil supplies. With the admittance of Saudi-Arabia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates to the B.R.I.C.S. trade […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,China,Europe,G20,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,Vatican,World.
October 2024: Report by Kelsey Ables of The The Washington Post Who Will Be Attending This Year’s B.R.I.C.S. Summit in Russia? Of 38 countries invited to the summit, 24 will send their leaders, and 32 are expected to participate in total, the Washington Post reported. Leaders from most member states are attending, including South African […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,Europe,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,United States,World.
God established these nation’s as a fulfillment of the promise He had made to the family of Abraham. That promise was passed down to Jacob’s two grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh whose descendants became America and Britain, the Birthright Nations. This is why America and Britain exist today. But these nations were not to exist forever. […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,Europe,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,Vatican,World.
The Irish are a proud and cultured people having the oldest history in Europe and beyond. It is recorded that the tribe of Dan led three of the twelve tribes of Israel out of Egypt, and settled on the coast of Israel. It is also recorded that ‘Dan lived in ships’ and later occupied a […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,Church Page,Europe,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,World.
If living in Ireland you may well know this FABLE told to both Catholics and Protestants alike. It is the untrue story of two young Princes, frantically rowing toward an island having been told the first to lay hand on the island would become King. When one realized he was about to lose the race, […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,China,Europe,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Middle-East,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,Vatican,World.
Following the January 2020 US – Iran confrontation President Trump stated the US was completely energy self-sufficient, and Britain, Germany, Europe, and China, should become involved in safeguarding Middle-East oil supplies. A Japanese operated tanker had been attacked in the Gulf of Oman and Washington confirmed Iran was responsible. Japan was urged to join this […]
‘Corpus Separatum’ was one of the main issues of the Lausanne Conference of 1949, to make Jerusalem an Open City. Although its implementation failed, thoughts are that this may now be a possibility. Attempts have been made over the years to make Palestine an independent State, with its capital in the Old City of Jerusalem, […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,China,Europe,G20,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,New Zealand,United States,Vatican,World.
In July of 2015 the distinguished ‘Temple Institute’ released architectural drawings for the building of the third Jerusalem temple, together with a ‘virtual reality walk through video’ of this impressive structure. Discussions at the highest level between Muslim Clerics, Jewish Rabbis and Papal involvement of “a prophet,” have been underway to allow the construction. A […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,Europe,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,United States,Vatican,World.
The Swedish and the French gave their approval to a Palestinian State, this was followed by British support. The failure of the Arab Leagues’ proposal presented to the U.N. to have the Old City of Jerusalem become Palestine’s capital by 2016 was considered an attempt to make a bad situation worse at that time. The […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,Europe,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,Prophecy,United States,Vatican,World.
Did Santa come? What did he bring? Did he give Frosty The Snowman a ride home, or did he leave him here to melt? It’s a great time of the year for many, my late Father in Law did not attend church but he loved Christmas, because it reflected the good will that should have […]
Australia,Britain,Canada,China,Europe,G20,Germany,Ireland,Jerusalem,Librarian's Comments,Middle-East,New Zealand,United States,World.
It is customary to talk about our own success more in America than in the British Isles, but for those who want to know me a little better, I will spend a moment on this. I had made it by age 27, a partnership in a successful construction company, a new home and a British […]