Important reading-written pre-Brexit

British MEP’s Fail To Maintain Democracy In The European Parliament!

Sir Winston Churchill was known for his ability to coin a phrase, “The Lights Are Going Out All Over Europe,” spoke of the dark days which the popular German government of the day headed by Adolph Hitler, was beginning in Europe and against the Free World.

Churchill had warned the British Parliament of Germany’s intention to begin a Second World War, and retired from politics before being asked to head a coalition government at age eighty, to fight that war.

Once Again Germany Dominates Europe

Once again Germany dominates Europe with the German Chancellor controlling the decision making process in the European Parliament, ushering in the latest German European Council President, and by deceiving the European people has pushed through the rejected European Constitution in the form of a ‘treaty’ creating a ONE NATION EUROPE!

Before the fall of Hitlers Germany, the proposal to form a ‘European Common Market’ was introduced to Hitler in a document presented by Hermann Goring, together with his strategy for the imminent air campaign to bomb Britain into submission!

Because of British resistance and the joint efforts of the US, the British Empire Nations, and Russia, Germany was defeated. But within a few decades the formation of the ‘European Common Market’ got underway, managed in part by former members of the Nazi party!

A Half Billion Under German Control

Today, we see almost HALF A BILLION PEOPLE in twenty-eight, now twenty-seven countries under the rule of the new socialist European Commission and Parliament!

Listen to short Soundbites and Podcasts on the Home Page, see Page 4 videos of the British representatives to the European Parliament opposed the emerging EUROPEAN DICTATORSHIP, and how this will affect YOUR future!

The Will Of The People Subverted!

In national referendums the people of France, Holland, and Ireland, ALL overwhelmingly voted to reject the proposal of a European Constitution rejecting the idea of a ‘One Nation Europe’ refusing the European Parliament additional powers over the lives of the people of Europe.

Watching the European Constitution failing to receive approval by a vote of the people, the unelected European Commission who writes European law, withdrew the document and replaced it with the ‘LISBON TREATY’ containing the same legislation as the European Constitution.

This was approved by the mainly socialist European Parliament, who denied the rights of the remaining twenty-five nations waiting to vote on this unpopular MAJOR issue!

Regarded As A One Nation Europe

Today Europe is regarded by the leading European Commission, and the European Parliament as ONE NATION.

A dictatorial system of government has been created which can bypass the democratic process without a vote of the people, either to elect the European Commission composed of none-elected bureaucrats who write all European law, or to reject the coming European Dictator President!

No law can be proposed by the elected members of the European Parliament! They cannot vote to repeal any law!

As one British representative had commented “IT’S NOT A PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY AT ALL!”

Without the peoples approval A ONE NATION EUROPEAN SUPERSTATE has now been created, including the formation of a United Europe Armed Forces which could control French and British NUCLEAR WEAPONS, with its command center already established!

Prophecy foretells the rise of another European Dictator, with the means to destroy American and British cities!

Even Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party had more difficulty coming to power than the European Dictator will have!

Europe And The Vatican

This is the system with the support of the Vatican, that will rule Europe during the time of trouble which a loving God will allow against The United States and the British descended peoples, as well as Western and North-Western Europe and Ireland, with a Third World War defeat by Germany!

This will be followed by a three and one half year national captivity of these nations, including the American and British peoples, believe it or not!

Our Appointed Disciplinarians

Long ago the ancestors of the Germans, ‘Men Of War,’ so called by the Romans, were appointed as ancient Israel’s disciplinarians. “The rod of my anger,” Isa. 10: 5,6. Asshur’s descendants formed the Assyrian Empire taking Israel into captivity, removing them from their promised land-this is a DUAL prophecy for TO-DAY!

Later the descendants of Asshur, from which ‘Deutsch’ is derived, migrated to central Europe and became known as Germany, the Syrian part of the As-syrian empire remained in the Middle- East.

Germany has fulfilled this dubious task of exacting punishment on all 12 modern day descendant nations of ancient Israel, now located in the US and British descendant nations, and the nations of Western and North-Western Europe, Ireland and Israel.

Germany To Have Nuclear Weapons

Today Germany once again DOMINATES Europe economically and politically, and is building long-range rockets in the European Space Project, and has said that they will pay for Europe to have Nuclear Weapons!!!

Of course once developed these rockets can be deployed against the US and Britain as the Vengeance 1 and 2 rockets were used on London during World War Two.

An interesting story from a U.S. bomber co-pilot. As they flew towards Germany the pilot spotted a Vengeance 1 or V2 rocket headed for London, as this zoomed by their B52 the pilot said “there goes the future!”

England Was To Cease To Exist!

The unreleased Pre-Brexit maps of the NEW EUROPE showed the combined twenty-eight countries divided into regions, in which England was to cease to exist!

The Southern area of the United Kingdom was given to the French region, part of central England was given to Germany, the remainder joined Northern Europe. This would have meant the destruction of the United Kingdom!

Plans to incorporate a large area of United States as German controlled territory was to follow!

See Videos on Page 4 of the America And Britain Future Podcasts, showing the German flag covering a huge populated area of the US where many from Germany settled.

In the minds of some German planners Hitlers ‘living space’ is extended to the Americans Continent!

Filtering Through

The Israelite migration that founded the nations of Western and North-Western Europe and the British Isles came from their captivity in the area of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea, traveling through what later became northern Germany.

Following the establishment of the United States many of the descendant Israelites who had settled mainly in Northern Germany for centuries, then migrated directly from there to the U.S.

Little do they know many of the 2% of the German population that migrated to the U.S. were actually Israelites.

Germany Given Dominance

It is shocking how Germany is literally being forced into the leadership position in Europe once more, and the German dream of dominating the Western World is being stimulated once again!

National characteristics are an interesting study. Knowing German origins Churchill said, ” Germany has displayed a belligerent nature in the last 2000 years, they do not change.”

The German people will change, when they are eventually given God’s spirit of peace, but for now they will do His bidding, as He disciplines American and the British descendant peoples.

Every Law Broken

Our nations have broken every law in the book since World War Two, and they will not stop to consider that the tremendous wealth and power we have received was handed to us by a very real God, as a promise He had made to Abraham. See Genesis Chapter 35 Verse 11.

Now we will be returned to obeying His laws by the loss of the wealth and power He gave us, and by our defeat and by a national captivity by the German people.

Our nations will suffer Nuclear Attack in national destruction, and a three and one half year national captivity under harsh discipline! During which those who are left alive will return to God asking for forgiveness and to be saved out of their desperate situation, may a loving God have mercy on them.

This will be followed by God’s personal intervention, world peace will finally be established under the Authority of this Tremendously Powerful God Being!

The German People Also Restored To God

Read Isaiah 19: 25, “On that day Israel-the twelve modern day national descendants including America and Britain – will be the third with Egypt – the most powerful nation in its day – and Assyria – Assures descendants now known as Germany – a blessing in the midst of the Earth, whom the Lord has blessed, saying, blessed be Egypt – Africa – my people, and Assyria – Germany – the work of my hands – and Israel my heritage.”

In the coming time of world peace and prosperity under Jesus Christ’s direct rulership on earth, God will give the German people His spirit of peace. See ‘The Wonderful World Tomorrow: What It Will Be Like’ on Page 1 of the Library and ‘The Coming: Wonderful World Tomorrow!’ on Library Page 4.

See the short ‘United States And Britain In Prophecy’ and the in depth ‘America And Britain In Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the Library to find the outcome of the events now occurring in European, and learn how Germany, now dominating Europe will one last time, seriously impact America and Britain’s future.

Learn more in ‘Germany In Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the America And Britain’s Future Free Library.


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