America and Britain’s future depends upon our leaders returning the nation’s Supreme Courts back to Judeo-Christian Ethics upon which our Nations laws were based. These laws continue to be cast aside in changes made over the past Forty Years. After fighting these drastic changes through the Supreme Courts, few of the special interest groups would agree to chang them now! Is this the cause of our nation’s problems today?

Today the US and Britain see their debt-ridden economies and defensive borders in trouble. Never before in world history has there been such a turnaround in the wealth of the two richest most dominant nations on earth, now the greatest debtor nations in world history! Why did this occur and what next for America and Britain?

Coming Series of Events

Following tragic prolonged drought with extreme water shortages in America and the British descendant nations the appointment of a soon coming European Dictator will take place! Britain may suffer a future E.U. embargo on ALL British trade resulting in economic collapse and additional food shortages.

This leading to a final World War Three with a Nuclear Attack from Germany causing the destruction of our cities, because we as nations have turned our backs on God! Britain and America be warned!

To learn why the U.S. and Britain became so powerful and influential in the first place, see the short summary of ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy‘ and the extensive ‘America And Britain In Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the Free Library.

We Need To Depend On God For Our Defense!

America and Britain’s leaders need to RELEARN those principals upon which our continued ECONOMIC AND MILITARY SUCCESS OR FAILURE DEPENDS. Learn why the US and Britain inherited TWO-THIRDS of the world’s wealth and why it is now being taken away, again see the ‘United States And Britain In Prophecy‘ to see the pieces of this puzzle fall neatly into place in seven short chapters.

Time is now running out on the success of our nation’s leaders as they overturn God’s laws in our courts and institutions! A loving God who really does exist has been patient while they have legislated away His laws WHICH KEPT OUR SOCIETY SAFE and free from decay and INSURED OUR PROSPERITY AND MILITARY SUCCESS FOR TWO CENTURIES IN THE US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and for MORE THAN 800 YEARS in the British Isles!

Of Course, If God Does Not Exist

Of course, if God does not exist they have no problem? But if MEN like Darwin, Huxley, Hawkins, and others have been WRONG, and if God’s patience has now run out, and if GOD HAS HIS OWN PLAN WHICH HE DOES to replace this world’s leaders with HIS OWN WORLD GOVERNMENT which He does, then we will now see HIS PLAN quickly move ahead!

See ‘The Wonderful World Tomorrow: What It Will Be Like‘ to understand what an all-powerful God of love with concern for all nations will bring about on this planet after the distrustful nature which influences every nation today brings us to the brink of extinction!

Can God’s existence be proven scientifically? For absolute proof see the short ‘Does God Exist‘ and ‘Seven Proof’s God Exists‘ together with related information beginning on Page 1 of the America And Britain’s Future Free Library.



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America And Britain's Future 2025