The American and British people have enjoyed tremendous prosperity and success throughout the last two centuries, this appears to have been handed directly to them in comparison to all other nations.

A small island nation suddenly finds itself ruling over the largest Empire the world has ever known! And just as suddenly the North American continent becomes populated by those of similar ethnic background, set to become the greatest single nation in history!

America And Britain Taking Centre Stage

To learn how and why these two nations were meant to take center stage just when they did, see several titles on Page 1 of the America and Britains Future Free Library, including ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy’.

And the extensive ‘America And Britain In Prophecy’ for proof of God’s plan to give national greatness to the descendants of the two sons of Joseph, the grandsons of Jacob whose name was changed by God to Israel.

The fulfillment of that promise is now complete. God’s 7000 year plan is about to enter the traumatic time during the merge into ‘the 1000 years of coming world peace!’

Two titles ‘The Wonderful World Tomorrow: What It Will Be Like’ found on Page 1 and the Q&A version ‘The Coming…. Wonderful World Tomorrow!’ on Page 4 of the Library picture in detail the peace and prosperity coming to ALL nations!

See also‘How The World Suppressed; God’s 7000 Year plan,’ on Library Page 2.

Understanding The Purpose For Human Life

Re-education will play a large part in the coming 1000 years of peace and prosperity. The greatest improvement will be in our change from so-called ‘Human Nature’ to the way of outgoing concern for others, and the ability to understand the purpose for human life! This is fully explained in both ‘Wonderful World Tomorrow’ titles.

To understand the traumatic time our world is now entering see ‘World Peace: How It Will Come’ on Library Page 1.


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America And Britain's Future 2025