Most Americans are still a little afraid to visit Northern Ireland because of the violence they watched on their newscasts over 30 years. When, in fact, in the worst of times all statistics compared favorably to crime in any American city of 1.5 million people, the population of Northern Ireland.

Why not plan a visit to Northern Ireland on your next Irish vacation.

Flying into Belfast International Airport some distance outside the city will give you the most original view of Old Ireland. With its wee green fields, stone walls crisscrossing the countryside, and those little white-washed cottages.

St. Patrick’s Grave Not Promoted

It is interesting that travel agencies do not promote the fact that St. Patrick is buried in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland.

One would think that many Irish-Americans Catholics would want to visit his grave as a pilgrimage, instead of tearing up your knees at the Knock. I’ve heard that is what they do there.

American Heritage

While in Northern Ireland, spend some time at the Ulster American Heritage Center.

You will be amazed to learn that many American Presidents have their roots in Northern Ireland, including America’s second President John Adams, and his cousin Samuel Adams the father of the American Revolution were of Ulster-Scottish descent!

Patrick Henry of “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” fame, was also of Ulster-Scottish descent.

Thomas Paine who wrote the very popular ‘Common Sense’ questioning British rule in the colonies took the title from a Scottish philosopher.

Famous frontiersmen such as Crocket, Boon, and Carson were Scots-Irish, as were the original American explorers Lewis and Clark. Conservationists Jackson and Muir were of Scottish descent.

An Ulster-Scots Inspired Revolution

At the first meeting of the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Samuel Adams was there to encourage those gathered.

The larger meeting of the three hundred ministers of the Scottish Presbyterian Church met in Philadelphia at the same time, and drafted a letter to instruct the quarter-million Ulster-Scots in the colonies to ‘Back The Revolution.’

Samuel Addams assisted Thomas Jefferson of Welch, English, Scottish descent, in writing the American Constitution.

The men who printed the Declaration, and gave the first public reading were Ulster-Scots.

Around one third of the Declaration’s signers, including John Hancock were of Ulster-Scots or Scottish descent.

These Israelite descendants of Manasseh, the elder grandson of Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, were given control of the American continent, fulfilling the promise given to Abraham detailed, that they would become ‘A Nation And A Company of Nations’ see this first mentioned as early as in Genesis Chapter 35, Verse 11.

Read this amazing story in ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy’ found on Page 1 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.

Famous Ulster-Scots & Scottish Presidents

Five of the first seven Presidents were of Ulster Scots descent, and five of the last seven have Ulster or Scottish heritage including Bill Clinton, George H.W., and George W. Bush.

President Donald Trump’s mother Mary McLeod came from the Scottish Island of Lewis, not far from the Isle of Harris, my name, they wore the McLeod tartan-plaid and fought for the larger McLeod’s.

Many more presidents of the United States, including McKinley and the Roosevelts had Ulster-Scottish roots.

Even George Washington’s family history goes back to the Orkney Isles of Scotland!

Many Vice Presidents, State Governors, Senators, and Members of the Supreme Court, were Scots-Irish.

Hail To The Chief is an old Scottish Air played for the Scottish Clan Chiefs now played for every American President.

And the great American Universities such as Harvard and Yale were built by the Scottish Presbyterian Church.

See the new ‘America’s Future’ on Page 1 of the Library to learn why control of the United States was handed to those from Northern Ireland and Scotland. It is an amazing true story!

Slave Ships Rejected

The port cities of Northern Ireland refused slave ships as a protest against slavery, refusing the toll money which came from each slave passing through the British ports.

The Scottish Highlanders believed ‘No Man Should Be Another Man’s Slave!’

John Adams died a comparatively poor man because he would not use slaves to work his land. When offered slaves by friends, he would accept these and immediately release them!

Ulsters Red Hand

Learn the true story of the Red Hand of Ulster and the origin of the Ulster-Scots in ‘From Jerusalem To London’ on Page 1 of the Library.

This traces the steps of the early migration of the Scots bringing Royalty from Jerusalem to Northern-Ireland, then to Scotland, and finally to London England! They took their name from the Jewish Princess Scota.

The Realm of Scota, comprising Ireland, The Isle of Man, and Scotland, this existed until the Tenth Century. Nova Scotia carries her name today.

Much of Raymond McNair’s ‘From Jerusalem To London’ is focused on the overlooked part of early Ireland’s history, showing the coming of Jeremiah the Prophet to Ireland.

He was ‘Ireland’s Original Saint and Patriarch’

See this short informative history on Page 1 of the Library.


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