On June 23rd 1016 the British people voted in a national referendum to leave the European Union, and a jubilant Nigel Farage leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, and a seventeen year British representative to the 750 member European Parliament proclaimed “Independence Day” for Britain.

Immediately world markets began to slide, down by six hundred points in one day in the U.S., the British Pound fell to a twenty-eight year low, and within days the ratings agency Standard & Poor’s had reduced Britain’s Triple-A credit rating to AA, costing the British Government more than the normally low interest rate of two percent to borrow the money needed to pay the interest on the nations huge national debt.

Initial Three Months Delay

Prime Minister Cameron announced his resignation, and informed the nation that his successor would be implementing the necessary legal action to begin Britain’s exit from the EU, but not until after the party conference to be held in three month’s time.

It actually took one year before Article 50 was presented to the European Commission President by P.M. Theresa May.

Boris Refused To Run

Boris Johnston, the former Mayor of London who was the front runner for the Prime Minister position shocked his supporters during what was thought to have been his acceptance speech, by refusing to run.

Why did the lovable Boris, who at the last minute leapt into the position of leader of the drive to leave the EU, just as suddenly decide not to run for Britain’s top government position?

Could it have been that he was leaving the job to someone more willing to compromise on Brexit, not being prepared to lead his party’s continuing effort to have Britain REMAIN in the EU, by calling for a second referendum?

Last Attempts To Stay In?

A huge demonstration took place in London by some of the sixty percent in that area who voted to remain in Europe.

Mr. Cameron and Theresa May, his replacement Prime Minister, both said there would be no second referendum.

But both devoted Europeans, and no doubt in fear of a national economic catastrophe, were looking for a way to keep Britain in the European Union’s good graces.

Nigel Farage warned the nation that “it will be necessary to ensure Brexit happens!”

Seeking Compromise

If a petition which collected three million signatures within a few days after the referendum had reached the necessary ten million during the long delay before Article 50 was triggered, the new Prime Minister would have had the option to hold a second referendum.

Alarms were being sounded that Britain’s leaders, fearful of an economic collapse, were seeking a way to reverse the will of the more than one million majority of mainly working-class voters who tipped the scales, sending economic shock waves around the world!

There was talk of A SOFT BREXIT or perhaps ASSOCIATE EU MEMBERSHIP, basically keeping Britain in the European Union against the wishes of the majority vote.

Mr. Farage may have been forced to fight again, this time to lead the nation in its post-EU era, if a national crisis occurs.

Instead he once again resigned his party’s leadership following his Brexit victory, but had been forced to resume the leadership position following the resignation of Dian James, citing leadership difficulties.

Now Overly Dependent on Europe

There is little public understanding of how much the nation still relies on Europe for millions of jobs and much more, as their leaders for the first time in British history have made the economic collapse of Britain possible, by over-dependence on trade with Europe.

Today British industry depends on the EU to accept a massive FORTY TWO PERCENT of British manufactured goods, and even more shockingly Britain is dependent on the EU to ship THIRTY PERCENT of the British population’s daily food supply from European nations to the British Isles!

Altering The British Way Of Life!

The EU Parliament had already made it clear that in order to get a new trade deal with them, the borders of already overpopulated Britain must remain open to EU immigrants, and in 2023 they are!

This is something the vast majority of the British people are strongly opposed to, with the three hundred thousand mainly Eastern European semi-skilled workers arriving in the country each year now up to five hundred thousand!

The appearance of British villages and towns has already been altered for the worse by the invasion of large groups of impoverished immigrants wandering the narrow streets.

Crime has risen sharply and the safety of local residents is constantly threatened.

A personal example of this is in the area of Wiltshire where my now deceased mother-in-law had lived for over eighty years, and where THOUSANDS of Syrians were in the process of being settled!

This will totally destroy this small town and the British way of life so much admired by the rest of the world!

British – German Prophecy

There is DUALITY in prophecy which occurs between Britain and Germany, this warns against going to Germany for help! Hoping the German Chancellor who controls the decision making process in the European government will save the British economy by not cutting off British trade!

Fearing the loss of EU control over several member nations, the European Parliament had warned that they would “slam the door on Britain” if the Brexit vote were to succeed!

The German Chancellor had said “no need to be nasty to Britain” but Germany’s attitude changed at the thought of leading a shrinking Europe, perhaps blaming the British for beginning the dissolution of the German dream to control all of Europe, and the Western World!

In time they will use their newfound European military strength against Britain and America to achieve that goal!

Speaking In Austria

Speaking in AUSTRIA the President of the EU Commission which writes all European law, and had forced the change of SEVENTY PERCENT of British law, stated his belief that “Borders were the worst invention ever made by politicians.”

He said ” In the concentration of globalization and European problems, we must not lose our way.”

” We must FIGHT against NATIONALISM. We have the duty not to follow populists, BLOCKING the avenue of populists.”

In response, on behalf of Britain’s Prime Minister, it was stated that “You have heard the Prime Minister talk about the views of the British people expressed in the referendum. The British people think that borders are important, and that is an issue we will need to address.”

With a complete takeover of all of Europe, they will no longer allowing EU Nations to maintain their own sovereignty!

Future Mistreatment By Germany

Listen to the many highly informative short Soundbites and Podcasts found on the Home Page.

Read the short ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy’ and ‘Germany in Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the Free Library.

See additional article in Librarians Comments on the German-European Military World Power now forming, and on how the British people will once again be used by God, to set the world the right example during the One Thousand Years Of Coming World Peace.



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