If the history gets totally boring scroll down too: ‘The Earth Finally Restored.’

Report from REUTERS.COM

SHARM EL SHEIKH, Egypt, Nov 7. World leaders and diplomats framed the fight against global warming as a battle for human survival during opening speeches at the COP27 climate summit in Egypt on Monday, with the head of the United Nations declaring a lack of progress so far had the world speeding down a “highway to hell”.

The stark messages, echoed by the heads of African, European and Middle Eastern nations alike, set an urgent tone as governments began two weeks of talks in the seaside resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh to figure out how to avert the worst of climate change.

“Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish,” U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres told delegates, urging them to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels and speed funding to poorer countries struggling under climate impacts that have already occurred. End.

Money Is Now The Crux Of The Matter

We love to believe the thousands of diplomats, environmentalists, and World Leaders are there to solve this problem.

But the final boiling point may be the demand for Ninety Four Billion Dollars ($94,000,000,000). Do I have enough zeros?

The highest demand before the conference had risen to Two Hundred Billion Dollars ($200,000,000,000) per year!

And why are these demands being made in dollars, why not in Euros, or in any other currency?

Could it be that every nation is there to take home BILLIONS of US Dollars? That is one speculation.

So the cost incurred in attending, may prove COP 27 the most rewarding for not only the poorer nations, but for India and China regarded as developing countries!

The Cop26 Conference

Controversy over money stirred in the final meetings during the Conference in Copenhagen in 2010, and so the U.S. financial commitment was increased from $3 Billion to $30 Billion.

In the 2015 Paris meeting, this amount was raised by President Obama to 90 Billion by 2020.

And YES, American handouts are expected even to India and China, the two fastest developing nations, even as the giant U.S. national debt now nears 30 Trillion!

Linking Distribution Of Wealth To Global Warming

Presently there are still some who argue there is no serious variation in global temperatures and that this is simply another form of wealth distribution, from the have to the have not nations.

It is reported that information has been compiled on every farm and village in ALL underdeveloped second and third world nations, who will begin receiving checks from the developed nations to buy clean air credits from these non-polluting farmers and small businesses.

This will be paid mainly by American industry, already beleaguered by heavy penalties.

China And India Burning Two Thirds The World’s Coal

The United States has cut its carbon pollution in HALF, while the rest of the world drags its feet!

China and India have been excluded from compliance and from making payments to the green bank until 2030, With Billions already paid by the US.

Therefore President Trump canceled membership to save the US additional Billions, but with the new administration having rejoined, the American Taxpayer will foot the bill once more for multiple Billions.

The Planet Definitely Under Siege

Witness the present destruction of the massive South American forested area which no one can stop! This area produces one-third of the world’s clean air!

The soil content is so limited that within a short time the invading army of farmers must move on to continue the denuding of these millions of acres!

See ‘Drought, Flood And Famine’ on Page 1 of the Library to learn the history of man’s destruction of the earth’s farmlands, and how to begin restoration.

Learn how our planet will be restored in ‘The Wonderful World Tomorrow What It Will Be Like,’ discover some of the hidden effects of global pollution in ‘Our Polluted Planet’ on Page 3 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.

Global Pollution

Living in England in the 60’s and early 70’s, I experienced what remained of Britain’s industrial revolution.

The tall smokestacks still belching huge tonnage of illness causing pollutants over densely populated cities, the coal smoke-laden fog’s, similar to those experienced in Chinese industrial cities today!

With the giant slag heaps left behind, and the deserted canals which had been dug to move huge tonnage of goods.


Soot from coal is still the main cause of widespread pollution, found even in the world’s Polar snowpack!

To reduce this strict penalties were imposed in the US with forty percent of all energy being produced from coal, this caused the destruction of the coal industry in some States.

And it has been estimated that it will cost 1 Billion dollars to make remaining US coal burning plants clean burning.

China And India Coal Burning Defeats Our Efforts

China was opening six new polluting coal burning power plants each week until natural gas became cheaper than coal. India continues to build coal plants.

Even Germany has returned to burning coal since Russia has cut off their natural gas supply over the Ukraine War, making the Western World’s best efforts almost null and void.

Green Energy

Green energy will account for around 20% of US energy production in the near future.

Some windmill energy production has not been realized after being built in locations not readily accessible to the grid. And as was found in the 2021 Texas winter freeze, windmill were shut down by ice buildup, contributing to leaving Texans freezing for weeks!

The U.S. solar panel industry was destroyed years ago by the import of cheap systems from China, with panels disintegrating faster than the better-built quality US product.

In the Western States, protection of the American Eagle has been totally ignored for the sake of producing a comparatively few kilowatt-hours, as these magnificent birds die in large numbers by flying into these!

Cheap Oil And Natural Gas

A glut of cheap oil and natural gas had existed because of declining world industrial production caused by economic instability, some were calling this ‘The New Normal’ believing lower pollution would follow lower cleaner growth.

But in 2022 the series of bushfires around the world defeated man’s ability to reduce air pollution adding Forty Percent carbon to the earth’s atmosphere in that year alone!

The incredible weight of the average ‘three times national debt to GDP’ ratio of most industrial nations today causes serious threat to the already shaky world economy, now laden with additional environmental laws.

The truth of the matter ‘so-called human nature’ together with ‘Mother Nature’ is defeating our best efforts.

An Admirable Attempt In Paris

The Paris meeting appeared to be an admirable attempt to fix the problem, but with China and India refusing to implement any changes in their fossil fuel use for decades the problem remains.

And with all nations compliance made only on a voluntary basis, with no worldwide enforcement policy, little has been achieved in overall reduction of carbon emissions.

Missing The Point

The America And Britains Future Free Library deals with the most serious issues concerning our nation’s future existence and world survival, which includes giving the real reasons for EXTREME WEATHER, as a warning of the times we are now entering!

This WARNING in the weather, along with Drought and Famine in America and Britain, is a sign of the times!

See these weather conditions described in Matthew 24, with the ‘sea and the waves raging, and wars in different places.’

See the articles on the MASSIVE DROUGHT conditions in the US, Australia, and Canada, the bread baskets of the world!

World weather upheaval is also a WARNING of God’s rising dissatisfaction with the way the nations have rebelled against living by his laws!

Why A One In Four Cancer Rate?

Look at the way we grow our crops, cash cropping with huge amounts of artificial fertilizer quadrupling the original sixty bushels per acre of healthy unpolluted grains.

Now we are near to having a one in four cancer rate in the US. There is a direct connection with the polluted food we eat and cancer, as we dump more and more chemicals on the land!

YES, we are in serious trouble with extreme weather, caused by disobedience to the laws of God!

You will not see the EXPERTS at the COP Meetings asking God for help, they would say “SURELY THAT MYTH HAS LONG SINCE BEEN LAID TO REST!”

It is now seen as ignorance to refer to even the possibility of God’s existence or intervention.

And so after suffering from extreme weather, including massive drought, our world will soon be threatened with a THIRD WORLD WAR for much the same reason, believe it or not IT IS COMING.

Germany is building LONG RANGE ROCKETS and will soon acquire NUCLEAR WEAPONS through EU membership!

The Earth Finally Restored

The restoration of our planet has already been assured, and soon we will enter a one thousand year period of world peace and ecological harmony!

World crisis will be resigned to a distant past, our planet will be restored to its original beauty, our populations will be replenished, our cities will be rebuilt, and our nation’s wealth will be restored.

But in the near future, we are to suffer harsh correction FOR IGNORING THE LAW’S GOD given to preserve our environment!

A Perfectly Ordered Planet

Fortunately there is A VERY REAL GOD who formed such perfect order!

He is not represented by the weakling, long haired, false Jesus created by Catholic artists!

Read of ‘The Real Jesus’ on Page 9 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.

He tells us that He controls the weather, and that the NUMBER ONE THREAT TODAY is not Global Warming.

Number One Threat Nuclear Destruction




God’s 7,000 Year Plan

Look forward to the fulfillment of God’s ‘Seven Thousand Year Plan’ which you probably have not had explained before.

This is found throughout the America And Britains Future Free Library, as your guide through tumultuous times ahead.

Discover some of the hidden effects of pollution in ‘Our Polluted Planet’ on Page 3 of the Free Library.

Let’s End The Confusion Here Is The Truth!

The earth was spun into existence by the one who later became known as Jesus Christ, in English, Justice and Savior.

As God, He created this earth in order to reproduce himself by the billions, and He will not let this project fail!

No One Will Be Lost

No one will be lost, all who have ever lived will be brought back to live another physical life on the earth.

The next time in the knowledge of God’s Plan, to have you qualify to receive the ability to live forever.

You probably don’t believe this now, but this is the future of all of the earth’s generations!

You may sleep before you awake to a brand new world, please don’t worry.

Your life is in good hands.

Be sure to take the contents of ‘The Wonderful World Tomorrow What It Will Be Like,’ seriously.

This will be your incredible future whether you as an individual believe it now or not. This will be given to YOU.



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