Jesus Christ was handed a scroll directly from God the Father.

And only Jesus Christ had the ability to open the future prophecies contained in the book of Revelation.

Today, Jesus Christ has given the explanation of this to everyday hard-working people just as He gave fishermen the understanding of prophecy 2,000 years ago. And the scriptures tell us that ‘A good understanding have they who keep the Commandments.’

Chapters 2 and 3 of the book of Revelation are written to the True Church Of God that continues to keep the Sabbath Day and the Seven Annual Holy Days Of God and who believe in keeping God’s Commandments.

They have the responsibility to warn you of the danger that lies ahead for the American and British descended people!

Those Scary Animals

The scary animal-like creatures in the first part of Rev.13 represents the world powers that would dominate throughout history down to a ‘beast with seven heads’ – ‘the seven resurrections of the Roman empire’ returning to world power under the great false church at Rome.

The last of these occupy the European Continent today! This will be destroyed by God after their successful military takeover of Britain and America as a national punishment from God, as Germany and the Vatican make a final attempt at world dominance. Pictured as a Great Beast and a Fallen Woman riding that Beast.

The Seven Seals of Revelation

The seven seals of Rev. 6 and on – are explained by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, describing seven events to occur.

See, not so difficult to understand after all – yet no ‘Doctor of Divinity’ or any man calling himself ‘Father or Holy Father’ or ‘Reverent’ can understand these symbols!

And remember, the scripture which tell you to “Call No Man Your – Spiritual Father” – and remember also that King David said when praying to God “Holy And Reverent Are Your Names.”

Those are GODS NAMES! It is blasphemy for MEN to take those names to themselves, only false religions do that!

Spend A Little Time On This

Spend an exciting 45 minute reading ‘Revelation Unveiled’ on Page 3 of the America And Britains Future Free Library, you may become engrossed in learning these truths.

You can understand the most difficult book of the Bible! It’s just that easy when you allow Jesus Christ to explain it!

You can know what lies ahead for America and Britain and be protected from it. See all titles on library pages 4 to 6 written in question-answer short form for more information on every subject.


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America And Britain's Future 2025