First an army, now EU nuclear weapons on the horizon…

by Westmonster – March 6, 2017

The New York Times is reporting that Eurocrats are considering obtaining nuclear weapons as they feel they can no longer rely on protection from America. Support for the proposal seems to come largely from the Germans.

The plan would see France and even Britain’s nuclear deterrents put under EU control. Roderich Kiesewetter, a German foreign policy spokesman told a German newspaper: “My idea is to build on the existing weapons in Great Britain and France,” however he did admit Brexit may put a spanner in the plan to include Britain. Very big of him

Kiesewetter’s plan would see the EU take control of France’s nukes, finance them with German money and force other European member states to store warheads in their countries.

Angela Merkel has denied such a plan exists, but it is undeniably being discussed at the highest levels of government across Europe. Hungary and Poland voiced their support of such a plan shortly after Kiesewetter gave his interview.

Most chilling of all is the fact that Kiesewetter said: “These are political weapons. Their use must be unpredictable”. Given how europhiles denied there were plans for an EU army, talk of them now obtaining a ‘political weapon’ should send shivers down every European’s spine! End.

You may have had this warning delivered to you from the America And Britains Future website for more than a decade!

It will NOT be Russia, and or China, who launch their Nuclear weapons on British and American Cities!

That will be German-EU Nuclear Weapons, commandeered by a coming German Dictator soon to emerge in Europe.



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