Google: The Origin Of Christmas! - America And Britain's Future
Australia, Britain, Canada, Europe, Germany, New Zealand, United States, Vatican, World
On page one of Goggle listings on ‘Origin of Christmas’ we find the Dec. 25th celebration was taken from the ‘High Day’ of the Saturnalia Festival!
The 7 days of revelry preceding and including this day culminated in human sacrifice to the SUN GOD in Roman cities!
This ‘Winter Sun Worship’ Festival Originated In Egypt!
These practices of Pagan Worship, were taking place around the world during the time of Christ.
It was not until three to four hundred years later that those who were given control of the State Religion by the Roman Emperor Constantine, completed their false christianizing of Europe!
Google: Origin Of The Christmas Tree
Goggle ‘Origin of the Christmas Tree,’ which dates back to ancient Babylon along with the Mother and Child symbol!
The decorated fir tree is strongly condemned in the Bible in Jeremiah Ch 10. This celebration persisted before Christ.
This was banned in Britain, Scotland did not officially recognize it until the late 1950s, and some of the early American Puritan settlements banned Christmas.
Christ To Be Remembered At His Death
The True Church of God did not go along with the celebration to Astarte – the Easter celebration in Britain, to the goddess of fertility with its eggs, rabbits, and Sun Rise services.
They refused to replace the true Passover with a celebration to Mishear, the ancient Assyrian goddess of fertility.
We are to remember Christ on the anniversary of his death at the Passover, NOT on the supposed date of his birth.
For related scriptures see ‘Truth About Christmas’ on Page 2 of the library.
Taking the Passover
How often do we celebrate an anniversary? Only one time each year!
Taking the bread and the wine any more frequently makes a mockery of Christ’s true Passover!
The True Church of God continues to keep the ANNUAL Passover, which Christ commanded to be kept “In remembrance of me” and NOT the false Christmas celebration of His birth.
And not by turning the taking of the bread and the wine into a daily ritual as the Roman Catholic Church has done, which is not in accordance with the Bible example.
To these rituals, God says “In vain-conceit or ignorance-do they worship Me TEACHING THE DOCTRINES OF MEN!”
The counterfeit ‘SUN GOD’ worship changed to the worship of the ‘SON of God’ at the time of the winter solstice, was rejected by Jesus Christ and by the one true Church of God that He founded in Jerusalem and NOT in Rome!
In Honesty And In Truth
Why have our ‘enlightened’ religious leaders allowed the American and British peoples to continue in these false Christian practices?
Shame on those who continue to be a part of the ongoing deception of our nations ‘which God chosen to set the correct example of true Bible practices’ to the rest of the world.
Under the soon-coming Government of God on earth rule over by Jesus Christ we will begin to worship God “In honesty and in truth” not by the keeping of these false christian customs!
The American and British peoples will be no longer “Lost through lack of knowledge.” See ‘God’s True Holy Days’ and ‘Which Day Is The Sabbath Of The New Testament’ on Page 2 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.
Also see ‘The Amazing 2000 Year History of The True Church of God’ on Page 2. Each of God’s 7 annual Holy Days are detailed on Library Page 6. And see the Reference Section for dates to begin keeping God’s true holy days.
We are commanded to “keep these FOREVER in all of our generations” and NOT to accept FALSE celebrations’ palmed off on the American and British peoples by those who claim to be our nations true ministry.