When asked: “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Benjamin Franklin replied, “A republic-IF-you can keep it.” What did he mean, and why was this recorded in American history?

The reply Franklin gave was in fact a stern warning to every American generation, that in the span of less than a generation this REPUBLIC could be overthrown from within, and a LESS FREE form of government set up in its place!

America may now be reaching the state foretold by a Scottish philosopher, who suggested that ‘democracy would work only until voters figured out they could demand and receive everything they want for free from their government.’

Today’s surveys show that many in this younger generation are prepared to try a more socialistic form of government!

If this is correct, then we are reaching the point where America may become a Socialist State in the same way the British Labor government ran the British economy into the ground for fifteen straight years in the Sixties and Seventies.

A British Government Example

I was an eyewitness to the nightly newscasters reading lists of the hundreds of factory closures throughout the nation, year after year, after year, as Britain developed ‘their industrial rust belt’ before America did.

During that time the government took over British Industry, and the Trade Unions ruled the country with strike, after strike, after strike, each choosing the best time of the year to do so, as the economy died.

The British people were mocked with Britain being called ‘THE SICK MAN OF EUROPE.’ It was a depression, and it was depressing. YOU do not want to see that again in Britain, and YOU do not want to see another ‘rust belt’ in America!

The British government had to pay 15% to borrow money to pay unemployment checks and to keep the basic services in the country running!

They even tore up the railway tracks which they could have used today to run electric trains in the smaller cities, but the government needed the ‘scrap value’ of the steel to help keep the lights on!

Winston Churchill

Britain’s Sir Winston Churchill once stated that “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all others!”

He obviously could see Democracy’s flaws, but could not find anything better to replace it with, otherwise he may have been influential enough to persuade Britain and America to go with that!

Now he is called a racist, and the face of his famous statue down by the river Thames in London has been smeared with a blood-colored substance.

But for men like Churchill, the person who did the defacing would be wearing a compulsory Swastika armband, as part of a second generation German ruled Britain, with no right of self expression, or to protest anything today!

James Maddison

James Maddison taught Greek and Hebrew at Princeton College, he had studied the Scottish and Greek philosophers.

Some in Greece were exiled Israelites. They had formulated the concept of States Rights in relation to a Federal Government. For example, every Greek province no matter how small was given two electoral votes, this concept is used in the American Electoral College.

At meetings of the Continental Congress Maddison laid out the three branches of government to be legislative, executive, and judicial, dividing the authority of a King.

Maddison introduced the concept of A United States Supreme Court, which today could be influenced by the Vatican, having six out of nine devout Roman Catholic Justices, including Jesuits and Knights of Columba.

How does this happen to one of the three branches of the government of the United States of America?

The First Political Party

Notice there was no mention of forming Political Parties, completely unnecessary in our form of government.

These were not a part of the system given to run the nation!

When the Founding Fathers were told of the formation of the first political party they strongly advised against it. George Washing did not join one, and predicted that political parties would destroy American government. They have!

This same error has been repeated in every democracy around the world, and has now fulfilled Washington’s prediction!

The States representatives were to go to Washington to carry out the People’s Business, and to vote their conscience in all matters brought before them, without aligning themselves with a large voting block.

The Powers That Be

An adversarial spirit power, wishing to confuse our leadership, had found a chink in the almost perfect form of man’s government given to the Founding Fathers.

This powerful being continues to use his influence over what we regard as human nature, causing hatred and division, destroying the system of government in this Republic, please be aware.

The experiment with political parties has brought ‘The Free World’ to this, with everyone at each other’s throats!

There Is A Better Way

Just as the Founding Fathers placed the laws of the Bible above the Constitution, all nations will finally be given God’s form of government, and will enjoy world peace.

God’s Seven Thousand Year Plan, to develop a family of Billions here on earth is about to enter a peaceful future, depicted by the last day of our seven day week.

Soon life on earth will be much different, following the coming World War destruction and rebuilding, all wars will be ended. Terror, starvation, poverty, sickness and disease, crime, child abuse, and all the rest will be no more.

Under the soon-coming World Ruling Government of God, by God in Person, everyone will be encouraged to develop to their own pinnacle of personal achievement and true success.

God’s Government To Come

God will intervene and will save what remains of our nations, even at a time when it will appear the American and British peoples may cease to exist. We will be returned to our former status, united in one new nation to set the world the very best example!

In this world of increasing panic, you can have confidence in the however difficult immediate future, understanding that A POWERFUL GOD DOES EXIST. And that He will not allow His project of reproducing Himself here on earth to fail.

See: ‘America’s Future’ on Page 1 in the America And Britains Future Free Library, to understand why America and Britain were brought into existence, and showing you what is to be the American people’s final destiny.


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