I wish to pay tribute to the following friends…

Mr. Raymond McNair

Educator, Author, Evangelist and Vice Chancellor of Ambassador College Pasadena, California and Ambassador College Bricket Wood, England. Mr. McNair was a welcome visitor in our home over several years while living in San Diego County, California.

With a love of the truth and the true identity of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples and with concern for the future of our nations, he endeavored to begin a television series with my assistance based on these truths, but his failing health did not permit this.

Much can be said about Mr. McNair’s genuine interest in people, his love and compassion which he constantly showed throughout his entire lifetime, together with the humility and gentleness with which he carried out his huge responsibilities within the Philadelphia Era of God’s Church.

He proved his worth to us all and to God our Father as well as to the living head of God’s Church.

Raymond McNair’s writings are featured on Pages 1 and 3 of the America And Britain’s Future Free Library.

Mr. Carl McNair

Raymond’s brother, Mr. Carl McNair was known for his integrity as head of the Ministry of the Global and Living Churches of God. He was also known to me for his outspoken honesty, not always appreciated by some, it was a refreshing endearing attribute as seen by others who would have it no other way.

We laughed together upon his return to headquarters in San Diego when after having been replaced he returned when his support was needed to defend the Church against the troublemaker who had wormed his way into that position!

It was Carl who was responsible for finding what became the Living Church headquarters building in Charlotte. Only to be told that his services would not be required there after displaying such good character giving his devoted service and support to lesser men. Let the truth be known.

Carl loved to sing and had a voice to fit the bill.

He will be needed soon in the Government of God soon to be established in Jerusalem, where there will be no demotions for outspoken honesty.

Mr. Dibar Appartion

Mr. Debar Apartian was head of the French work of the Church of God for more than forty years. The most loyal and devoted Evangelist to his work, and on a lighter note might I add, to his love of French onion soup!

Mr. Appartian began his early life in extreme hardship with the loss of both parents after being placed on a train bound for Geneva, Switzerland to escape the genocide of the Armenian people, soon finding himself in an orphanage. He later came to the US.

He set the standard we all must live up to, He will receive a high position in God’s Kingdom.

Mr. Dean Wilson

When we came to Canada from the British Isles Mr. Wilson was in charge of the work in Canada. He and Mrs. Wilson would visit Victoria from Vancouver and were good friends with the British Minister Mr.George Patrickson and his wife Luan. They were loved in the Canadian and U.S. churches.

Mr. Wilson would become my protector in more than one difficult situation as we both moved to Portland, Oregon and later to San Diego, California. I helped lead applause for Mr. Wilson on his last day as Pastor and Evangelist, over both San Diego churches during trying times when lesser men attempted to belittle this great Evangelist.

The Wilson’s moved back to Portland Oregon before his death.

Mr. Colin Adair

I recall on one occasion he asked if I knew the difference between apathy and complacency? “I don’t know and I don’t care, I replied!” This was the response he was looking for. “You’ve heard it before he laughed!” This was Colin Adair’s light-hearted good-humored approach.

Mr. Adair and I were born in Northern Ireland, he attended Inst, one of Northern Ireland’s best schools later coming to Ambassador College. He had the ability to lead and was head of the work in the Philippines, Canada, and the Caribbean, before continuing his work in the Global Church San Diego headquarters.

He was Anglo-Irish, but told me, reading ‘The History Of The Irish People’ would make anyone a Republican. Mrs. Adair also from Northern Ireland lives close by and is a good friend.

Mr. Bill Brazil

Many who worked at Ambassador College, Pasadena will remember Mr. Bill Brazil, printer, musician and an all-around nice guy. Mr. Brazil was a Deacon in the Church of God and over the years touched many lives with his outgoing concern, kindness and respect for all.

Later as a self-employed printer, he often worked at below cost for the church, saying that he would beat any price. Those of us who knew Bill also knew that he would have done the work free of charge in his service to God.

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph and Gertrude Sage

Mr. Sage and his wife Gertrude were a very close couple and died only weeks apart in mid-2013 after celebrating their 61st wedding anniversary in Dec. of 2012.

It was our privilege to have known Mr. and Mrs. Sage over a long period of time, it was also our privilege to have witness the character exemplified by both.

Lieutenant Commander Sage served his country for 27 years, entering the Navy at 16 years of age! Later serving on battleships, specializing in damage control, leading men below decks to face fires at sea amongst other dangers in that war in the Pacific!

Mr. Sage was the first in San Diego County to begin ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy Public Outreach Program’ in various locations, and found tremendous interest in this during his lectures on the second world war and bible prophecy to the general public.

There are positions of high responsibility and honor reserved for all of these loyal servants of Jesus Christ in the Philadelphia Era of God’s True Church! Positions which no man will take away!

Mrs. Sheryl Meredith

Mrs. Sheryl Meredith died way too soon, Sheryl and her son’s David and Jonathan were friends of the family. Mrs. Meredith admired the friendship between her two sons and our son Steven, we also appreciated our friendship with the rest of the Meredith family.

Mr. Roderick C Meredith

Mr. Meredith died ‘old and full of days at the age of eighty-eight, holding the position of Presiding Evangelist of the Living Church of God. He will be remembered for standing up for the truth of God and for coming out of an organization being turned back into false Christianity by a new leadership of unconverted men.

Mr. Meredith appreciated the assistance which I gave him in finding the first Global Church Feast site in the city of Del Mar, and also appreciated my assistance in directing him to find what became the Globle and Living Church Headquarters in Rancho Bernardo, San Diego County C.A.

He also appreciated my work on the building of the first set for television, and the building of the editing suits, as he began what became a nationwide radio and worldwide television series.

My wife and I were pleased to host social occasions for the church in our home and enjoyed visits with the Meredith’s over the years in their home before their headquarters moved from San Diego.

Unfortunately after Mr. Merediths leaving the area lessor men in the Ministry came between us. May God reward them according to their ways.

All of these pillars in the Philadelphia Era of the Church of God are sorely missed today. Our fondest regards to their families, including relatives in the Ministry and their families.

Mr. Richard Ames

Mr. Ames achieved much in God’s service to the American and British people, and to the world in general.

His concentration on Television broadcasting over the last twenty years presented excellent programming.

My wife and I knew Mr. and Mrs. Ames during the time church headquarters was located in Rancho Bernardo in San Diego County, California.

They would visit our home for dinner and for the church entertainment evenings spent there, very happy times.

Mr. Ames was the final member of Mr. Armstrong’s Council of Elders, leaving the work to a new generation to manage.

My deepest sympathies go to you Mrs. Ames for your great loss, and as you know the resurrection of the just is at hand.

Brian Harris


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