MAY: NOT RECOGNZING DEFEAT - America And Britain's Future
Written pre-Brexit
Mrs. May’s 550 page Brexit agreement with the EU was rejected by two-thirds of British Parliament members on both sides of the house, the greatest defeat EVER for any British P.M. Then a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the Government was called for by the opposition leader, asking for a General Election. The Government won the vote on this.
So, on it goes. With Mrs. May then addressing Barnier and Junker as, wait for it… YOUR EXCELLENCIES!!!
More Voting On The Only Bad Deal
Within three days she had to present her next proposal, that would probably be to have the Parliament vote again, or to extend the leave date so she could try again to get concessions from the German Chancellor-EU negotiators, or call for another referendum hoping they had sufficiently frightened the British people into voting to STAY in the EU this time.
Asking the people to VOTE AGAIN is an old EU tactic that leaders have used successfully on the Irish people when they first voted against the EU Constitution because they did NOT want the German-led EU Parliament to have any more power!
The same tactic was used against Holland and one of the North-Western European nations. This so far has always worked for the Brussels Government.
The Northern Ireland Backstop
This concerns the border between Northern and Southern Ireland.It was thought that the EU negotiators would give a further concession on the ‘Northern Ireland backstop’ as it was called, which was planned to effectively keep Northern Ireland under EU control-partly achieved!
This is an attempt to govern Ulster by the EU leadership’s MAINLY SILENT PARTNER the Vatican, as many are becoming aware of in the formation of the final resurrection of the ‘unholy Roman Empire of The German People.The Virgin Mary’s – Stars On A Blue Background
The EU flag is the circle of twelve stars on a blue background taken from around the shoulders of ‘The Virgin Mary!’
Decades ago by European Law Sunday was declared the European Union’s official day of rest – and Latin the official language!
They Had To Fall Out
As a longtime Southern Irish friend told me: “Well, we know they had to fall out!”
Yes, this is not the end of Britain’s struggle against the reunion of the German-Vatican ‘Unholy Roman Empire of The German People’ as the Vatican still wishes to take back Britain as referred to as one of their Protestant ‘wayward daughters’!’
See related articles on the outcome!’