Why the almost obsession with this catastrophe which struck both America and Britain back in 1912? Why this fascination with a ship which sank a century ago?

And why the need to make yet another movie about it? This was the Kate Winslet, Leonard DiCaprio TITANIC made in 3D, rereleased in early 2023.

3D movies cannot be copied by bootleggers, saving the industry from almost total ruin in the loss of billions of dollars.

Devastating News!

Thousands were devastated as reports of Titanic’s sinking hit the morning papers in London and in New York where the great ship was to make port. But the paperboys gave a much different cry on the morning of Apr 15, 1912!

The Titanic financed by J.P. Morgan and built in Belfast, Northern Ireland, had a 9/11 type effect on both sides of the Atlantic, with the loss of the vessel along with Fifteen Hundred passengers!

Several of the passengers were of America’s rich and famous, including members of the Astor family who had achieved prominence in business, society, and politics in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Not Even God Can Sink This Ship…

During Titanic’s construction, before the steel plating was installed ‘Not Even God Can Sink This Ship’ was painted on the hull, perhaps reflecting the self-confidence brought about by trust in her advanced engineering.

On launch day Titanic claimed its 8th victim, as one of the workers assisting with the launch was killed.

Superior Design

Titanic was the first ship to be built with watertight compartments below deck, and was believed to be unsinkable, a total of five watertight compartments in line would need to be breached in order to sink her.

This was exactly the damage sustained on that starlit night, with a gash of 290 feet spanning the five forward compartments below the waterline of the largest man made moving object on earth as it struck the twenty-five miles long iceberg!

Cold Water Mirage And Scintillation

An atmospheric condition known as a ‘cold water mirage’ experienced in that area, along with rain may have hidden the iceberg from the sight of the lookouts.

This could have reduced the sighting of this huge object from a full half-hour down to less than a sixty-second warning!

The ‘scintillation’ effect on that very starry night most likely caused the nearby ship California, to miss Titanic’s flashing distress signals!

America And Britain Have Not Paused To Consider

Perhaps God was left out of the picture as Titanic sailed from Belfast to the port of Southampton in Southern England, where she took on a full crew, passengers and supplies.

On that fateful night Titanic may have been racing to beat other vessels across the Atlantic, hoping to make very different News Headlines as the fastest Atlantic crossing ever!

But America and Britain did not pause long enough to consider the spiritual condition of the two greatest world powers, and this would be repeated in the aftermath of the future 9/11 attack on September 11, 2001 when many Britons as well as Americans died.

Since The 9/11 Attack

Following the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, and after the freezing of the world economy caused by the US Mortgage Crisis, as well as the CV-19 Pandemic, can we continue to believe that ‘Not Even God Can Sink This Ship?’

That the economies of America and Britain are ‘too big to fail’ or have they now become ‘too big to bail’ just like that once great unsinkable ship?

Prelude To Two World Wars!

Two years after ‘the Titanic wake up call’ God brought an old enemy to threaten the British and American people, which caused thousands more lives to be lost at sea, and in the trenches of World War One and Two!

Today God WARNS America and Britain of His unhappiness with our national disobedience toward Him and His Laws.

He sees our nations abandoning His Laws, with our moral decline, the disintegration of our families, and our approval of even worse behavior, and He begins to SHOCK us back to reality.

Do Not Be Deceived

A very real powerful God Being does exist. He has been watching over the British and American peoples since before our two nations were established.

He is not far away and He W A R N S America and Britain before bringing stronger corrective punishments!

This was as true after Titanic’s sinking, with the beginning of World War One in 1914, and World War Two beginning in 1949, as it has been following the 9/11 attack with two of our longest wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And with additional terror and social unrest at home.

The twenty plus year drought conditions in America will lead to famine in the most plentiful nations on earth!

And as our national sins continue to mount, this will be followed by Nuclear Attacks against American and British cities, coming from our usual source of World Wars, for our correction.

Germany will strike us in a Third World War used against us ‘as God’s rod of His correction.’ This was done throughout our ancient ancestors’ history in Israel, when the nation now known as Germany was the Assyria Empire.

Read The Good News

Read the final Good News of America And Britain’s future, throughout the America And Britains Future Free Library, as well as the serious WARNINGS for our nation’s immediate future!/

You can take action now to avoid the dangers existing today, represented then by the Titanic passengers before that unexpected tragedy struck on that calm clear bright starry, starry night one hundred years ago!

Visit The Impressive Titanic Exhibit

The impressive Titanic exhibit is a star-shaped facility located in the Belfast shipyard, representing the Blue Star Line.

A blue line approaches the building depicting the full length of Titanic’s hull.

Nine excellent exhibits of four deck levels of the innately detailed interior have been recreated.

Be sure to see this amazing exhibit of Titanic on your next visit to Ireland.

And for those wishing to visit St. Patrick’s grave, you can pay this a visit in the City of Downpatrick not far from Belfast.



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