In late June of 2018 President Trump announced his new directive to the Pentagon creating a sixth branch of the U.S. Armed Forces to be known as Space Force.

This announcement came in the midst of other prominent political issues such as immigration, but few realize that the size and scope of the president’s announcement will, to use one of his phrases “BE HUGE!”

Two major entities concerning space already exist: The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) created in 1961 with a budget of around $15 Billion, and the Air Force Space Command established in 1982, this has 36,000 personnel and a budget of $8.50 Billion.

The creation of the new Space Force will mean that this agency will not report to the Air Force High Command but will “be equal to but separate from the Air Force.”

Major Developments In Space

Since the U.S. revealed its X37B unmanned spacecraft with the capacity to stay in orbit for more than 200 days carrying an ‘unspecified payload’ all other serious contenders including Europe, China, and Russia, must meet this challenge by the eventual possibility of placing weaponry in space!

Seven years ago I wrote of enemies of the U.S. and Britain placing weapons of mass- destruction in space. A stark warning to the possibility of attack from space on our nation’s cities by the coming German-EU Armed Forces!

German-E.U. Nuclear Weapons!

The creation of A COMBINED EUROPEAN ARMED FORCES BY 2025 was finally announced – And Germany has said THEY WILL PAY FOR A NUCLEAR ARSENAL! Beware America and Britain!!!

This was called for by the German Chancellor and announced by Germany’s puppet Jean-Claude Junker head of the European Commission which controls the seven hundred and fifty member European Parliament. Some will remember the JUNKER BOMBER built by Junker’s family for NAZI GERMANY.

French and possibly British Nuclear Weapons may be used as the basis for an enlarged European Nuclear Arsenal to complement the formation of the new European Armed Forces by 2025! Stay tuned!



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America And Britain's Future 2025