If a quick Google search disproves false Christian teaching – then, what did Christ and the Apostles really teach?

Christians should find out, after all it was what these men taught, that got almost all of them killed!

Making False Claims

One large church claiming to be Christian, refers to their spiritual leader as Holy Father and his priests as Father.

Google search: ‘Scripture for Call NO MAN on earth your (spiritual) father’.

“And call NO ONE your father on earth, for you have ONE FATHER, who is in heaven!” Matthew 23:8-9.

Not Going To Heaven

For instance, Christ and the Apostles did not teach that YOU will be going to heaven!

Google search ‘Scripture for NO ONE has gone to heaven.’

“No one has ascended to heaven except he who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven”! John 3:13.

Christ and the Apostles taught at death you sleep, until you are resurrected on the earth after Christ’s return.

The Church Christ Built

Does Christ approve of the church He built being named after Him? No He does not!

Praying to his Father, Jesus Christ asked that the Church be named not after Him, but AFTER HIS FATHER! It was to be known as ‘The Church of God.’

Twelve times in the books of the New Testament written by the Apostles, the church Jesus Christ established is referred to as ‘The Church of God’.

The number twelve is God’s number for perfection and completion. For instance there are twelve months in the year.

The man God named Israel had twelve sons, most of these became modern day nations.

There were twelve Apostles, who will soon be resurrected to rule over the descendants of those nations, during the soon coming one thousand year rule of Jesus Christ on the earth.

True Church of God Teachings Changed

Many of the true ‘Church of God’ teachings were changed by the great false christian church established by Emperor Constantine, this became the State Religion throughout the entire Roman Empire.

You will be AMAZED at how the teachings of Jesus Christ were altered by this church headquartered at Rome!

Their false christian teachings and practices were enforced by the Roman Authorities throughout Europe.

These teachings were passed on to the British Empire and to the United States by the Protestant Churches, teaching the observance of the celebrations in the Roman Calendar!

Study To Show Yourself Approved

If you really want to know the true teachings of Jesus Christ, study the America And Britains Future Free Library.’

And for a quick glimpse into your future, listen to the 30 second Soundbites and the Podcasts on the Home Page.

Scripture tells us that you must ‘Study to show yourself approved’. Are you prepared to obey Christ’s instruction, to find the true teachings of the one true church Jesus Christ founded in Jerusalem, and NOT in Rome?

Time is fast running out, God must soon intervene to save what will remain of life from total extinction!

It Is God The Father Who Calls

IF God the Father has opened your mind to study His truth, then you need to take this very seriously. This will be your only opportunity to make yourself ready to become a part of the family of God.

The Kingdom of Heaven which is the Kingdom of God, will be established ON THE EARTH at Jesus Christ’s return!

‘And have made us kings and priests to our God: And we shall reign ON THE EARTH!’ Rev 5:10.

Christ is returning in this Nuclear Age Generation. He will establish the Kingdom of God saving human life alive!

Can you accept this scriptural truth? This will NOT occur in heaven, but on the earth.

Those God Calls His Elect

Only those God the Father has called can accept this. Their numbers are small, and according to scripture it is for their sake this world will be saved alive!

Christ will bring justice, and will save human life from total extinction, God the Father will then give His spirit to all who have ever lived, giving everyone the ability to understand the true teachings of Jesus Christ, and the opportunity to become a member of the Family of God!


Be sure to read: Welcome To The Official Website of The Philadelphia Era of The One True Church of God, in Librarian’s Comments. This gives the history of the One True Church Of God since being established by Jesus Christ in Jerusalem.

The true teaching of the one true Church of God was not continued in Rome, or by the Protestant Reformation.


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