I stood on Cocoa Beach, Florida a few years ago to observe the Cape Canaveral launches of two SpaceX Falcon 9 rockets. The first a day-time launch, and a night-time launch.

As I watched the small white-hot flame, listening to the intensive roar of the engines as the rocket soared through the vast blue Florida sky, it occurred to me just how feeble our attempt to conquer space really has been!

Explaining The Mission

Following the launch, I was fortunate to have three of the SpaceX team explain the mission to me, and learned this was the launch of a NASA craft that would circle the moon for the next several years, searching for earth-like planets!

Please note, the head of the SpaceX rocket building team is a young German with a distinct German accent.

The Night Time Launch

The night-time launch was the most dramatic visual, complete with a red hot tail streaming through the 12:45 night sky.

This had been delayed from its original launch time by around fifteen minutes, with a longer window of opportunity than the first launch, which could have been delayed only THREE SECONDS otherwise the window to space would close!

This Falcon 9 carried equipment to improve Middle-East communications, importance to all of us in future.

Only Eight Planets?

Until a short 25 years ago, we were only aware of the EIGHT planets in our own solar system. Today, anyone who has taken an interest in space exploration is aware of the endless discoveries, and the possibility of multiple millions or billions of planets to be charted!

Paul Hertz, director of the Astrophysics Division at NASA recently explained: “Since then we’ve found THOUSANDS of planets orbiting other stars, and we think that all the stars in our own galaxy must have their own family of planets!”

SpaceX California Launches

I recently viewed another Falcon 9 launch, from a popular location on the North San Diego County coastline where many gathered to watch the sun go down over the blue Pacific Ocean.

This launch was from Vandenberg Space Force Launch Complex in Southern California, used by SpaceX and by NASA.

We Will All Go To Space

One day in the not too distant future, we will be given the ability to populate the vastness of space!

Humanity will be given the ability to mature to the point where we will overcome what we call human nature. We will no longer view the development of rocketry and nuclear physics as a means to destroy our enemy.

Then we will have these physical limitations lifted from us, and only then will SPACE be opened to us!

I like to say “we will be given a planet each and space will be the freeway.” But we will be traveling much faster than that, we will travel at the speed of thought.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your family could inherit a group of planets? Anything will be possible in the future!

There are billions of planets, and there are billions of us. And we will go to the stars!

Promised In Your Future

This is the surprising, incredible future God has planned for all of us! That we will live forever and will inhabit every planet throughout the vastness of space, as members of His great Family!

See ‘Who Will Rule Space’ on Page 3 also ‘What is God’s Purpose For Mankind’ on Page 4 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.


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