October 2024: Report by Kelsey Ables of The The Washington Post

Who Will Be Attending This Year’s B.R.I.C.S. Summit in Russia?

Of 38 countries invited to the summit, 24 will send their leaders, and 32 are expected to participate in total, the Washington Post reported.

Leaders from most member states are attending, including South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian, Egyptian President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, and UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan. Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva canceled his trip to the summit after an accident, so Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira will represent Brazil instead.

Several leaders of countries outside BRICS are also in Kazan, including Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

U.N. Secretary General António Guterres will attend, too, the U.N. said Tuesday, a move that drew criticism from Ukraine.

Why Is The B.R.I.C.’s Summit Important To Putin?

The summit is an opportunity for Putin to show that he is not isolated after his invasion of Ukraine, despite Western sanctions, and to showcase BRICS as a counterpoint to U.S. global power.

Alexander Gabuev, analyst at the Berlin-based Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center think tank, told The Post that Moscow is seeking to spread a narrative that “Russia is far from isolated” and “at home with the global majority.”

It marks a notable shift in optics from last year, when Putin could not travel to the BRICS summit because of an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes in Ukraine, which would have obliged the host country, South Africa, to arrest him.

Are there differences inside the summit? While BRICS has appeal to many Global South countries, not all members are on board with Russia’s anti-Western agenda. Analysts, speaking to The Post, suggested that China, Russia and Iran are pushing that course, but countries like Brazil, India and South Africa seek a neutral approach.

During a news conference Monday, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby advised against looking at the summit “as some sort of coming-out party for Mr. Putin and for Russia” and said the United States does not view BRICS as threat.

“Russia is increasingly isolated on the world stage,” he added. “There’s no question about that.” Robyn Dixon contributed to this report.

Kelsey Ables is a reporter at The Washington Post’s Seoul hub, where she covers breaking news in the United States and across the world.

Thank You Kelsey

Following Article by: America And Britains Future Brian Harris


The B.R.I.C.S. Nations comprising China, Russia, India, Saudi-Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Brazil, South Africa, and others, are reportedly in the process of purchasing large amounts of the world’s gold.

This is being added to the bloc’s already impressive quantities of oil, gas, minerals, and other valuable resources upon which to base their new currency.

They obviously view the present shocking US Thirty Three Trillion Dollar National Debt, increasing at the rate of ONE BILLION DOLLARS EVERY ONE HUNDRED DAYS as a threat to world economic stability!

Their actions can be viewed as a necessary attempt to limit the future impact of the Dollar’s collapse, and to have their currency replace it!

The August 2023 Meeting

On Tuesday August 20th 2023, an important meeting of the B.R.I.C.S. Nations convened in South Africa with China’s Xa Ping in attendance, a speech by Vladimir Putin opened the proceedings in a video presentation.

In addition to Xi Ping, the Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, were expected at the Wednesday meeting.

The B.R.I.C.S. Nations had 40% of the world’s population, and were responsible for 30% of global economic output.

It is now confirmed that six additional nations have joined, bringing the amount of world GDP represented to 47%.

Twenty Nations Had Applied

Russia, China, India, and Brazil, formed the bloc in 2009, and South Africa was added in 2010.

A list of twenty nations had made formal applications to join, including Saudi-Arabia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates, these have now been accepted as members.

Russia and China at the head of the B.R.I.C.S. nations are prepared to welcome additional members, and present interest is seen as encouraging, as the Russia-China division with the US and Europe grows.

The United Nations Secretary-General was expected to attend this meeting giving B.R.I.C.S. UN recognition.

Twelve Hundred Delegates

Twelve Hundred delegates from the original five nations, and representatives of many developing countries attended, with more than forty heads of state taking part in some meetings!

Several of these nations share resentment towards the West, believing they have been unfairly treated in some way.

Russia’s elder statesman Lavrov, used the foreign ministers meeting in June to attack the Western powers as serving their own selfish interests.

 Calls are made for economic cooperation, education assistance, and assistance with health care in developing nations.

The new currency, if successfully launched, is seen as an opportunity for China to weaken US influence in the Global South.

Previous Article On The B.R.I.C.S. Nations

In what may seem to be an odd match, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have formed the latest international trade block in competition with the European Union, and the North American Trade Alliance.

This new block was primarily forged out of common need and some old resentments, as Russia has been permanently blocked from joining the European Union.

The Asia Bank

The newly formed Asia Bank will provide valuable financing to one-third of major infrastructure development in Asia. This is the first successful attempt for these nations to fund their own fast-increasing economic development.

This further indicates the world’s strengthening ability to finance itself independently from American involvement.

Communist Ideology And Low Wage Boom

Of course Russia and China have had a close alliance for many years in their governments communist ideology, while India has been benefiting from its low labor cost economic boom in competition with China.

It is estimated that in Mexico a product will cost around $5 to $7 per hour to produce. In China perhaps $3:00 to $5:00 and in India $3:00 or less. Workers may receive half of this!

Brazil Was Booming

Brazil, was the eighth largest economy in the world, obtaining its own energy supply from massive production of sugar cane, and was developing a huge oil field just off its coast, perhaps halted by a temporary fall in oil prices. Since then they have experienced a strong rebound in 2021-2022.

This was a draw for China searching the entire earth for the energy supplies needed to keep their economic giant alive.

The Trans Pacific Partnership

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, T.P.P. would unite the members of the North Atlantic Trade Alliance, comprising the US, Canada, and Mexico, with Australia and New Zealand, as well as some South American countries, plus Singapore and Vietnam in a free trade block.

Since the Brexit vote Britain had explored similar new trade alignments such as the C.A.N.Z.U.K. Nations. (see article) But they are still bound by the 550 page Separation Agreement signed with the E.U.

Old Alliances Reforming

Trade blocs are forming between World War Two allies, included in the forming of this new B.R.I.C.S. economic bubble.

While these nations hope to strengthen their individual national standings, a much clearer picture can be realized by looking back at the history of World Wars One and Two.

There is potential for trade war leading to all out World War, in an out of control confrontation.

Germany To Take Control Of Middle-East Oil


With the admission of Saudi-Arabia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates into B.R.I.C.S. Europe will panic!

Since the cut off of Russian oil supplies, the leaders of Europe have been left to depend mainly on Middle-East oil!

The current three Presidencies of the EU Government will be united into one powerful DICTATOR Presidency!

He will use Europe’s newfound Military Might to invade every oil producing nation in the Middle-East, assuring Europe’s future oil and gas supplies.

Egypt, who now provides the means to ship Israeli natural gas to Europe will also be controlled by German EU forces.



See: ‘Middle-East IN Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.

Germany To Begin A Third World War

Germany is now firmly in charge of the half billion population trade and political block in Europe, and is adding units from twenty three EU nations to the German Army! And Germany has said they will pay for NUCLEAR WEAPONS!


Prophecy shows that Germany, leading ten of the present twenty-six EU nations, will for a third time in recent World History begin another World War, this time beginning with Nuclear Weapons attacks on America and Britain!

Our Cities Destroyed

They WILL destroy our major cities, and military installations in a final attempt to control the Western World!

See ‘Germany In Prophecy‘ and the extensive ‘America And Britain In Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.

With Vatican Assistance

Germany will use the assistance of Vatican control over many nations in Europe and in South America.

Ten European nations will assist in a three and one half year occupation of Britain, Ireland, Western, and North-Europe.

While the Vatican, who controls the government leaders of the South and Central American nations will have their forces enter the United States and Canada as an occupying force, following the destruction of our major cities and military installation, my nuclear attack from Europe.

Take time to read ‘Why Do The Germans Dominate Europe For A Third Time?’ found in Librarians Comments, to understand why history is once again repeating itself in Europe!

Russia And China Will Attack

Believing they will be next to suffer Nuclear Attacks if action is not taken, within a few short years Russia and China will counter the German-led attacks on Britain and America, with a Nuclear Weapons Attack devastating Germany.

A repeat of World War Two history is soon to grip our world one last time, with seven times the destructive force of World War Two weapons, this will mean Nuclear destruction!

The B.R.I.C.S. Nations Military Assemble

Several of the B.R.I.C.S. nations will unite their armed forces, forming a massive ground force of MILLIONS, in much the same way Russia, India, and other nations assisted Britain and America in the Second World War.

This time these forces will be directed toward the Middle-East, where the major confrontation between forces from the Nuclear Powers is about to take place.

The Nuclear Fallout from this, if allowed, would mean the end of all life on the planet!

A Powerful Intervention By God In Person

Yes, we will have reached the point in time when that old saying “Only God Can Save Us Now” will have come true!

Fortunately for ALL nations, a very real Powerful GOD Beings is closely watching the developing world crisis.

He will intervene, and you will be so glad that a loving God truly does exist, otherwise all life would perish.

See ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy‘ and ‘Germany in Prophecy‘ on Page 1 of the Free Library.

One Thousand Years Of Coming World Peace

To learn of the one thousand years of coming world peace directly following the world’s last great nuclear confrontation with God, be sure to read ‘The Coming Wonderful World Tomorrow: What It Will Be Like’ on Page 1, and the quick Q&A version on Page 4 of the America And Britains Future Library.

Some of these can be read in 30 minutes, and will give you exact details of how this world will last FOREVER!



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