It is hard to believe that the wealth of Great Britain has been reduced to this, with the huge British national debt now reaching uncontrollable proportions, having doubled over an eight-year period!

When all promised social programs are added the debt reaches nine times the nation’s total annual earnings, equaling that of the German Weimar Republic at the time of its financial collapse!

The Greek debt is three to four times their debt to GDP ratio, and a considerable amount of Greek debt has been under-written by British banks!!!

There has been little reporting of the British tragedy, because interest payments have been made on time with borrowed money, but with extremely low-interest rates now about to rise the tragedy may soon be exposed!

Interest paid on the debt now equally the expenditure of funds allotted to pay Britain’s entire defense budget, and is more than the cost of paying for Britain’s national health care system!

Mr. Cameron’s Failure

While former Prime Minister Cameron had achieved his political objective of being re-elected as Prime Minister for a second term, calling his win “the sweetest victory of all” he was forced to allow the Brexit referendum.

He later resigned following the Brexit voters success winning British freedom from the European Parliament!

Nigel Farage’s Victory

In a televised debate before the Brexit vote, Nigel Farage the father of Brexit, and Daniel Hannan, both British representatives to the EU parliament, spoke so eloquently for the need to regain British sovereignty, that nine percent of the fifteen percent previously undecided audience helped win the vote to leave Europe in that debate.

I lived in the town of Witney, Oxfordshire during the seventies, where Mr. Cameron and his wife cast their votes in his successful second elections, I also lived in Ashford, Kent, known as the garden of England where Nigel Farage resides.

Britain Kept Out!

For years French president Charles de Gaulle refused Britain membership in the European Common Market, because Britain joined several years later they were forced to make large concessions to obtain entry, and later paid fifty million Pounds per day, more than ten billion pounds a year as their membership contribution.

In the Euro currency crisis, Britain was also forced by the German Chancellor to make loans totaling Fifty Billion Pounds to the International Monetary Fund, this went to back the Euro and caused Britain to incur more debt!

In Common With America

Only one-third of the British people usually exercise their right to vote. But this number was increased by millions in the Brexit vote, just as in the US election which brought Donald Trump to the Presidency.

The British people displayed unhappiness with their government who had failed to defend Britain against growing European dominance in their daily lives, with seventy percent of Britain’s laws written by the European Commission.

There were also three hundred thousand mainly impoverished Eastern European immigrants pouring into Britain each year, overcrowding cities and towns, increasing immigration levels from the previous thirty thousand, the normal number accepted annually!

It is impossible to continue to provide new government housing, now being occupied by ninety-five percent of non-British heads of household, while the British people are kept waiting!

Hoping To Control Germany

One good reason for the original British entry into the European Economic Community was to control German influence.

Seventy years after the end of World War Two and forty-seven years after British entry, because of the size of the German economy and huge surplus trade balance, Germany is now in economic and political control of the five hundred million population of the new SINGLE NATION EUROPE.

Going To Germany

The power of Germany was displayed in the fact that Britain could not deal directly with the European Parliament in the negotiations for a better trade deal, but was forced to deal with the German Chancellor to renegotiate the terms of future British membership!

The Chancellor obviously would have liked the fifty million Pounds British daily membership contribution, as well as Britain’s share of the Value Added Tax which pays for the running of the European Union, and to have Britain’s additional support for the Euro through the IMF to continue!

As Lord Brittan – and there is one, had pointed out before the Brexit vote, “If the British people do vote to dissolve their ties with Europe there is NO GUARANTEE the European Union will want to continue trading as usual, with Britain no longer carrying any of the cost of E.U. membership.”

Many of the European MEP’s were already expressing their resentment of the British European Parliament Member.

The Scottish Independence party leader was asking for a second referendum in order to determine the will of the Scottish people, hoping to finally Archie independence from Britain but remaining within the European Union.

German Treachery To Come!

The European Parliament and the soon coming new GERMAN DICTATOR may eventually decide to BAN ALL TRADE with Britain, this would immediately cut off forty-two percent of British exports seriously damaging the British economy, and could include Europe CUTTING OFF 30% OF BRITAIN’S DAILY FOOD SUPPLY to the sixty-three million British population!

For centuries Britain’s food and raw materials supplies were procured from the British Empire, and insured delivery by the might of the British Navy until entry into the Common Market, when they were forced to discontinue buying from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other Commonwealth nations, as part of Britain’s terms of membership.

Prophecy Tells Our Future

Prophecy allows us to understand that eventually a GERMAN-EU DICTATOR will turn against Britain and America, dealing with extreme treachery, and finally unleashing a Nuclear or other modern weapons attack, and military invasion of our nations, believe it or believe it not!

The European Parliament has been denied real democratic powers, and is already under the control of the German Chancellor and the non-elected European Commission, now working to achieve:


This will occur in this Nuclear Age Generation, because since World War Two we have broken every rule in the book, and so a loving God will allow this coming time of correction, before using us to set the world the right example again, during the coming ‘One Thousand Years of World Peace.

See additional articles in which America and Britains future is fully explained, perhaps not to your satisfaction. In the future we shall live in a much different world with peace and safety for all!



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America And Britain's Future 2025