Serious fires and flooding in New South Wales, and massive drought in Queensland Australia.

Powerful fires raged in New South Wales beyond any human means of control during 2013. This has become an all too common experience for those living in endangered areas.

It is difficult to grasp the force of an exploding eucalyptus forest stretching over thousands of acres, and the devastation it causes!

Our hearts go out to those in harm’s way, forced to experience such destruction and possible loss of life!

Earlier in 2013 without relief from bush fires, the Australian people were hit with the second year of extreme flooding, from Brisbane north to Bundaberg in Queensland, as a severe weather pattern moved all the way down the East coast to Newcastle and Sydney, in New South Wales.

I am sorry to hear the news this is occurring again in 2022 as I review this article.

Again In 2014

Australia has always suffers drought in that difficult region of the world, and was deep in drought again in 2014.

The huge state of Queensland, as large as France and Belgium combined, was 80% in drought and would only produce 40% of its normal food supply!

Much of the nation’s beef cattle for export overseas are grass-fed on the open range in Queensland.

Drought, Floods, and Famine’

In these times of increasing upset weather conditions please remember those living in these tropical climates who often suffer such tragedies.

When bushfires and flooding occurs emergency services are overwhelmed with one disaster after another, and the general population is left without any help, and must find a way to survive the elements alone!

Please read the interesting ‘Drought, Floods, and Famine’ on Page 1 of the Free Library.


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