The first One Thousand Years of World Peace is drawing ever closer in our lifetimes, even as we see America and Britain’s troubles growing ever more treacherous, as a visible division is created between Germany, and the US and Britain, as the British continue to extricate themselves from forty-seven years of EUROPEAN CONTROL. 

In 2017 in his speech to the U.N., President Trump spoke for freedom of individual Nations and for FAIR TRADE around the world, rather than the formation of large trade blocks making exclusive trade agreements. And then imposing their will on nation’s who will not bend to their control. Clearly referring to the government of the European Union. 

In The European Parliament

In mid-October of 2017, a European Parliament’s Brexit negotiator Guy Verhofsted, a man to watch, presented an additional list of demands for British compliance, and had these easily approved by two-thirds of the seven hundred and fifty member EU Parliament, making it even more difficult for Britain to leave. They have managed to do so anyway!

The vote was interesting, because those voting against the Verhofsted proposals were those representing the next nations who may attempt to leave the E.U., namely the Protestant North-Western European nations, who also oppose the dominance of what will become a European Dictatorship.

The Then P.M. Mrs. May

In her speeches Mrs. May had shown herself to be a very weak Prime Minister, praising practically everything about the arrangement Britain had with the E.U. She was a REMAIN advocate and still is, and so more demands were added to the long list! 

Two-thirds of both major political parties in the British Parliament were against Britain leaving the E.U. Single Market, and many of these Members of Parliament worked to overturn the wishes of the 1.2 Million majority vote to leave, restoring British Sovereignty!

Guy Verhomsted Writes Another Book

Guy Verhfsted was in the process of writing a book on the building of the new European Military to be fully integrated with the German Armed Forces by twenty twenty-five, according to the State of ‘The European Union’ speech by the then European Commission President Jean-Claud Junker, who was selected for the position by the German Chancellor.

Germany is now totally in charge of the government of the entire European Continent and now wants Nuclear Weapons, and a European Army. NINE core nations agreed to integrate their forces, this grew to twenty three of the remaining twenty seven, and will acquire the ability to destroy American and British cities according to Bible prophecy!

Even If They Acquiesce

For FORTY SEVEN YEARS  British industry has depended on exports to Europe, now the transition could completely wreck the British export economy as they are still FORTY-TWO PERCENT DEPENDENT on British exports to Europe.

Britain is thirty dependent on the import of daily food supplies from Europe to feed sixty-two million people!

If Britain does acquiesce to all of Europe’s after Brexit financial and migration demands in order to be allowed to continue trading with Europe.

There was the demand that Spain must be satisfied with the Rock of Gibraltar arrangement, with a possible DEMAND that this be handed over to Spain. Shortly after Britain’s leaving the E.U. the border with Spain quietly came down! 

The ROCK is something the timid Mrs. May said she was prepared to go to WAR over! Remember it was Mrs. Thatcher who took Britain to war over the invasion of the tiny Falkland Islands by Argentina! 

Funny them Brits, they will give away an Empire and billions of British Pounds just to leave the E.U. but will not give up two tiny locations upon which ninety percent of residents vote to remain British! 

Perhaps this is why God calls the British the descendants of Ephraim, who received the largest portion of the Birthright Promise from God to become a ‘company of nations’ found in Genesis 35 Chapter 11, ‘the apple of His eye.’

See the short ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy‘ on Page 1 of the Free Library. You will be surprised with the content of this thirty minute read!

The First One Thousand Years Of World Peace

Although Brexit and its continuing fallout is a wearing struggle costing at least two Prime Ministers their positions, and will cost the nation tremendous loss of wealth, there is much more to be told of the present-day relationship between the Germans and the British and American people.

The story of our immediate future has been told in several Articles in Librarians Comments and in the America And Britains Future Free Library.

Prophecy can be proven to be true when it is taken from the written word of a very real God who can literally save your life! And this is what I am trying to do with the existence of this America And Britains Future website.

Our Nations Will Not Be Saved

Our nations will not be saved from the three tear corrective punishment allowed by a loving God, with the ability to resurrect everyone who will lose their lives in a tremendous drought and famine, and in following Nuclear Attacks on our nations coming from Germany!

But there is a chance for those who will believe the contents of the America And Britains Future Free Library, and who will begin now to obey the simple rules in the Ten Commandments in a true worship of the one true God.

For those who take the time to study NOW there may be no need for these corrective punishments to come upon you.

Learn how this world will later be restored in my Library favorite The Wonderful World Tomorrow, What It Will Be Like‘, on Library Page 1 and also in the quick Question and Answer version of this on Library Page 4.

May a loving God open your mind to understand how you can escape what lies ahead in this Nuclear Age generation.


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