As with the attempted Muslim invasion of Europe with millions from the Middle-East trampling down Europe’s borders, we witness a similar Catholic invasion of Protestant Britain and America.

In the case of Great Britain, their emigration policy was to admit thirty thousand migrants every year before the Eastern European nation’s joined the European Union. But in compliance with EU rules, the free flow of labor forced Britain to admit Three Hundred Thousand mainly impoverished and unskilled migrants each and every year!

Even After Leaving

After leaving the E.U. the situation has become even worse, with up to five hundred million arriving every year costing the nation huge amounts of money. They are allowed to receive unemployment benefits and housing, with the British people left on a long waiting list.

The scale of the invasion into this small island nation has become unbearable, plus having to deal with an estimated two hundred thousand illegals every year from outside of the E.U. nations!

This was a major factor in the drive to recover control of Britain’s borders, and added greatly to the call for Britain to be able to formulate its own immigration policy once more!

A New Home Needed Every Four Minutes!

It is estimated that the British government needs to build one new home every FOUR MINUTES to house these people!

Another abuse by the E.U. Government encouraged by the Vatican, to increase Britain’s Catholic population!

The Fight To Keep Britain In

The struggle to reverse the British referendum result was intensified with former Prime Ministers including Tony Blair coming out of political retirement, claiming the need for a second Brexit referendum hoping to keep Britain in the E.U.

Mr. Blair incurred the wrath of many in Britain, after leading the nation into two unnecessary wars. He then saw an opportunity to regain his following, and perhaps to achieve his final political goal!

Blair gave up his Protestant religion becoming a Roman Catholic in order to enhance his chances of becoming President of the European Union, after serving in this position for a nominal six months rotation of E.U. nations.

In spite of his egotism the British people continued their struggle to regain the right to exist as British Citizens, maintaining the heritage given to them by God in the British Isles!

See the short ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.

The Invasion Into The U.S.

In 1975 there were Ten Million legal residents of Mexican descent living in the United States, in 2017 there were forty million. And with what has become a totally penetrable border with Mexico in the past thirty years, a broad estimate began at eleven million illegal residents is quicken spiraling towards perhaps One Hundred Million by the 2030s.

The present increase has raised the Roman Catholic population in the Protestant United States to more than twenty percent of the population, and in some states such as California to more than half!

Attempted California Independence

The long term drive had begun to take California out of the Union. California’s four-time Jesuit trained Jerry Brown, announced that the richest State would become a ‘Sanctuary State’ for illegal aliens, in conflict with the Federal Government which had outlawed Sanctuary Cities.


Seeking Catholic Democratic Control

Believing the U.S. Federal Government has been weakened by more than forty Jesuit-educated State’s representatives, and with many Catholic representatives in State Legislatures, the drive to take Catholic majority control of the Federal and States Governments of The United States Of America is underway!

The Catholic church now claims to be the largest ‘Christian church’ in the United States, only because it is one organization under Vatican control, while the various Protestant churches are not centrally organized.

Why Sudden HALTS to Illegal Border Crossings?

Suddenly hundreds of thousands of illegal border crossings were halted, with the numbers REDUCED BY EIGHTY PERCENT just at the time President Trump was asking for millions to build a BORDER WALL.

This proves that the flow of millions crossing the border are controlled by the local Catholic priests in the dices of Mexico and every Central American country!

They must have been told to stop sending the usual thousands, hoping that the Trump Wall would never be built.

The next President promised to re-open the border and it was estimated that Two Million innocent Roman Catholics were ready to cross, it is estimated that this four year Presidency will allow eight million illegal border crossings!

Every Catholic priest in Mexico and Central America has obviously ordering those they control to “CROSS THE BORDER.”

Coming End Of False Christianity

You may not know it but the Vatican is not only the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, it is also the Capital of the Vatican State, a Country with world status and with emissaries sent to every nation around the world.

God condemns such behavior by those even masquerading as His true Church, and a soon-coming end to all such church organizations will be effected upon Christ’s return, including those regarded as Romes Wayward Protestant Daughters, who have taken their pre-Christian practices from the Roman Calendar.

See ‘Truth About Christmas’ and ‘Truth About Easter’ and more on Page 2 and ‘Four Thousand Years of Easter’ on Page 11 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.

The Final Roman Empire

The church at Rome has most recently involved itself in the formation of the Five Hundred Million European Union.

This final resurrection of the unholy Roman Empire of the German people will have serious consequences for America and Britain, as well as for the nations of Western and North-Western Europe, as Germany has now taken control of the E.U. Government, and is building the new German-European Armed Forces, to be complete by 2025!

Eventually there will be Nuclear Weapons in German hands, allowing for Nuclear Attacks on Britain and America!

Nuclear Strikes And Military Occupation

These attacks will be followed by military occupation by Catholic dominated European and South American nations, as the Vatican fulfills its archaic desire to take back the Protestant nations of the world by ordering the military defeat and occupation of these Protestant Nations!

But only a ‘Flash In The Pan’ three and one-half years fulfillment of their wildest dreams will be allowed!

We Have Turned Our Backs On God

Because of our nation’s refusal to return to obeying God’s Laws, in our governments, in our courts, in our schools, in our churches, and in our homes, God will allow lethal strikes on our major population centers and military installations!

See: ‘Germany In Prophecy’ on Page 1 and ‘The Mark And 666’ on Page 2, and more on Page 11 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.

There will come a time at the beginning of the first One Thousand Years of Total World Peace, when those who remain of our nations will be returned to the location of Israel, where we will form a new nation.

From there we will set the rest of the world the perfect example.


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