In July of 2015 the distinguished ‘Temple Institute’ released architectural drawings for the building of the third Jerusalem temple, together with a ‘virtual reality walk through video’ of this impressive structure.

Discussions at the highest level between Muslim Clerics, Jewish Rabbis and Papal involvement of “a prophet,” have been underway to allow the construction. A leading Muslim writer has also backed the current temple proposal to be built alongside the existing Muslim Dome Of The Rock. The released video displays the highest quality construction, including what appears to be high interior walls covered in gold leaf and a three million dollar solid gold menorah.

Once again the area of the Temple Mount has been in dispute, a holy site for three religions, where two temples were built by ancient Israel to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The first temple built by King Solomon stood for 410 years, the second temple was constructed after the return of a remnant of Judah from their national captivity in Babylon, this stood for 420 years until it was destroyed by the Romans.

Today the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem distrust the Palestinians who occupy the area re-named by the Romans for Israelis ancient Philistine enemies. Following their successful siege, the Romans allowed the Philistines to enter the city slaughtering the inhabitants of Jerusalem. This Philistine involvement did not happen on only one occasion, but twice over the centuries.

History should serve as a warning and be remembered as one more reason for Israel not to trust any Roman involvement in Jerusalem in the years ahead, either involving the European Union, NATO or the Roman Catholic Church!

The Diaspora

After the dispersal of the ten northern families or tribes which had grown into a nation, later referred to as ‘The Lost Ten Tribes Of Israel’ and the freeing of the tribe of Judah from their captivity to build the second temple, the temple builders spread their talents around the world. Follow their migrations as described in detail in ‘Where Did The Apostles Go’ and ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the America And Britains Future Free Library, good recommended reading of these short in depth fascinating and factual articles.

Such buildings as the Parthenon in Athens were no doubt influenced and or built by some of the Ionian and Spartan Greek descendants of Israel. Ireland which bore the name ‘Iona’ meaning ‘exile’ for centuries was also settled by the Israelite tribe of Dan as was Denmark meaning Dan’s-mark. These dispersed Israelites historically favored the creation of goddesses, such as the forty foot gold clad figure of Athena standing in the Parthenon, and others.

The Roman Colosseum was built by sixty thousand Israelite slaves as no doubt were many of the great public works projects in Rome, before their Westward migration continued. It was through great cities such as Troy built by dispersed Isrealite’s, from where Israelite royalty spread through Europe most famously to The British Isles. King Brutus the Trojan was responsible for the founding of the city later known as London, he proceeded to divide the island regions between his three sons.

With the expansion of the British Empire the finest construction in the form of Capitol buildings and Cathedrals were built. In the United States, the Supreme court building is a replica of the Parthenon and the fifty state capitol buildings represent the same building ability as the original temple builders.

Even the architectural design of the White House was taken from Dublin, Ireland’s General Post Office built by the British. The White House was constructed by stone masons brought from Scotland.

Soon the full circle of temple building will return to Jerusalem where we are told in prophecy at the very least some form of altar or a fully constructed temple WILL BE BUILT.

References to “the daily sacrifice” whether in the form of prayers or actual animal sacrifice will be performed in the future and will then “be taken away” by the involvement of the head of the Catholic church who will take up residency in Jerusalem and will take control of the temple. Also involved will be the ‘European Dictator’ who will militarily control one half of the city!

What Will Happen Next In Jerusalem?

See ‘Middle East In Prophecy’ and ‘Germany In Prophecy’ found on Page 1 of the Library, also ‘The Mark and 666’ on Page 2 of The America And Britains Future Free Library to understand what is really shaping up in the region.

The conflict will turn to control of several Middle Eastern nations by EUROPEAN FORCES, focused on preserving oil reserves in order to sustain the European War Machine and the European economy, and to European Forces occupying Jerusalem and assisting the VATICAN CONTROL OF THE TEMPLE!

We are told that “All nations will be drawn into the Middle East conflict and in particular to JERUSALEM.”

Simple Misunderstandings

Most misunderstand bible prophecy to be talking about ‘the end of the world’ when in fact the word ‘world’ should have been translated as ‘age.’ We are in the Nuclear Age today. Some teach the last great battle being between the U.S. and Russia. NOT SO. Most also misunderstand what they regard as the last great battle of ARMAGEDDON.

The plain of Megiddo is where the World’s Armies gather but they are destroyed by God’s intervention before they use their Nuclear Arsenal’s which would destroy all life on earth by creating a Nuclear Winter.

The Final Attempt to Destroy All Life

Two Thousand years ago GOD talked about the coming attempt to destroy all life on Earth. Jesus Christ makes reference to this in His famous Mather Ch. 24 prophecies given in these words:

Jesus Christ speaking: Verse 7 “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. Verse 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.”

And before the soon coming final attempt to blast all life off-planet earth in this Nuclear Age…

Jesus Christ speaking: Verse 21.”For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.”

Verse 22. “And except those days should be shortened, THERE SHOULD BE NO F L E S H SAVED ALIVE: BUT FOR THE ELECT’S SAKE THOSE DAYS S H A L L BE SHORTENED!!!”




I suggest that the highest Governing Authorities in every nation read GODS LAW and NOT THEIR OWN MAN-MADE DESTRUCTIVE LAWS AND Y I E L D NOW TO GOD’S SUPREME AUTHORITY.

Prophecies regarding the Middle East are specific and easy to understand for those willing to read these directly from scripture. We are also told “a good understanding have they who keep the commandments.”

Few in authority today are willing to recognize the ability of a Higher Power to shape events, most now consider themselves intellectually above any necessity to maintain a belief in God or a necessity to keep HIS LAWS. This is the reason for the worlds problems today!


Notice what will happen. See Daniel 11 Verse 41 “He shall enter also into the glorious land… the Holy Land” to be occupied by European military forces, perhaps as peacekeepers at first!
When the coming revival of the Roman Empire, evolving out of the present European Union takes ‘The Holy Land,’ then the nations will be plunged into the initial phase of the final crisis at the close of this age of man’s rule on the earth.

Continues verse 41, “many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon” – the land of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The coming dictator will unite many other nations with him – 10 in Europe – Rev. 17:12, reviving the ancient Roman Empire, as well as some Arab nations assisting in the Middle East.

Verse 42 says Egypt shall not escape…. As in 31B.C. Egypt will be swallowed up by this coming European invasion.

Verse 43 says the Libyans and Ethiopians shall be at his steps- and he will then control them. Italy lost control of Libya and Ethiopia during World War Two.

A Large Scale Invasion By EUROPE!

Notice again in verse 41 that “many countries shall be overthrown,” this will be a large scale invasion of the Middle East by Germany at the head of a huge European force.

The German Navy and Army helps lead NATO forces today. And the N E W EU Armed Forces are now being assembled with twenty three EU countries merged their forces INTO THE GERMAN ARMY, NAVY, and AIR FORCE!

But Russia And China March On The Middle-East!

Verse 44- “But news out of the East and out of the North shall trouble him”… the European dictator. Russia and China will go to war against the remaining ten-nation military coalition headed by Germany.

Verse 45- The coming European-Vatican leadership… “shall establish its palace (headquarters),” as capital of the revived Roman Empire ” AT JERUSALEM!” Zechariah 14:2, says the city shall be taken!

“Yet He Shall Come To His End, and none shall help him”! This language signifies the end of the “beast powers leader” and the “false prophet” at the hand of God! You will find this described in Revelation 19:19-20 and Zechariah 14:12.

See ‘The Mark and 666’ on Page 2 of the Free Library to have the leader of ‘the beast power’ and the head of ‘the great false church at Rome’ explained fully.

Other prophecies reveal that this revival of the Roman Empire will bring into subjection the United States and Britain… with A Nuclear Weapons Attack on our cities and military installations!

See the new ‘America’s Future’ and‘The United States and Britain in Prophecy’ and also the extensive ‘America And Britain In Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the Free Library.

The Time Sequence Of These Prophecies

And now, what is the time of the end of man’s rule on earth, at the close of this prophecy? The next verse, Daniel 12:1, says “at the time of the resurrection of the just” – at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!

This prophecy begins with the kingdoms of Syria and Egypt, soon after the death of Alexander the Great – 2,300 years ago. But it ends at the time of the first resurrection and the Second Coming of Christ to bring peace to the region – and the entire world!

It is so plain, there can be no doubt of its correct application. Are you ready for that fast approaching event?

This section is quoted from Chapter 7 of ‘Middle East In Prophecy.’ Be sure to read this short informative description on Page 1 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.

Who Will Give This Warning?

See the book of Revelation Ch 11 v1. Then I was given a measuring rod… and I was told, “Come and measure the Temple of God,” referring to the area of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem… “and the altar and those who worship there – as well as referring to the true Church of God still in existence to-day – but do not measure the courtyard outside the temple; leave that out, for it is given over to the Gentiles, and they will trample over the holy city for forty-two months.”

Verse 3. “And I will grant ‘My two witnesses’ authority to prophecy for ‘one thousand two hundred sixty days’… in humility. “These are the two who stand before the lord of the whole earth.”

They will be deposing the European-Vatican dictatorship which will be in Jerusalem. Verse 6, indicates these two men have been given similar powers to Moses when he was deposing the Egyptian ruler who would not “let Israel go” from ancient Egypt. Scriptures from n.r.s.v.

The eyes of the world will be on these two men for ‘three and one half years,’ “the world will see them,” indicating the use of modern technology – Radio and Television and the Internet – as they warn every nation from Jerusalem, as well as giving the good news of an end of all suffering at the hands of this coming European-Vatican led coalition. God in Person – not in the person of the head of the Catholic church – will step in to take control of ALL nations!

See ‘Revelation Unveiled’ to understand these events more fully, on Page 2 of the Library. Picture the dramatic change to come in ‘The Wonderful World Tomorrow: What It Will Be Like’ on Library Page 1.

For more on the European-Vatican involvement in coming world events and the future of the U.S. and Britain, be sure to read the short ‘The United States and Britain in Prophecy’ to learn how you can survive the trying times ahead, found on Page 1 of the Free Library.

What we are watching in the Middle East today is not the end, but the beginning of the end of this increasingly tragic mess we have made with man’s rule in most situations around the world without seeking help from the one true God, who must soon personally intervene in order to save this world alive! Learn how this WILL happen in many of the titles on Page 1 of the Library.

Be sure to read the short ‘Middle East In Prophecy’ and ‘Germany In Prophecy’ in order to see these scriptural references and to find how easy it is to understand what few have ever understood before about the Middle East.

Also see the interesting ‘World Peace How It Will Come’, all on Library Page 1. Check out the America And Britains Future Free Library to find more answers to your questions!

Find the NEW TEMPLE VIDEO by clicking on America And Britains Future on the Home Page and click on PAGE 5, then on Solomon’s Temple. America And Britains Future is unrelated to the presenters of this video.


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