In 2023 the US has given Ukraine the ATACMS Tactical Missile System, and is sending F16 Fighters by years end.

Ukraine is already sending drones striking at the Russian Capital, proving their intent to take the war to Masco.

How much longer will it be before Putin carries out his repeated threat to use Nuclear Weapons, do we know?

Provoke this man no further, you may wake up one morning to find a Ukrainian City has been nuked!

And he may continue Nuking City after City, until Ukraine has been completely defeated. Please end this now!

Article Begins

Two hundred years of Czarist rule of Ukraine ended in March 1917, but an even harsher enemy was to oppress the Ukrainian people. Communist Russia inflicted mass-starvation costing the lives of up to seven million people!

Many who were starved to death had grown crops that were shipped out of the region to Russian cities. Then came the Nazi German starvation of the Ukrainian people during World War Two with two million deaths.

The wealth of Ukraine is again unfortunately proving detrimental to a peaceful existence.

The vast fertile farmlands of the region served as the breadbasket of the USSR, and the discovery of oil and natural gas in Eastern Ukraine has made it a target for acquisition by both the Russian Federation and the European Union, already dependent on Russian oil and gas to fuel its industry and to heat European homes.

The Borderlands

The term Ukraine translates to ‘border region or borderlands.’ The earliest mention of the term was recorded in 1187 and referred to several fortified border regions. Ukraine maintained the name due to its defenses against the nomadic Tator’s in the south. Some medieval Latin maps use the term Marganalia.

Later South Western Russia, from eastern Podolia to Zapozhie was subordinated to the Polish Crown in 1569. Ukraine was further established throughout the 16th and 17th Centuries and from the 18th Century the region became known as ‘Little Russia.’

The E.U. Wants Ukraine

The courtship of Ukraine by the E.U. was intensified with the offer of a huge loan to help the nation’s development, Ukraines new President stated “it is interesting to note that the colors of the Ukrainian flag are similar to the flag of the E.U.” The intent behind this statement did not go unnoticed by the Russian President.

The realization that Russia will not withdraw from eastern Ukrainian territory may cause a negotiated autonomy for some parts of Eastern Ukraine, if not a ‘frozen state of war’ may exist as in other former satellite nations after the Russian invasion. Crimea containing the 250-year-old Russian naval base is already in Russian hands.

When we look at the measures Russia has gone to in Syria, in order to keep its only warm water naval facility, rented from the present Syrian government, we see what Ukraine could become if an early settlement is not achieved.

A Russian representative openly admitted in a speech to the U.N. that Russia had supplied large amounts of arms to Syria, continuing the misery for millions in that conflict.

NATO Staying Out

At the September 2014 meeting in Wales NATO refused to commit its forces to the Ukrainian struggle.

It is argued that having Ukraine join the NATO alliance would be similar to having Mexico invite the Russian military to establish bases along the Mexico U.S. border.

Russia has been using Ukraine as a buffer state, in the same way the nation of Belgium forms a buffer between Germany and France.

Lessons From The Past

We should not forget the lessons from the past. Only seventy-five years ago Russia suffered German invasion, causing the deaths of twenty million Russians because of German aggression!

Today Germany again dominates Europe in control of the European Parliament which rules over twenty-six nations.

NO VOTE is allowed by Europe’s almost 500 million people in the selection of European Council Presidents.


A vote of only 376 out of the mainly socialist 700 members of the Parliament can bring another Hitler to power!

German Opposition To Russia

The previous German Chancellor had taken the lead in dealing with Russia over Ukraine.

Germany has the most sophisticated armed forces in Europe, even before the new ‘European Defense Force’ is completed, combining units taken from Twenty Three participating nations into the German Armed Forces!

Russia fears Germany and has now modernized its nuclear weaponry in order to have a better ‘First Strike’ capability to lay Germany and its allies waste if it again feels threatened.

And Russia will feel threatened when Germany pays for EU Nuclear Weapons, PLACED UNDER GERMAN CONTROL!

Destruction Of American And British Cities

After witnessing the prophesied German-led destruction and occupation of Britain and America, Russia will not hesitate to strike Germany and its European allies, in order to prevent what they perceive to be the coming destruction of Moscow, followed by another German invasion.

This may be too much for you to believe, but World History IS about to repeat itself one last time! And this time we lose, because we have offended God so badly by our nation’s bad behavior since the Second World War.

God allows us to be humbled by withdrawing HIS protection from the descended nations of ancient Israel! These being the nations of Western and North-Western Europe, Britain and Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and The U.S.

See this outlined in the short ‘United States and Britain In Prophecy’ and ‘America And Britain In Prophecy’ also ‘Germany In Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the Library.

The B.R.I.C.K.S. Nations

The recent establishment of the B.R.I.C.S. international trade block including Russia, China, and India gives Russia a valuable source of support in order to withstand E.U. and U.S. sanctions and will in future provide a massive combined military machine! Larger than any force ever assembled in world history!

See details in ‘The B.R.I.C.S. Nations’ in Librarian’s Comments.

Gog And Magog Prophecy ….

The prophecies written in Ezekiel 38 against Gog and Magog also Mesheck and Tubal, relate to Russia and China.

God’s Personal Intervention

Finally ALL nations are brought to obey the coming world-ruling government which God in Person will establish on earth, fulfilling the prophesied One Thousand Years of World Peace.

This will end the possibility of the destruction of all life on the planet, and will ensure a peaceful existence for all nations. This will include those suffering tremendous hardship in Ukraine.

May God protect each and every one of you in Ukraine and provide all of your daily needs.

See ‘World Peace: How It Will Come’ and ‘The Wonderful World Tomorrow: What It Will Be Like’ on Library Page 1 also the quick Q&A, ‘The Coming… Wonderful World Tomorrow!’ on Library Page 4 of America And Britains Future Library.

See ‘Germany In Prophecy,’ on Page 1 and ‘The Mark and 666’ on Page 2 of the Free Library for scriptures concerning the coming ten militarized nations in Europe known as the ‘beast power’ in league with the Papacy!

A Historic Jewish Migration to Ukraine

A Jewish migration into central Europe is recorded in the ‘Austrian Chronicles,’ explained in 2nd Kings 18, 2nd Chr 32, Isa 36. The territories of the Jewish Khazarian Empire, 650 to 1016 spread from the Urals to Kiev.

This Empire may have been established even earlier. For those interested in the question of how an early Jewish presence first came to exist in central Europe 711-718, see Volume 2 of ‘The Compendium of True World History’ Ch 4 on Page 6 of the America And Britains Future Library.

Since This Article Was Written

Since this article was written Russia has launched a full invasion of Ukraine following the head of NATOs refusal to give Putin an assurance that NATO Forces would not move into Ukraine.

This would have allowed German-EU-NATO forces to advance across Ukraine, eight hundred miles closer to Moscow.

It is sad to see the human tragedy of entire cities being demolished by the Russian Armed Forces literally creating a ‘No Man’s Land’ out of Ukraine!

It is estimated that One Hundred Thousand people have already perished in the first twelve months of the war!!! And it is reported that forty thousand Russian soldiers have been killed, and probably a similar number of Ukrainian forces!!!

Please end this pointless slaughter!!!


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