Much was made of the Russian hacking of the DNC during the 2016 U.S. election and to a lesser extent in 2020. The Russian interference resulted in the expulsion of Russian diplomats and the closure of some Russian diplomatic facilities in the U.S. 

Head of Vatican States Influence In U.S. Elections

But nothing was mentioned regarding the head of the Vatican State directly involving himself in opposition to the leading Republican candidate in the 2016 election. When he openly attacked Donald Trump by name and condemned his policies!

In doing so he signaled to the seventy-two million Roman Catholics in America not to vote for this Presbyterian, Protestant candidate, as he worked to influence American voters in the election!

This interference in the election of the President of the United States was no doubt done in favor of the Roman Catholics contending for the Republican nomination.

Why The Catholic Dis-proportion At The Top of U.S. Government?

In Twenty Sixteen they held three of the four highest government offices, and many more of the top positions in the land, including the Vice-Presidency, the Secretary of State, and now three Speaker of the House positions.

Before Speaker Boehner retired he stated that he “had worked for the past twenty years to have the Pope address the U.S. Congress,” and retired, mission accomplished the following week.

OUR Supreme Court Judges


The Supreme Court is opened with ‘The Red Mass’ being celebrated before the Court can commences its first cession!


According to Jesuit college information, there were Forty-Eight graduates of Jesuit colleges serving as lawmakers in the 2015 Congress. In fact Thirty-One percent of the 114th Congress identified as Catholic, coming from twenty-two percent of Roman Catholics in the general population.

While the number of Protestant representatives has dropped eighteen percent since the Nineteen Sixties!

Catholic Media Involvement

The Catholic Church has spent MILLIONS on building Television Facilities, and a Jesuit Media Training School, turning out staff and technicians, many reportedly employed by the Murdock Networks, perhaps the largest media owners in the world.

The Catholic Church now has its own network here in the U.S. and around the world, as well as a strong internet presence, used to encourage voting in national and in local elections.

A brief study of today’s Jesuit media involvement in American Politics, and of the Jesuits throughout history, shows a much more sinister reality in the churches control the governments of the World, and their attempt to take control in The United States and Britain! 

Bloody Tortures

The Jesuit priesthood has been regarded as the most extreme and feared order in the Catholic Church, their bloody torture involvement in the Spanish inquisition is recorded in history.

And their secrecy in training men to become embedded in Protestant Church Ministries and in the political system of nations, including the U.S. and other predominantly Protestant Nations in order to undermine and eventually take political control has a long history.

First Jesuit Pope

Even as the recent first Jesuit Pope was chosen, he told the Cardinals who elected him, that “they may live to regret their choice” and it is reported that because of his heavy-handed treatment of some, many in the Vatican would be glad to see him gone.

A new head of the Jesuit Order has installed, these are known as the Black Pope, and for the first time in the history of the Catholic church the world had two Jesuit Popes, with the Jesuit Pope residing here in the U.S. very much involved in the work of the Jesuits in these United States of America!

Seen As Wayward Daughter Nations

With the Protestant Reformation, and with the loss of Britain and the expanding British Empire, including Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and with the emerging Protestant America, it became the undying aim over all other goals of the Roman Catholic church hierarchy, to one day take back control of what they call ‘their wayward daughter nations.’

Throughout American history, the danger of allowing the Catholic Church into the mainstream of American life was recognized. At the time of the War of Independence, it was recorded that there were only two or three Catholic priests in the colonies.

By the time of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was reported to have said ‘If the Southern Generals knew the inroads the Jesuits had made in the nation, they would end the war and turn their attention to fighting the Jesuits.’

The Once Great Protestant Institutions of Learning

The once great U.S. institutions of learning now known today as the ‘Ivy League’ built by the Protestant churches, used the scriptures to point out the reality of the ‘great whore church’ which had made itself rich by controlling the nations.

This was done by using its ambassadorial powers around the world to their political and financial advantage.

It has been reported that the only Protestant area still standing against Jesuit infiltration is America’s Bible belt!

And the saturation of the area with Roman Catholics from across the Mexican border is to give them victory in the south, through population growth and intermarriage! This is the reason for the Pope’s condemnation of the construction of a Southern Border wall.  

Fair And Balanced?

The secularization of the nation has led to a biased press focusing its attention on candidates espousing traditional Judeo-Christian values, and during the year of television interviews and months of presidential debates, an even stranger phenomenon was seen to emerge.

Even the top-rated conservative cable news network in the country calling itself ‘fair and balanced’ was turning against Donald Trump in the 2020 election, the wife of one of the owners tweeted that they had beaten Trump. 

His Children Baptized Catholic

An Email released by WikiLeaks revealed how Rupert Murdock was being mocked for having his children baptized into the Catholic Church, himself no doubt being a Scottish, Australian, Protestant.

Just another indication of how important this would be in their present roles of running their father’s empire, in purchasing and operating media outlets in Europe and the Catholic world of one billion souls.

All three leading shows on Fox were headed by Roman Catholics during Donald Trump’s election, as well as many who appear daily.

All of whom would prefer a “well done my son, or well done my child” coming from their Catholic priest in the confessional after attacking Trump, rather than having the top rating of the evening, or the approval of the conservative supporters of the network.

Bill O’Riley

The Fox organization’s top presenter for sixteen years Bill O’Riley, a Roman Catholic forced out by charges of sexual harassment, launched several attacks on Donald Trump, not just to test his positions on the issues, but was attempting to destroy the candidate in live interviews!

This continued to the point where he was asked by Trump on camera what his motives were?

This continued until the future president Trump refused to go on the Fox network at one point, losing them millions!

And in the opening moments of the first Republican debate, this was attempted again by the same organization’s top female personality, also a Roman Catholic.

The network’s owner, the most powerful news services controller in the world, also made it known that he was against Donald Trump, before assuming a relationship with him to appear frequently on his channel reportedly making more millions for the network.

Ever Growing In Power

 This is how powerful the influence of the Catholic Church has become in the politics of the still Protestant U.S.A.

This scenario may seem an archaic and unreal hypothesis to you, especially in the decadence of the twenty-first century.

Until you consider the unashamed long-term goal of the Vatican, to continue to slowly but surely achieve total control of the richest western protestant nations of America and Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western, and North-Western Europe!

In Britain Jacob Rees-Mogg

The same Catholic Media assault is occurring in Protestant Britain, in 2023 on the new Murdock network GBNEWS, with the hire of Conservative Party member Jacob Rees-Mogg a strong Roman Catholic, who takes every MEDIA opportunity to promote the Roman Catholic Church in Protestant Britain.

On his new GBNEWS show he used as much time as he felt necessary, without any intervention or editing by the network, to promote the teachings of the Catholic Church. He also reminded the British audience that today was the celebration of one of the Saints of that church.

Perhaps he would like to stick to the purpose for which he was hired in future, or perhaps this may be the reason-why?

As I recall on a previous occasion he talked about being introduced to Catholicism by his late Irish grandmother.

A Study of Roman Calendar Celebrations

Jacob I wonder, have you taken the time in your religious studies to compare what became the Roman State form of FALSE Christianity, with the writings of Jesus Christ and the original Apostles?

All of these kept the Sabbath Day rather than SUNDAY. And all observed God’s Seven Annual Celebrations as mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments?

If you have not yet done so, please feel free to study these in the pages of the America And Britains Free Library, and as you study pray that the God of the Bible will open your eyes, giving you a portion of His Spirit of true understanding. This is my prayer for you Jacob.

‘Submissive Black’

The then First Lady, Laura Bush was chastised by a Catholic church official for not wearing the appropriate attire as she accompanied her husband the President when meeting the Pope.

Similar instruction in ‘proper protocol’ was being obeyed by the Queen of England, who was the head of the Church of England, as she wore ‘Submissive Black’ when appearing before the Pope in Rome.



Always Dealing In Half Truth

It is also of interest to know that the flag of the European Union, flying over Capital Cities of every European Union Country, and on every European passport, was not taken from the circle of thirteen stars which represented the original thirteen colonies of the United States, as was first suggested in the move to unite all European nations.

This was taken from the circle of stars seen around the head and shoulders of the Virgin Mary, recently made an equal to Jesus Christ in Catholic teaching!

True Church of God Practices

A study of many of the practices introduced into the Catholic church over the centuries and also observed by the Protestant world today, are actually taken from Pagan Church origins.

Most of these are in celebration of fertility rights, with eggs and rabbits for example! And from the worship of the SUN GOD on Sunday, rather than the true worship of God The Father, or in a true recognition of the real Jesus Christ! 

Your study will prove these are not taken from the Bible at all or from the practices of the long-established True Church of God, which was headquartered at Jerusalem, founded there by the real Jesus Christ and the Apostles!

The Dream of Total Control May Be Slipping Away

With the departure of the still Protestant Great Britain from the mainly Catholic European Union and the threat of future withdrawal of Protestant North-Western Europe, and even the larger more Catholic Holland and France. The dream of total Catholic control may be slipping away.

If they lose control of the Protestant nations began by Brexit, and their dream of controlling key leadership positions in the government of the U.S. then what will the new approach of the Vatican leadership be to gain the upper hand in order to obtain a final victory in this centuries-old struggle to rule ALL of the christian world? 

How Possible In the 21st Century?

Why of course! They will resort to the age-old tradition of the church at Rome, which was first given its power to introduce its FALSE FORM OF PAGANIZED CHRISTIANITY over the entire Roman Empire by FORCE OF ARMS, sanctioned by none other than Emperor Constantine.

They will take total control by the use of MILITARY FORCE against all nations opposing Roman Catholic rule in order to take back what they see as rightfully theirs on the European continent and abroad. 

The reversal of their supposed on schedule takeover of their Protestant ‘wayward daughter nations’ may soon become an embarrassment to the Vatican leadership. 

But by the use of the sword, held steadily by Germany throughout the ages after the fall of the Roman Empire, and now once again with Germany in total economic, political, and military control of what will remain of the European Union combine of nations.

A Ten Nation Military Beast

According to Bible prophecy, there will be ten militarized nations remaining after all the Protestant-original descendant nations of ancient Israel, who settled in Western and North Western Europe-attempt to separate themselves from the final resurrection of the old ‘Unholy Roman Empire of the German People.’ 

And today Germany is right now building long-range rockets in the European Space Project, and Germany is prepared to pay for NUCLEAR WEAPONS which WILL be used to take back ‘these Protestant wayward daughter nations’ to finally end their rebellion!

This will be done in part to please the Vatican, as well as to finally fulfill the German dream of world domination!

Believe it or not, this is exactly how the Papal leadership at the Vatican will decide to deal with America and Britain, and the coming Strong Man President of EUROPE will deliver!

The Pontiff Will Call For WAR Against America And Britain!

The Vatican State will lend its diplomatic support to the growing military might of the GERMAN led single United Europe, by using its political and spiritual control over the members of the European Parliament controlling five hundred million European’s, and over the five hundred million Catholic population of the South American nations.

The Vatican will call for the defeat and military occupation, and domination over the Protestant nations of North America, Britain, Western and North-Western Europe as well as the State of Israel!

Prophecy indicates that these nations will go into a three and one-half year national captivity in this generation!


This Roman Catholic Church victory will be short-lived however, when out of total frustration with constant Vatican demands, the coming ‘European Dictator’ will turn his Nuclear Weapons on Rome!

The head of that ‘great false church’ will at that point be in Jerusalem, and will sit in the new Temple built there.

The German-Vatican alliance will be defeated by Christ, ending World War Three, saving what remains of human life.

The coming German-Vatican Dictatorship will be replaced by the World Government of God!

For more details on the Papacy see: ‘The Mark And 666’ on Page 2, and on Page 1 ‘Germany in Prophecy’ in the America And Britain’s Future Free Library.


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