The spiritual descendants of the Church of God founded by Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, do not enter into politics.

But when we see someone deliberately involved in what will lead to the eventual overthrow of the freedom enjoyed by the American and British descendant peoples, we are obliged to speak out in our nation’s defense.

Why The Border Was Opened

On October 29th of 2021 world leaders assembled in Rome. But before government officials could begin their meetings, the Catholic President of the United States of America, still the most powerful nation on earth and the leader of the free world, went to pay homage to the man who claims to be above all world governments.

The first of the extreme Jesuit order to hold the office of the Papacy received President Biden at the Vatican.

Papal Protection For Mr Biden

Mr Biden has been protected by the Pope from the American Cardinals, who wanted him banned from receiving communion, BECAUSE OF HIS POLITICAL DEFENSE OF ABORTION.

However, this serious punishment was not exacted against him following his meeting with the Pope.

But upon Mr Biden’s return to the US, the Southern Border was opened to all comers, allowing TEN MILLION and more, mainly Roman Catholics to illegally enter the country.

Save Us From Eternal Damnation

As a practicing Catholic, Mr Biden believes being refused communion would destine him to burn in an Ever Burning Hell! And like every other fearing Roman Catholic, he is doing everything possible to escape this punishment.

And in his high position of authority, this has allowed him to open the US border to please “the holy father”!

Obviously accepting this compromise the American Cardinals have allowed him to continue in the church, with no fear of further action being taken against him.

Very Innocent People

We have seen these millions of very innocent people used as pons in a game by the Catholic Church, assisted them on their way to the US border, and being shipped to locations throughout the US, where they will be used to vote for the chosen party of the Catholic leadership, in an attempt to control our nation.

New Catholic Radio Stations

You may not be Catholic, and may not have listened in to their growing number of radio stations across the US, and may not want to. But it is interesting to hear how fear of ‘going to an ever burning hell’ is still perpetuated in this Church.

With their broadcasters describing the daily suffering of those who have gone to hell, suffering these daily tortures. NOT SO! And with the constant use of the expression “SAVE US FROM ETERNAL DAMNATION” in their church services.”

In the minds of every Roman Catholic, being refused communion is a very serious matter indeed, leading to being cut off from God’s mercy, being denied what is called the Last Rights just before they die.

In Mr Biden’s case this means using the power of the President to OPEN THE SOUTHERN BORDER TO FELLOW ROMAN CATHOLICS, and at his age, as he believes he needs to please those who have the power to sentence him to a supposed ‘Ever Burning Hell!’

Submissive Black

When President George W Bush and his wife Laura, both Protestant, made their appearance before the Pope, Mrs Bush was corrected on not being dressed in submissive black! The wearing of black is a requirement as an outward sign of submission to Papal authority! The Pope of course is dressed in white as a sign of his supposed holiness.

In actual fact, he is the head of the great false christian church established by Emperor Constantine, who had every pre-christian teaching incorporated into Catholicism, much of it accepted by today’s Protestant churches.

Yet the leadership of this religion claims to be the continuation of the true Church of God established by Jesus Christ, which was headquartered at Jerusalem and never at Rome.

See ‘Where Did The 12 Apostles Go’, especially Chapters 3 and 4, on Page 1 of the Library to learn that the Apostle Peter was NOT the first Pope, and had NO relationship with the false church at Rome, except to be taken there to be executed.

The Fear Placed in Catholic Minds

You may have heard the statement “Give us a child until they are six years old, and we will control them for life.”

Fear is used, in the belief that only the Catholic Priesthood can grant absolution before death. (Absolution proper is the act of the priest whereby, in the Sacrament of Penance, can free you from sin!)

The greatest fear of any Catholic, or Protestant for that matter, is to suffer in an imagined lake of fire!

Dante’s Inferno

The artwork by Dante was done as a mockery of Catholic teaching on the ‘Ever Burning Hell’ subject, but his artwork was so well done, that within a comparatively short time in Catholic Church history, it became used as a visual description of how those who were cut off from the church would suffer for eternity.

And this is what members of the Catholic Church including Mr Biden believe, and live in fear of!

The Truth Is Found In Scripture

Scripture teaches us: “For the living know that they will die… BUT THE DEAD KNOW NOTHING…! Ecclesiastes 9:5.

Christ and the Apostles taught that we do not go either to heaven or to hell at the time of deaths, but that WE SLEEP until Christ returns, and then we are RESURRECTED to live again on the earth.

HELL: An Old English Word

In the King James Bible the Old Testament term Sheol is translated as “hell” 31 times, and it is translated as “the grave” 31 times. Sheol is also translated as “the pit” three times.

The farmers would dig a pit, line it with straw, and bury their potato crop to preserve it throughout the winter. They referred to burying their potatoes in hell!

Be sure to read the related articles on Library Page 5 to learn Christ’s clear teaching on this subject.

Modern Bible translations typically render Sheol as “the grave”, “the pit”, or “death”. This is the truth of the matter, Google it for yourself.

In the trusted King James Bible, THIS SIMPLY MEANS GOING TO YOUR GRAVE.

Be sure to read ‘What Is Hell’ found on Page 5 of the America And Britains Future Free Library. This gives proof FROM SCRIPTURE that Jesus Christ and the Apostles did not teach that anyone would suffer in an ever burning hell!

Have no fear Mr Biden, there is no ‘Ever Burning Hellfire’ where soles are tortured for eternity.

Scripture has been deliberately twisted to produce this church doctrine of ‘Fear Religion’ used to control millions of innocent church members in both Catholic and Protestant churches!

This IS The Reason The Border Was Opened

Mr Biden’s fear of this false Catholic teaching IS THE REASON HE OPENED THE SOUTHERN BORDER TO MILLIONS of mainly Roman Catholics still streaming across!

Being transported to every state, where they will be used to vote, to have the chosen political party of the Catholic Church in control.

I recently heard an innocent young Roman Catholic man explain in a radio interview, how on his first visit to vote, “The Catholic Priest came into the voting booth with me, and had me vote Democrat on all subjects!” This is how it is done.

Control of The Supreme Court

Just as the Roman Catholic Church controls the majority of US Supreme Court members today, with SIX out of NINE of the Justices being devout Roman Catholics.

And in turn to eventually give the Vatican control of the government of these United States! Just as the Vatican is in control of those in government in all Catholic countries around the world.

The Long Term Goal of The Vatican

The long term goal of the Vatican has been to take control of the United States and the British descendant nations of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Western and North-Western nations of Europe, which they lost in the Protestant revolt against the Roman Church.

This is no longer an archaic dream of the Church at Rome, but is seen now as an ever increasing possibility as these Protestant nations fall away from their religion.

Here is proof that the Vatican now has the power to control a President of The United States. This is the reason that Roman Catholic’s were denied high positions in government throughout American history.

The European Union Began In Rome

The formation of the European Common Market began with the Treaty of Rome. This was then forged into the political entity of the European Union. It is actually the last resurrection of the old Roman Empire and has been overseen by the Vatican since its original conception.

The EU flag is the circle of twelve golden stars on the blue background surrounding the Virgin Mary. And Sunday worship was officially accepted as the European Union’s day of rest decades ago.

This shows the Vatican’s influence over the EU’s seven hundred and fifty member Parliament, and almost half a billion citizens in Europe!

The Vatican controls the government leaders of the half billion Catholic peoples of the South American nations, and they are attempting to do the same with these United States of America by flooding the nation with millions more Roman Catholics from south of the US border!


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