In 2017, it was reported parts of Britain could suffer water shortages after the driest winter in twenty years.

London, Britain’s seat of government, and one of the world’s largest cities has a water problem that seemingly cannot be solved, 41% of Britain’s underground water supply which provides 80% of the nation’s DRINKING WATER is no longer being replenished, partly due to industrial use.

A Promise Kept By God

For more than eight hundred years, our government and those of the democracies which we have established around the world, have adhered to certain principles of moral behavior and higher ethics, making us the envy of the entire world.

There has always been the individual breaking of the rules, but nationally to a degree, we did our part.

But during the past generation we have had a new breed of leaders and legislators, who have deserted the Judeo-Christian principles upon which British Society and British Law was based, changing our laws, and directly offending GOD who gave us our wealth and power.

He has fulfilled His promise to our ancestors of America and Britain! See Genesis 35:11.

But now, as we continue to cause Him the deepest offense, He will bring the most severe corrective punishments upon the nations He loves, read all of Leviticus Chapter 26.

Given The Wealth Of The World

The nations whose populations have used the ‘Ten Commandments‘ as their moral guidelines have been given such incredible wealth to enjoy over centuries. The rest of the world shares only one third of the earth’s resources!

Britain was given control of six times more territory than that of the Roman Empire! Look at the European Union today, it exists within the same boundaries as the old Roman Empire. Then multiply this six times to realize our wealth!

Consider the vastness of Canada and the massive Australian Continent to begin to realize the scope and scale of the wealth Britain was given! Then add to this the entire British Empire with the Indian and African Continents and more!

It is incredible how rich we remain compared to most of the world, yet we now carry the heaviest debt burden.

Biting The Hand That Has Fed Us For So Long

Today our population and our nation’s leaders have been educated away from any belief in God’s existence, and therefore do not realize the fact that we are directly in conflict with God, and are suffering the growing consequences of what He is now bringing upon us.

These educated men and women from the top schools in our land will not even stop to consider the ‘CAUSE AND EFFECT’ principle behind our growing massive national debt, the growing drought crisis, and the FACT that after eight hundred years of acknowledgment, they have FORGOTTEN God!

Rain In Due Season

One constant necessity is to have ‘rain in due season!’ A prolonged drought in Britain will affect our food supply, and our ability to provide the water supply needed to keep our cities livable, and disease-free!

In the coming years, farmers will plant additional acreage to make up losses caused by continuing drought, only to find worsening drought conditions year after year.

Happening Now In Canada And Australia

Canada has been suffering drought for years, and in 2023 extensive forest fires are burning nationwide.

In the massive food producing State of Queensland, Australia, the same condition has existed for many years and now seems permanent, producing only forty percent of normal food supply because of extreme prolonged drought! Let this be a warning to us!

In 2023 England and Northern Ireland have suffered drought, and this condition will worsen, eventually depriving us of our food supply!

We are told even our enemies will be in shock when they see the destruction caused by progressive drought!

See: ‘TO STARVE A PEOPLE: Why DROUGHT In America, Britain, Canada, and Australia’ in Liberians Comments.

Please see the short informative ‘Drought, Flood, Famine‘ on Page 1 of the America And Britains Future Free Library, giving the history of drought, and what will be the outcome of the Great British Drought.


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America And Britain's Future 2025