My heart goes out to all parents and families who have suffered the loss of a child or loved one in senseless violence!

As scripture explains your children and family members will be returned to you, as all families are reunited in a coming resurrection of all who have ever lived.

But nothing can relieve the pain you feel over your terrible loss.

The Loss of The Family

During the past two generations America and Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have attempted several very costly social experiments, and in the last ten years we have begun to pay a very high price!

A minister from the African American community made a very true statement regarding these attacks. If we can recognize the truth through honest observation you may be forced to agree.

He said, “When they took the Commandments out of our schools they should have installed metal detectors!”

God’s Laws Not Taught

Five of the Commandments even in the short form teaches us how we should treat others.

If taught “YOU SHALL NOT KILL” from childhood, this would go a long way in preventing these tragic events today! “HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER” would save parents’ lives. It works!

In HALF of our nation’s homes children will have suffered much distress through the loss of a parent in a painful marriage breakup and divorce. Children somehow blame themselves for their parent’s problems.

They may have been moved from school to school adversely affecting their education, feeling helpless, looking at a supposed dismal future. The resulting stress sometimes turns to resentment and anger.

By late teens, they may already feel OLD and worn out, at the point in their lives when they should be prepared and ready to take on further education, or to work their way up into a well-paying job.

But by that time our teenagers may have already experienced defeat, with depression constantly hanging over them, many feel the need to escape through drug abuse, believing their lives are already a hopeless experience.

NO Law To Live By

Then there are those who become violent, feeling stigmatized when categorized by a psychiatrist as experiencing emotional outbursts known as ‘TEMPORARY RAGE SYNDROME’.

Some of the expressions which the psychiatrists have come up with are almost humorous, except that they now carry such a lethal connotation!

Much of the teenage violence we see today is because of the destruction of the family, with HALF our homes broken!

Raising Strange Children

Can having a two parent home and simply teaching the Commandments really prevent these mass murders?

Were their mass murders in our institutions as long as these simple laws were being taught to America’s children, and punishment for those responsible for murders was carried out speedily throughout the nation’s history?

NO THERE WERE NONE SO TRAGIC! We have been deceived by our ‘Legal’ and ‘Child Rearing Experts’ and even by our Church Leaders teaching us that God’s Law has been done away, IT HAS NOT!

The price is now being paid in the loss of our precious children’s lives, as well as others suffering violence!

The Law In The British Isles

In my early years living in the British Isles, I would hear news announcements of a coming hanging for murder.

And then on the day, the announcement of the actual hanging!

I remember being afraid that I might accidentally kill someone, and I would be hung for that!

Today the child phycologists would scream in disgust! But I can tell you that was a healthy fear for me to have!

I had no intention of taking a shotgun or twenty-two rifle available in Britain, to go kill someone.

Today there are more murders in London, England than in New York City because British laws have been weakened!

Read Truth About Child Rearing

‘The Truth About Child Rearing’ found on Page 3 of the America And Britains Future Free Library gives the history of child-rearing in America, since those in ‘higher learning’ began to tear down our traditional child-rearing methods.

They have misled our nation’s parents into neglecting to teach our children God’s Law! And also “Because justice is not carried out speedily, the land is full of bloody crimes.”

Our school authorities have been forced to yield to rulings made in our nation’s Courts, removing all traces of GOD from our schools, often with parents’ approval.

Because of this rejection, God has withdrawn His presence and His protection from our nation’s schools.

From Personal Experience

We raised three sons following the principles taught in ‘The Truth About Child Rearing’ and in ‘The Ten Commandments’ found on Library Page 2.

We went through all the challenges America’s modern school system and culture have to offer and survived, I know you would be pleased to meet all three, but there needs to be a father and mother in the home!

This is meant as encouragement to others to use these proven child-rearing methods.

Half of America’s homes may now be single parent families, so your struggle will be harder, but make the effort to introduce these time tested teachings in your home. You will be rewarded!

Our Nations Humbled

A time is coming when the American and British people will return to teaching God’s laws to their children and no such crimes will occur, but unfortunately, God’s prophecies indicate this will not be until after our nations have been humbled by many tragic experiences in the years ahead!

We will have our national wealth and position in the world taken from us, along with our freedom and much loss of life in the destruction of our cities and in a three and a half year national captivity, believe it or not.

This will occur before our freedom is restored to those who survive. Then, we will be glad to begin teaching God’s laws to our children, but only after we have learned many hard lessons!

The Hardest Way To Learn

It is sad to see the suffering of today’s families and that which lies ahead for the nations we love. Unfortunately this is the outcome of the nation’s sins visited unto the second and third generation.

Copy out the short form ’10 Commandants’ for your children to learn, all of these 67 words in the short form.

And find the book title ‘The Ten Commandments’ on Page 2 of the Library to learn more on this subject.

“Bring your children up in the way they should go and when they are older, they will not depart from it” a true statement.

So begin teaching your children the Ten Commandments written by God Himself. This Child Rearing method works.


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