Each day we have something to appreciate no matter how little, it’s still more than the billions of people have in the rest of the world. Always look on the bright side, it could always be a lot worse…

Having food to eat and not going hungry is something to celebrate. There are ONE BILLION starving on earth today, could that come to us?

World Poverty

I am grateful that I got to see cities like Naples in Italy, Djibouti on the Horn of Africa, what was Bombay in India and cities in other countries on rout from Britain to Australia, all suffering poverty not long after the end of World War Two.

Most of that generation in the second and third world died in their late thirties or forties. Some of those nations are still living in poverty day.

Those borne following World War Two were the lucky generation in America and Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and in the nations of Western and North-Western Europe and Ireland. We inherited the Birthright Promises of wealth and power promised to us by God through Abraham, who’s family became Ancient Israel.

And here we are in these rich nations, less than TEN PERCENT of the SEVEN BILLION population on the earth today, enjoying TWO THIRDS the wealth of the world! The US is less than SEVEN PERCENT of the worlds population ENJOYING FORTY PERCENT of the wealth of the entire world today!

Express Some Gratitude

We need to express some gratitude in thankfulness for being here, rather than tearing down America and Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand!

We have lived between two World Wars. Most have die of natural causes after enjoying ‘the good life’, but many will die in the coming famine and disease brought on by a prolonged DROUGHT coming to America and Britain, with our cities being destroyed in a soon coming Third World War against us, in a humbling of our present generation.

We Were Given Our Wealth

Now in the USA where the poverty level was set at Twenty Thousand Dollars several years ago, much higher than any other nation, paid for by the hardest working tax payers, each of us should be expressing our genuine thankfulness for all of this, rather than tearing down the nation God has given the greatest amount of wealth.

No matter what race, creed, or color, we were brought here to experience the American way of life, and to enjoy all of this, just before it ends. So let’s be thankful for ALL of it.

Lets be thankful for today, and for living in the USA! Following World War Three we will enter the first One Thousand Years Of Total World Peace, with God in Person taking control of every nation to bring this about!

All Things Must Pass

You may remember the scene from one of the ‘Back to The Future’ movies when the main character played a guitar progression-really a digression from the Fifties ‘Rock and Roll’. And because he had been to the future, he then played all the way through the progression of modern music, to the wailing guitar of the Jimmy Hendrix experience!

The kids on the dance floor stopped dancing, and stared at this character on stage in disbelief, as he stood there in the following silence with the guitar held high!

This is how we have all been led in a much slower digression, not realizing we were being led into disobedience to God’s laws by those who had been set up as really bad examples to us!

Now because of our lawbreaking ‘all things must pass’ as George Harrison wrote. But we will remember this part of our lives f o r e v e r.

God Is Reproducing Himself In Us

There is a little understood magnificent project going on, on planet earth! That is God reproducing Himself by the billions! And this incredibly Powerful Being is watching over us! Even as we are in the process of our own self destruction, by our constant breaking of His laws.

He has determined already to intervene to stop the destruction of all life on earth.

And has already started on a series of corrective punishments against His Birthright People, which will destroy our nations because there will be no National Repentance this time, as their was during World Wars One And Two.

But He will not totally destroy our entire populations, leaving alive what is referred to as ‘A REMNANT’ of every nation, to be built into a new united One Nation to be known as the Kingdoms of God here on earth, which will begin to grow in the area around Jerusalem, to encompass the populations of all nation eventually, which will last forever.

This is coming now, soon it will be here. And we will be thankful to God for rescuing this world alive.


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