We did not exist! But here we are, billions of us! This life brings us into existence, perhaps one day to live forever!

Because God is reproducing Himself in each one of us. We are to become members of the Family of God!

This is why we were brought into existence, why the generations were borne, to be brought back later to live again!

This was planned from before the plants were spun into existence. Perhaps one planet for each of us!

There are billions of plants and there are billions of us, and we will go to the stars!

Who Stirs You Up?

We are stirred up by a being who was placed in charge of the earth for six thousand years.

He was given the right to choose his own lifestyle. He was given free will the same as us.

He was so beautiful and given so much power and authority, it went to His head. He rebelled.

Who Writes The Songs

He speaks to us through the words of the songs he writes. Read this from the Rolling Stones ‘Sympathy For The Devil.’

“I was there when they crucified Jesus Christ” – “I saw the Czars family murdered” in Russia – “I was there when they killed the Kennedy’s” – “Pleased to meet you, won’t you guess my name?” – What I’m telling you “It’s the nature of my game.” And in another song he tells us “I am music and I write the songs” – And “I did it My Way!”

His Rulership About to End!

He knows He has a short time left to rule, spreading confusion, fear, and destruction.

He is about to be banished from the earth.

We are told that “He goes forth with a great fury to bring the nations to war!”

He intends to hand over a dead planet to the One who has qualified to replace him.

He will utilize the power to destroy all life. But the One who created Him has total control over him.

This age of total confusion will be brought to an end. But not in the way He thinks.

This Nuclear Age will NOT end that way!

He Hates You And Your Family

We are to inherit the earth. This is the reason he hates you and your family, and stirs up division in every home!

An age of total peace and happiness will replace the almost total destruction he will leave behind him.

But his rulership is taken from him and we enter a thousand years of total world peace!

Won’t that be fine!

Learn more in every short study in the America And Britains Future Free Library!


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