Supreme Court Overturns God’s Law On Marriage

In our nation where 7% of the world’s population enjoy 40% of the world’s wealth, God in whom we once trusted for our national security, peace, and happiness as well as our abundant food supply, now WARNS the United States that we are in danger of losing EVERYTHING!

God says “I have a controversy with the nations,” beginning with America and Britain and those nations following the BAD EXAMPLE our highest courts are now setting, as they overturn foundational laws once based on God’s Law.

It has been forty years and the loss of SIXTY ONE MILLION unborn American lives since the US Supreme Court overturned God’s Law on ‘the right to life’ of a fetus in the womb!

Now the highest court in the land has RULED against another of God’s foundational principles of family life. It was God who made it HIS LAW instituting marriage was “a contract between a man and a woman.”

Only in the nations where the greatest freedoms still exist has this foundational building block of society been demolished, even as our nations still dwell in comparative peace and safety, as the protection of a loving God has slowly been withdrawn!

Even our Supreme Courts Chief Justice voting AGAINST stated: “JUST WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE”? Writing, “This decision has no basis in the Constitution.” And “The Supreme Court has no right to make NEW LAW, only to define existing law.”

No Challange By Congress

But since their ruling was taking this hot button issue out of State legislatures, our senators and congressmen allowed the ruling to go unchallenged, no longer wanting to face further embarrassment on the issue.

One judge voting FOR pointed out that this decision was made in a similar way to that of the courts ruling on abortion! NAMELY IN BREACH OF THE AUTHORITY GIVEN TO THE COURT!

We Have Become Hypocritical Nations

Foreseeing these events God describes America and Britain today as ‘A HYPOCRITICAL PEOPLE,’ standing for human rights around the world but allowing the mass-destruction of the unborn at home!

It has also been forty years since the first Gay Pride parades in our nation’s cities with same-sex marriage now being legalized in every state in what is NOW seen as granting everyone their civil rights and freedom under the law. Since our lawmakers see no reason to retain God’s laws in their thinking. They now fail to understand that there are some freedoms which God withholds for the good of the family and the nation.

President Obama mentioned how beautiful the facade of the White House appeared as it was lit in the gay pride colors in a response to complaints that this action was offensive to many. He ran for office on the premise that he was modeling his career on that of Abraham Lincoln and used the Lincoln Bible to be sworn into office.

Does he believe President Lincoln would have supported this? Read Lincoln’s speech to the nation where he scolds that generation for having forgotten God! Find this in the last chapter of ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.

The Error Of Our Ways!

God says “My people are lost through lack of knowledge.” Those in leadership positions in the US and Britain today have failed to keep us under God’s protection.

They have allowed our education system to be completely altered by the acceptance of the unproven ‘THEORY’ of evolution, establishing the thought that God does not exist and therefore none of God’s LAWS should be obeyed. How is the nation fairing using these principles?

Our Long-Term History Repeating Itself

After the excesses of the Roaring Twenties came the Dust Bowl years and the Stock Market crash! World Wars One and Two were meant to teach us to live by God’s laws, in order to have His protection from a further tyrannical German dictatorship, now forming again in Europe.

Hitler’s Germany attempted to defeat and make slaves of the British, just as they did to our related nations of France, Holland, Belgium, and most of the nations of North-Western Europe only seventy-five short years ago! This was only a forerunner to what now lies ahead because of our disobedience in these matters of Supreme Importance to God.

Since the end of the Second World War our nations have embarked upon THE MOST COSTLY SOCIAL EXPERIMENTS IN HUMAN HISTORY, to overturn God’s Laws affecting the family in our Law Courts, including divorce which has devastated half the nation’s families. Now we literally bite the hand that feeds us supplying rain in due season!

A Massive Drought On The Way

U.S. farmlands were 65% in serious prolonged drought not so many years ago, and with the state of California which produces $41 billion in crops including most of the fruit and vegetables grown in the nation, having been NINETY-FIVE percent in drought!

Prophecy warns that if we do not reverse the actions we have taken to reject His laws there will come a drought which will cause the loss of ONE-THIRD of our populations through Famine and Disease!!!

It appears that God is now withholding rain in due season from America, Canada, and Australia with an even worse prolonged drought now appearing in the US!

Even the British Isles will suffer sever drought with much starvation and loss of life there! See ‘To Starve A People: Why Drought In America, Canada And Australia?’ on Page 1 of Librarian’s Comments.

Germany Rearming Once Again

GERMANY IS BUILDING LONG RANGE ROCKETS TODAY! Using the ‘European Space Project’ as their excuse for building these! And TEN of the European Union nations under German control will combine their military and modern weapons development to once again attack Britain and America and their former allies of World War Two in Europe. This time to conquer our nations including the United States! It is going to happen!

This will prove to be NO SMALL THING as our nations begin to realize the punishments which have already started in the form of God allowing #1 Terror, and #2 Drought and Famine, which will cause starvation here in the U.S. and in Britain and the British descended nations.

And then #3. World War against our nations, this time with national defeat and captivity because this generation will not humble themselves to obey God. See Leviticus 26 which describes what was done to our ancestors, this will once again recur in this coming repeat of history to THIS generation! This applies to us today!

Eventually God will cause us to lose possession of this Continent because of our rejection of His Laws. Believe it or not THIS IS COMING TO THIS PRESENT GENERATION!

Pointing To The Future

Do you get the picture SUPREME COURT MEMBERS and our Nation’s Leadership and Educators? If you fail to understand that this nation is now on notice, there is always the hard way to learn THE MOST BITTER LESSON EVER LEARNED BY THIS MOST POWERFUL NATION ON EARTH. SOON TO FALL.


The British Commonwealth

Similar rulings have already been made in the British Commonwealth of Nations and in the nations of Western and North-Western Europe. Even as the US Supreme Court does the nation another terrible dis-service. All of these are the descendant nations of ancient Israel.

After having received the greatest national blessings promised to us under God’s agreement with our nation’s ancestors. Now we like them have broken our contract to live by God’s Law and so we have reached the point in time when our nation’s will no longer be protected by God. As indicated by the 9/11 attack!

Lessons To Learn

Learn how our ancestors were taught the hardest lessons in their history. With huge loss of life, national captivity and loss of their homeland back in ancient Israel!

We are about to experience DUALITY in prophecy as a repeat of this is about to be done to us! See ‘The United States And Britain In Prophecy’ on Page 1 of the Library.

Big Plans For The Next One Thousand Years!

Thankfully God has big plans for our descendants! They will be used to perform much greater works than even America and Britain in the future, on a scale which will amaze them.

See ‘The Wonderful World Tomorrow: What It Will Be Like’ on Library Page 1 and ‘The Coming: Wonderful World Tomorrow’ on Page 4 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.

See ‘Why Did God Allow: The 9/11 Terrorist Attack And Why Terror.’ and ‘To Starve A People: Why Drought In America, Canada And Australia’ in Librarian’s Comments and ‘Drought, Flood And Famine’ on Page 1 of the America And Britains Future Free Library.


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